
You'll laugh, you'll cry

It's aesy to imaginehow the activities of CWB produce many emotional and encouraging stories.A clown who goes by the name of Banjo Max uses silly songs and lullabies to ease pain.

He recalls a child in Africa's Lesotho laughing amid tears and cries as the bandages were removed from his burn wounds.

Some stroies take place not only in places of hurt but also in places of hreat peril.A couple of American clowns intended to travel to Turkey for a tour in July 2016 before a coup occured there.The Americans' trip was cancelled,but the Turkish clowns that were to host them carried on with the project bravely.

These stories can also show how CWB connects people in surprising ways. "In Colobia, an armed police squad approached a children's performance to destory the shanty town that children were living in. The clowns were instructed to stay as witness and did.They comforted the families and maintained  an air of humor thile the police debated whether or not to completely destroy the town."Sucu stories show that a cheerful heart,as the proverb says,is indeed good medicine.


amid 在...中

The fans cheered for their winning team amid tears and laughter.

Amid mounds of books,I finally found my cellphone.

The band's latest album was released amid high expectations.

peril 重大的危机

In spite of great finally peril,our compay survived.

Drivers need to be educated about the peril of using cellphones while driving.

The journey through the desert was full of peril,but luckily,all of us arrived home safe and sound.

instruct 指示 命令

An engineer instructed me how to reset my printer on my PC.

I followed the policeman's instruction and left my office building.


I have no idea.

to go by the name of 笔名

to carry on with 继续做某事

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