
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
void readFileOnLine(){
String strFileName = "Filename.txt";
FileInputStream fis = openFileInput(strFileName);
StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer();
DataInputStream dataIO = new DataInputStream(fis);
String strLine = null;
while((strLine = dataIO.readLine()) != null) {
sBuffer.append(strLine + “\n");


public static String ReadTxtFile(String strFilePath)
String path = strFilePath;
String content = ""; //文件内容字符串
File file = new File(path); //打开文件 if (file.isDirectory()) //如果path是传递过来的参数,可以做一个非目录的判断
Log.d("TestFile", "The File doesn't not exist.");
try {
InputStream instream = new FileInputStream(file);
if (instream != null)
InputStreamReader inputreader = new InputStreamReader(instream);
BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(inputreader);
String line;
while (( line = buffreader.readLine()) != null) {
content += line + "\n";
catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
Log.d("TestFile", "The File doesn't not exist.");
catch (IOException e)
Log.d("TestFile", e.getMessage());
return content;



class WeightRecord {
String timestamp;
float weight;
public WeightRecord(String timestamp, float weight) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.weight = weight; }
} //开始读取
private WeightRecord[] readLog() throws Exception {
ArrayList<WeightRecord> result = new ArrayList<WeightRecord>();
File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
if (root == null)
throw new Exception("external storage dir not found");
File weightLogFile = new File(root,WeightService.LOGFILEPATH);
if (!weightLogFile.exists())
throw new Exception("logfile '"+weightLogFile+"' not found");
if (!weightLogFile.canRead())
throw new Exception("logfile '"+weightLogFile+"' not readable");
long modtime = weightLogFile.lastModified();
if (modtime == lastRecordFileModtime)
return lastLog;
// file exists, is readable, and is recently modified -- reread it.
lastRecordFileModtime = modtime;
// 然后将文件转化成字节流读取
FileReader reader = new FileReader(weightLogFile);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader);
long currentTime = -1;
String line = in.readLine();
while (line != null) {
WeightRecord rec = parseLine(line);
if (rec == null)
Log.e(TAG, "could not parse line: '"+line+"'");
else if (Long.parseLong(rec.timestamp) < currentTime)
Log.e(TAG, "ignoring '"+line+"' since it's older than prev log line");
else {
currentTime = Long.parseLong(rec.timestamp);
line = in.readLine();
lastLog = (WeightRecord[]) result.toArray(new WeightRecord[result.size()]);
return lastLog;
private WeightRecord parseLine(String line) {
if (line == null)
return null;
String[] split = line.split("[;]");
if (split.length < 2)
return null;
if (split[0].equals("Date"))
return null;
try {
String timestamp =(split[0]);
float weight = Float.parseFloat(split[1]) ;
return new WeightRecord(timestamp,weight);
catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG,"Invalid format in line '"+line+"'");
return null;


 public boolean logWeight(Intent batteryChangeIntent) {
Log.i(TAG, "logBattery");
if (batteryChangeIntent == null)
return false;
try {
FileWriter out = null;
if (mWeightLogFile != null) {
try {
out = new FileWriter(mWeightLogFile, true);
catch (Exception e) {}
if (out == null) {
File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
if (root == null)
throw new Exception("external storage dir not found");
mWeightLogFile = new File(root,WeightService.LOGFILEPATH);
boolean fileExists = mWeightLogFile.exists();
if (!fileExists) {
Toast.makeText(this, "create file failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (!mWeightLogFile.exists()) {
Log.i(TAG, "out = null");
throw new Exception("creation of file '"+mWeightLogFile.toString()+"' failed");
if (!mWeightLogFile.canWrite())
throw new Exception("file '"+mWeightLogFile.toString()+"' is not writable");
out = new FileWriter(mWeightLogFile, true);
if (!fileExists) {
String header = createHeadLine();
Log.i(TAG, "out != null");
String extras = createBatteryInfoLine(batteryChangeIntent);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;


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