Geeks LCA最低公共单亲节点
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> class LCABST
struct Node
int data;
Node *left, *right;
Node(int d) : data(d), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
Node *lca(Node *root, int n1, int n2)
if (!root) return NULL;
if (n1 < root->data && n2 < root->data)
return lca(root->left, n1, n2);
if (root->data < n1 && root->data < n2)
return lca(root->right, n1, n2);
return root;
} Node *lcaIter(Node *root, int n1, int n2)
while (root)
if (n1 < root->data && n2 < root->data)
root = root->left;
else if (root->data < n1 && root->data < n2)
root = root->right;
else break;
return root;
} Node *root;
} void run()
// Let us construct the BST shown in the above figure
root = new Node(20);
root->left = new Node(8);
root->right = new Node(22);
root->left->left = new Node(4);
root->left->right = new Node(12);
root->left->right->left = new Node(10);
root->left->right->right = new Node(14); int n1 = 10, n2 = 14;
Node *t = lca(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data); n1 = 14, n2 = 8;
t = lca(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data); n1 = 10, n2 = 22;
t = lca(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data); n1 = 10, n2 = 14;
printf("\nIterative Run:\n");
t = lcaIter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data); n1 = 14, n2 = 8;
t = lcaIter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data); n1 = 10, n2 = 22;
t = lcaIter(root, n1, n2);
printf("LCA of %d and %d is %d \n", n1, n2, t->data);
void deleteTree(Node *r)
if (!r) return;
delete r; r = NULL;
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