Start a mysql
server instance
Starting a MySQL instance is simple:
docker run -itd --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -v ~/Data\&Log/dockerdata/mysql/:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql
Environment Variables
When you start the mysql
image, you can adjust the configuration of the MySQL instance by passing one or more environment variables on the docker run
command line. Do note that none of the variables below will have any effect if you start the container with a data directory that already contains a database: any pre-existing database will always be left untouched on container startup.
See also for documentation of environment variables which MySQL itself respects (especially variables like MYSQL_HOST
, which is known to cause issues when used with this image).
This variable is mandatory and specifies the password that will be set for the MySQL root
superuser account. In the above example, it was set to my-secret-pw
This variable is optional and allows you to specify the name of a database to be created on image startup. If a user/password was supplied (see below) then that user will be granted superuser access (corresponding to GRANT ALL
) to this database.
These variables are optional, used in conjunction to create a new user and to set that user's password. This user will be granted superuser permissions (see above) for the database specified by the MYSQL_DATABASE
variable. Both variables are required for a user to be created.
Do note that there is no need to use this mechanism to create the root superuser, that user gets created by default with the password specified by the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
This is an optional variable. Set to a non-empty value, like yes
, to allow the container to be started with a blank password for the root user. NOTE: Setting this variable to yes
is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing, since this will leave your MySQL instance completely unprotected, allowing anyone to gain complete superuser access.
This is an optional variable. Set to a non-empty value, like yes
, to generate a random initial password for the root user (using pwgen
). The generated root password will be printed to stdout (GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: .....
Sets root (not the user specified in MYSQL_USER
!) user as expired once init is complete, forcing a password change on first login. Any non-empty value will activate this setting. NOTE: This feature is supported on MySQL 5.6+ only. Using this option on MySQL 5.5 will throw an appropriate error during initialization.
By default, the entrypoint script automatically loads the timezone data needed for the CONVERT_TZ()
function. If it is not needed, any non-empty value disables timezone loading.
Docker Secrets
As an alternative to passing sensitive information via environment variables, _FILE
may be appended to the previously listed environment variables, causing the initialization script to load the values for those variables from files present in the container. In particular, this can be used to load passwords from Docker secrets stored in /run/secrets/<secret_name>
files. For example:
$ docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql-root -d mysql:tag
Currently, this is only supported for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
Where to Store Data
Important note: There are several ways to store data used by applications that run in Docker containers. We encourage users of the mysql
images to familiarize themselves with the options available, including:
- Let Docker manage the storage of your database data by writing the database files to disk on the host system using its own internal volume management. This is the default and is easy and fairly transparent to the user. The downside is that the files may be hard to locate for tools and applications that run directly on the host system, i.e. outside containers.
- Create a data directory on the host system (outside the container) and mount this to a directory visible from inside the container. This places the database files in a known location on the host system, and makes it easy for tools and applications on the host system to access the files. The downside is that the user needs to make sure that the directory exists, and that e.g. directory permissions and other security mechanisms on the host system are set up correctly.
The Docker documentation is a good starting point for understanding the different storage options and variations, and there are multiple blogs and forum postings that discuss and give advice in this area. We will simply show the basic procedure here for the latter option above:
Create a data directory on a suitable volume on your host system, e.g.
.Start your
container like this:$ docker run --name some-mysql -v /my/own/datadir:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:tag
The -v /my/own/datadir:/var/lib/mysql
part of the command mounts the /my/own/datadir
directory from the underlying host system as /var/lib/mysql
inside the container, where MySQL by default will write its data files.
通过 docker ps 命令查看是否安装成功:
- 本机可以通过 root 和密码 123456 访问 MySQL 服务。
/# mysql -u root -p
- 在 MySQL 服务中修改用户权限:
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%';
flush privileges;
docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v ~/Data\&Log/dockerdata/mongo:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin -d mongo
Connect to MongoDB from another Docker container
The MongoDB server in the image listens on the standard MongoDB port, 27017
, so connecting via Docker networks will be the same as connecting to a remote mongod
. The following example starts another MongoDB container instance and runs the mongo
command line client against the original MongoDB container from the example above, allowing you to execute MongoDB statements against your database instance:
$ docker run -it --network some-network --rm mongo mongo --host some-mongo test
... where some-mongo
is the name of your original mongo
start a redis instance
$ docker run --name redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis
start with persistent storage
$ docker run --name some-redis -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes
If persistence is enabled, data is stored in the VOLUME /data
, which can be used with --volumes-from some-volume-container
or -v /docker/host/dir:/data
(see docs.docker volumes).
docker run --name some-redis -v ~/Data\&Log/dockerdata/redis:/data -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes
For more about Redis Persistence, see
connecting via redis-cli
接着我们通过 redis-cli 连接测试使用 redis 服务。
$ docker run -it --network some-network --rm redis redis-cli -h some-redis
$ docker exec -it redis-test /bin/bash
redis-cli --raw
Additionally, If you want to use your own redis.conf ...
You can create your own Dockerfile that adds a redis.conf from the context into /data/, like so.
