这是一个Restful API自动化测试框架,这是一个能让你写出高可读性测试代码的测试框架!


话说目前行业内,Restful API自动化测试框架已经不是稀罕物了,各个语言都有自己的实现机制。拿Java的Jersey来讲,它本身就提供了一个API测试框架-Jersey Test Framework.能够帮助我们写API测试,但是这里我们想做的是另一套。

观察到Jersey使用了Fluent interface的模式来让代码可读性更高,比如下面:

String responseMsg = target.path("myresource").request().get(String.class);

那么如果我们也使用Fluent Interface模式,是不是也可以让我们的测试代码可读性更高呢?


APIRequest.GET(URL).header("Authorization", "Bearer " + token).invoke().assertStatus(200).assertBody(expectedBody);




  • 能够发HTTP请求 - Get,Post,Put,Delete,甚至 Head
  • 能够接受HTTP返回,并且能够方便验证其返回值
  • 能够打印所有Log,包含Request和Response的所有部分,这样当Case出错时,我们容易分析问题所在
  • 能够做好数据分离,用配置文件管理测试数据



  • Jersey Client 2.18 我们要使用它来帮助我们发HTTP Request
  • Junit4 测试框架,用它来写Case
  • Apache Commons IO 提供Common API帮助读写文件
  • SLF4J,打印log怎能少了它


最终,所有的HTTP Request都从APIRequest这个类出发,一步步构建,最终调用Invoke方法发送HTTP 请求。




  1. 如何发一个Get请求

    APIRequest.GET(uri).header("Authorization", token) .invoke().assertStatus(200).assertBodyContains("expectedContent");

  2. 如何使用XML或者Json格式的Payload

    String payload = loadFile("xmlfile.xml");

  3. 如何运行时定制化Payload填充参数

    String payload = String.format(loadFile("jsonfile.json"), "abc", "edf");

  4. 如何做数据分离,在Property文件管理参数

    `String uri = getValue("get.uri");


要想使用Fluent Paragraming Model来写case,那么就得让我们所有的包装方法,都能够返回期望的Class对象,更重要的是,我们是想让Request的返回和验证也能参与到Fluent模式的验证,所以在最终调用方法时,APIRequestAPIResponse就要能和谐的过渡到一起。


* General Class to make HTTP calls
* @author Carl Ji
*/ public class APIRequest { private UriBuilder uri;
private Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
private MediaType contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE;
private MediaType acceptType;
private String httpMethod;
private String body; private APIRequest(String uri, String method)
this.httpMethod = method;
} /**
* Build a HTTP Get request
* @param uri
* The URI on which a HTTP get request will be called
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public static APIRequest GET(String uri)
return new APIRequest(uri, HttpMethod.GET);
} /**
* Build a HTTP Post request
* @param uri
* The URI on which a POST request will be called
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public static APIRequest POST(String uri)
return new APIRequest(uri, HttpMethod.POST);
} /**
* Build a HTTP Put request
* @param uri
* The URI on which a PUT request will be called
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public static APIRequest PUT(String uri)
return new APIRequest(uri, HttpMethod.PUT);
} /**
* Build a HTTP Delete request
* @param uri
* The URI that the Delete Request will be called
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public static APIRequest DELETE(String uri)
return new APIRequest(uri, HttpMethod.DELETE);
} /**
* Build a HTTP HEAD request
* @param uri
* The URI that the Head request will be called
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public static APIRequest HEAD(String uri)
return new APIRequest(uri, HttpMethod.HEAD);
} /**
* Add the {@code value} to the end of URI to build the final URI
* @param value
* The value that will be appended to the URI
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest path(String value)
return this;
} /**
* Build the parameter in the request URI
* @param key
* The request URI parameter key
* @param value
* The request URI parameter value
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest param(String key, String value)
params.put(key, value);
return this;
} /**
* Set the content type in the request body
* @param type
* The content type {@link MediaType}
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest type(MediaType type)
this.contentType = type;
return this;
} /**
* Set the accepted type for the HTTP response when calling the specific HTTP request
* @param type
* The accepted type for the response of this request
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest accept(MediaType type)
this.acceptType = type;
return this;
} /**
* Set the HTTP request headers parameter
* @param key
* The header name
* @param value
* The corresponding value for the header
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest header(String key, String value)
headers.put(key, value);
return this;
} /**
* Set the request body
* @param body
* The body of the request
* @return
* {@link APIRequest}
public APIRequest body(String body)
this.body = body;
return this;
} /**
* Invoke jersey client to send HTTP request
* @return {@link APIResponse}
public APIResponse invoke()
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig(); /**
* Important: Jersey Invocation class will check "Entity must be null for http method DELETE."
* so we can not send DELETE request with entity in payload,
* here we suppress this check
config.property(ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, true); Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(config);
//Print all logs for each request and response
client.register(new LoggingFilter(Logger.getLogger(APIResponse.class.getName()), true)); WebTarget webTarget = client.target(uri);
for(Entry<String, String> key: params.entrySet())
webTarget = webTarget.queryParam(key.getKey(), key.getValue());
} Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder= webTarget.request();
if(acceptType != null)
invocationBuilder = invocationBuilder.accept(acceptType);
} if(!headers.isEmpty())
for(String key: headers.keySet())
invocationBuilder.header(key, headers.get(key));
} Response response; if(body == null)
response= invocationBuilder.method(httpMethod, Response.class);
response = invocationBuilder.method(httpMethod, Entity.entity(body, contentType), Response.class);
} return new APIResponse(response);






下一步打算结合我的Junit Extension工具,给框架添加灵活管理Case的能力,这样当Case变多时,就可以按需执行我们需要的Case。


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