一. String 转换为InputStream

String str = "String 与 inputStream转换";

InputStream ins1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());

InputStream ins2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes("UTF-8"));

二. InputStream 转为 String


   1: public String convertToString(InputStream is){

   2:         BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

   3:         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

   4:         String line = null;

   5:         try {

   6:             while((line = bReader.readLine())!=null){

   7:                 buffer.append(line);

   8:             }

   9:         } catch (IOException e) {

  10:             // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  11:             e.printStackTrace();

  12:         }finally{

  13:             try {

  14:                 bReader.close();

  15:             } catch (IOException e) {

  16:                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  17:                 e.printStackTrace();

  18:             }

  19:         }

  20:         return buffer.toString();

  21:     }


   1: public String convertToString(InputStream is){

   2:         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

   3:         byte[] b = new byte[1024];

   4:         try {

   5:             for(int n; (n = is.read(b))!=-1;)

   6:                 buffer.append(new String(b,0,n));

   7:             return buffer.toString();

   8:         } catch (IOException e) {

   9:             // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  10:             e.printStackTrace();

  11:         }finally{

  12:             try {

  13:                 is.close();

  14:             } catch (IOException e) {

  15:                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  16:                 e.printStackTrace();

  17:             }

  18:         }

  19:     }


   1: public String convertToString(InputStream is){

   2:         ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

   3:         int i = -1;

   4:         try {

   5:             while((i = is.read())!=-1){

   6:                 os.write(i);

   7:             }

   8:             return os.toString();

   9:         } catch (IOException e) {

  10:             // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  11:             e.printStackTrace();

  12:             return null;

  13:         }finally{

  14:             try {

  15:                 os.close();

  16:             } catch (IOException e) {

  17:                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  18:                 e.printStackTrace();

  19:             }

  20:         }

  21:     }

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