《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》中文翻译系列 (28) ------ 第五章 加载实体和导航属性之测试实体是否加载与显式加载关联实体
翻译的初衷以及为什么选择《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》来学习,请看本系列开篇
5-11 测试实体引用或实体集合是否加载
图5-26 一个包含projects,managers和contractors的模型
在Visual Studio中添加一个名为Recipe11的控制台应用,并确保引用了实体框架6的库,NuGet可以很好的完成这个任务。在Reference目录上右键,并选择 Manage NeGet Packages(管理NeGet包),在Online页,定位并安装实体框架6的包。这样操作后,NeGet将下载,安装和配置实体框架6的库到你的项目中。
代码清单5-27. 实体类
- public class Contractor
- {
- public int ContracterID { get; set; }
- public string Name { get; set; }
- public int ProjectID { get; set; }
- public virtual Project Project { get; set; }
- }
- public class Manager
- {
- public Manager()
- {
- Projects = new HashSet<Project>();
- }
- public int ManagerID { get; set; }
- public string Name { get; set; }
- public virtual ICollection<Project> Projects { get; set; }
- }
- public class Project
- {
- public Project()
- {
- Contractors = new HashSet<Contractor>();
- }
- public int ProjectID { get; set; }
- public string Name { get; set; }
- public int ManagerID { get; set; }
- public virtual ICollection<Contractor> Contractors { get; set; }
- public virtual Manager Manager { get; set; }
- }
代码清单5-28. 上下文
- public class Recipe11Context : DbContext
- {
- public Recipe11Context()
- : base("Recipe11ConnectionString")
- {
- //禁用实体框架的模型兼容
- Database.SetInitializer<Recipe11Context>(null);
- }
- public DbSet<Contractor> Contractors { get; set; }
- public DbSet<Manager> Managers { get; set; }
- public DbSet<Project> Projects { get; set; }
- protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
- {
- modelBuilder.Entity<Contractor>().ToTable("Chapter5.Contractor");
- modelBuilder.Entity<Manager>().ToTable("Chapter5.Manager");
- modelBuilder.Entity<Project>().ToTable("Chapter5.Project");
- // 显示映射实体键
- modelBuilder.Entity<Contractor>().HasKey(x => x.ContracterID);
- }
- }
代码清单5-29. 连接字符串

- <connectionStrings>
- <add name="Recipe11ConnectionString"
- connectionString="Data Source=.;
- Initial Catalog=EFRecipes;
- Integrated Security=True;
- MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
- providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
- </connectionStrings>

- using (var context = new Recipe11Context())
- {
- var man1 = new Manager {Name = "Jill Stevens"};
- var proj = new Project {Name = "City Riverfront Park", Manager = man1};
- var con1 = new Contractor {Name = "Robert Alvert", Project = proj};
- var con2 = new Contractor {Name = "Alan Jones", Project = proj};
- var con3 = new Contractor {Name = "Nancy Roberts", Project = proj};
- context.Projects.Add(proj);
- context.SaveChanges();
- }
- using (var context = new Recipe11Context())
- {
- var project = context.Projects.Include("Manager").First();
- if (context.Entry(project).Reference(x => x.Manager).IsLoaded)
- Console.WriteLine("Manager entity is loaded.");
- else
- Console.WriteLine("Manager entity is NOT loaded.");
- if (context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).IsLoaded)
- Console.WriteLine("Contractors are loaded.");
- else
- Console.WriteLine("Contractors are NOT loaded.");
- Console.WriteLine("Calling project.Contractors.Load()...");
- context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).Load();
- if (context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).IsLoaded)
- Console.WriteLine("Contractors are now loaded.");
- else
- Console.WriteLine("Contractors failed to load.");
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue...");
- Console.ReadLine();
- Manager entity is loaded.
- Contractors are NOT loaded.
- Calling project.Contractors.Load()...
- Contractors are now loaded.
