之所以使用该标志,和Objective-C的一个重要特性:类别(category)有关。根据这里的解释,Unix的标准静态库实现和Objective-C的动态特性之间有一些冲突:Objective-C没有为每个函数(或者方法)定义链接符号,它只为每个类创建链接符号。这样当在一个静态库中使用类别来扩展已有类的时候,链接器不知道如何把类原有的方法和类别中的方法整合起来,就会导致你调用类别中的方法时,出现"selector not recognized",也就是找不到方法定义的错误。为了解决这个问题,引入了-ObjC标志,它的作用就是将静态库中所有的和对象相关的文件都加载进来。

本来这样就可以解决问题了,不过在64位的Mac系统或者iOS系统下,链接器有一个bug,会导致只包含有类别的静态库无法使用-ObjC标志来加载文件。变通方法是使用-all_load 或者-force_load标志,它们的作用都是加载静态库中所有文件,不过all_load作用于所有的库,而-force_load后面必须要指定具体的文件。


This flag causes the linker to load every object file in the library that defines an Objective-C class or category.

While this option will typically result in a larger executable (due to additional object code loaded into the application),

it will allow the successful creation of effective Objective-C static libraries that contain categories on existing classes.




IMPORTANT: For 64-bit and iPhone OS applications, there is a linker bug that prevents -ObjC from loading objects files from static libraries that contain only categories and no classes.

The workaround is to use the -all_load or -force_load flags. -all_load forces the linker to load all object files from every archive it sees, even those without Objective-C code.

-force_load is available in Xcode 3.2 and later. It allows finer grain control of archive loading. Each -force_load option must be followed by a path to an archive,

and every object file in that archive will be loaded.





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