IsLoaded确切的含义,比看起来更让人迷惑。IsLoaded被调用Load()方法的查询设置,也被隐式的关系跨度设置。当你查询一个实体时,会隐式查询关联实体Key。如果这个隐式查询的结果是一个null值,IsLoaded会被设置成True,意思是数据库没有关联的实体。当我们显示加载关系并发现没有关联实体时,IsLoaded同样会被设置成True. (译注:这里可能会有点难理解,因为涉及到了一个术语:关系跨度(Relationship Span)的理解,它是指EF加载实体时总是一起返回外键值,以此来避免一些列的问题)
5-12 显示加载关联实体
图5-27 一个包含实体 doctor、appointment、patient的模型
代码清单5-31. 使用Load()方法
- using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
- {
- var doc1 = new Doctor { Name = "Joan Meyers" };
- var doc2 = new Doctor { Name = "Steven Mills" };
- var pat1 = new Patient { Name = "Bill Rivers" };
- var pat2 = new Patient { Name = "Susan Stevenson" };
- var pat3 = new Patient { Name = "Roland Marcy" };
- var app1 = new Appointment
- {
- Date = DateTime.Today,
- Doctor = doc1,
- Fee = 109.92M,
- Patient = pat1,
- Reason = "Checkup"
- };
- var app2 = new Appointment
- {
- Date = DateTime.Today,
- Doctor = doc2,
- Fee = 129.87M,
- Patient = pat2,
- Reason = "Arm Pain"
- };
- var app3 = new Appointment
- {
- Date = DateTime.Today,
- Doctor = doc1,
- Fee = 99.23M,
- Patient = pat3,
- Reason = "Back Pain"
- };
- context.Appointments.Add(app1);
- context.Appointments.Add(app2);
- context.Appointments.Add(app3);
- context.SaveChanges();
- }
- using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
- {
- // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体
- context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
- var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers");
- if (!context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded)
- {
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0}'s appointments were explicitly loaded.",
- doctorJoan.Name);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointment(s).",
- doctorJoan.Name,
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count());
- foreach (var appointment in context.Appointments)
- {
- if (!context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).IsLoaded)
- {
- context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was explicitly loaded.",
- appointment.Doctor.Name);
- }
- else
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was already loaded.",
- appointment.Doctor.Name);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("There are {0} appointments for Dr. {1}",
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(),
- doctorJoan.Name);
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Clear();
- Console.WriteLine("Collection clear()'ed");
- Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}",
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(),
- doctorJoan.Name);
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed");
- Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}",
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count().ToString(),
- doctorJoan.Name);
- //目前,DbContext 没有API去刷新实体,但底层的ObjectContext有,执行下面的动作。
- var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
- var objectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<Appointment>();
- objectSet.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges;
- objectSet.Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed with MergeOption.OverwriteChanges");
- Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}",
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(),
- doctorJoan.Name);
- }
- //演示先加载部分实体集合,然后再加载剩下的
- using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
- {
- // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体
- context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
- //加载第一个doctor然后只附加一个appointment
- var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers");
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Query().Take().Load();
- //注意,这里IsLoaded返回False,因为所有的实体还没有被加载到上下文
- var appointmentsLoaded = context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded;
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.",
- doctorJoan.Name,
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count());
- //当我需要加载剩下的appointments,只需要简单的调用Load()来加载它们
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.",
- doctorJoan.Name,
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count());
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue...");
- Console.ReadLine();
- Dr. Joan Meyers's appointments were explicitly loaded.
- Dr. Joan Meyers has appointment(s).
- Dr. Joan Meyers was already loaded.
- Dr. Steven Mills was explicitly loaded.
- Dr. Joan Meyers was already loaded.
- There are appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers
- Collection clear()'ed
- There are now appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers
- Collection loaded()'ed
- There are now appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers
- Collection loaded()'ed with MergeOption.OverwriteChanges
- There are now appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers
- Dr. Joan Meyers has appointments loaded.
- Dr. Joan Meyers has appointments loaded.
- Press <enter> to continue...
在foreach循环中,我们枚举了appointments,检查与它关联的doctor是否加载。注意输出,这时只有一个医生被加载,别的没有被加载。这是因为我们的第一个查询只获取了一个doctor。在获取appointmetns的过程中,实体框架会连接医生(doctor)和他的预约(appintments),这个过程被称为(非正式的)Relationship fixup(译注:这些概念虽然已经产生很多年,但中文资料关于它的介绍几乎没有,只看到一位兄弟把它翻译为“关系建立”,个人觉得它能表达这个词的含义,就借用了)。Relationship fixup 不会建立好所有的关联,特别是多对关联的实体。
3、PreserveChanges选项,本质上是OverwriteChanges选项的对立选项。当数据库中有改变时,它会更新实体对象的值。但是当内存里的值发生改变时,它不会更新实体对象的值。一个实体对象在内存中被修改,它不会被刷新。更准确地说,在内存中修改实体对象时,它的当前值(cruuent value)不会改变,但是,如果数据库有改变时,它的初始值(original value)会被更新。
- //演示先加载部分实体集合,然后再加载剩下的
- using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
- {
- // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体
- context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
- //加载第一个doctor然后只附加一个appointment
- var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers");
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Query().Take().Load();
- //注意,这里IsLoaded返回False,因为所有的实体还没有被加载到上下文
- var appointmentsLoaded = context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded;
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.",
- doctorJoan.Name,
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count());
- //当我需要加载剩下的appointments,只需要简单的调用Load()来加载它们
- context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load();
- Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.",
- doctorJoan.Name,
- doctorJoan.Appointments.Count());
- }
- Dr. Joan Meyers has appointments loaded.
- Dr. Joan Meyers has appointments loaded.
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《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》中文翻译系列 (28) ------ 第五章 加载实体和导航属性之测试实体是否加载与显式加载关联实体的更多相关文章
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