FROM redis
COPY redis.conf /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
CMD [ "redis-server", "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf" ]
Alternatively, you can specify something along the same lines with docker run
$ docker run -v /myredis/conf:/usr/local/etc/redis --name myredis redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
Where /myredis/conf/
is a local directory containing your redis.conf
file. Using this method means that there is no need for you to have a Dockerfile for your redis container.
The mapped directory should be writable, as depending on the configuration and mode of operation, Redis may need to create additional configuration files or rewrite existing ones.
- Start a Zookeeper server instance
$ docker run --name some-zookeeper --restart always -d zookeeper
better way:
docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -d -v ~/Data\&Log/zookeeper/conf:/conf -v ~/Data\&Log/zookeeper/data:/data -v ~/Data\&Log/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog zookeeper:3.5
This image includes EXPOSE 2181 2888 3888 8080
(the zookeeper client port, follower port, election port, AdminServer port respectively), so standard container linking will make it automatically available to the linked containers. Since the Zookeeper "fails fast" it's better to always restart it.
分别设置每台机器的server id
cd /data/zookeeper_data/data
touch myid
echo 0 > myid
- Connect to Zookeeper from an application in another Docker container
$ docker run --name some-app --link some-zookeeper:zookeeper -d application-that-uses-zookeeper
- Connect to Zookeeper from the Zookeeper command line client
$ docker run -it --rm --link some-zookeeper:zookeeper zookeeper -server zookeeper
- Configuration
Zookeeper configuration is located in /conf
. One way to change it is mounting your config file as a volume:
$ docker run --name some-zookeeper --restart always -d -v $(pwd)/zoo.cfg:/conf/zoo.cfg zookeeper
Environment variables
ZooKeeper recommended defaults are used if zoo.cfg
file is not provided. They can be overridden using the following environment variables.
$ docker run -e "ZOO_INIT_LIMIT=10" --name some-zookeeper --restart always -d zookeeper
Defaults to 2000
. ZooKeeper's tickTime
The length of a single tick, which is the basic time unit used by ZooKeeper, as measured in milliseconds. It is used to regulate heartbeats, and timeouts. For example, the minimum session timeout will be two ticks
Defaults to 5
. ZooKeeper's initLimit
Amount of time, in ticks (see tickTime), to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader. Increased this value as needed, if the amount of data managed by ZooKeeper is large.
Defaults to 2
. ZooKeeper's syncLimit
Amount of time, in ticks (see tickTime), to allow followers to sync with ZooKeeper. If followers fall too far behind a leader, they will be dropped.
Defaults to 60
. ZooKeeper's maxClientCnxns
Limits the number of concurrent connections (at the socket level) that a single client, identified by IP address, may make to a single member of the ZooKeeper ensemble.
Defaults to true
. Zookeeper's standaloneEnabled
Prior to 3.5.0, one could run ZooKeeper in Standalone mode or in a Distributed mode. These are separate implementation stacks, and switching between them during run time is not possible. By default (for backward compatibility) standaloneEnabled is set to true. The consequence of using this default is that if started with a single server the ensemble will not be allowed to grow, and if started with more than one server it will not be allowed to shrink to contain fewer than two participants.
Defaults to true
. Zookeeper's admin.enableServer
The AdminServer is an embedded Jetty server that provides an HTTP interface to the four letter word commands. By default, the server is started on port 8080, and commands are issued by going to the URL "/commands/[command name]", e.g., http://localhost:8080/commands/stat.
Defaults to 0
. Zookeeper's autoPurge.purgeInterval
The time interval in hours for which the purge task has to be triggered. Set to a positive integer (1 and above) to enable the auto purging. Defaults to 0.
Defaults to 3
. Zookeeper's autoPurge.snapRetainCount
When enabled, ZooKeeper auto purge feature retains the autopurge.snapRetainCount most recent snapshots and the corresponding transaction logs in the dataDir and dataLogDir respectively and deletes the rest. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 3.
Defaults to srvr
. Zookeeper's 4lw.commands.whitelist
A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands that user wants to use. A valid Four Letter Words command must be put in this list else ZooKeeper server will not enable the command. By default the whitelist only contains "srvr" command which uses. The rest of four letter word commands are disabled by default.
Where to store data
This image is configured with volumes at /data
and /datalog
to hold the Zookeeper in-memory database snapshots and the transaction log of updates to the database, respectively.
Be careful where you put the transaction log. A dedicated transaction log device is key to consistent good performance. Putting the log on a busy device will adversely affect performance.
How to configure logging
By default, ZooKeeper redirects stdout/stderr outputs to the console. You can redirect to a file located in /logs
by passing environment variable ZOO_LOG4J_PROP
as follows:
$ docker run --name some-zookeeper --restart always -e ZOO_LOG4J_PROP="INFO,ROLLINGFILE" zookeeper
This will write logs to /logs/zookeeper.log
. Check ZooKeeper Logging for more details.
This image is configured with a volume at /logs
for your convenience.
Running Consul for Development
docker run --name consul -d -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600/udp consul
$ docker run -d --name=dev-consul -e CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE=eth0 consul
This runs a completely in-memory Consul server agent with default bridge networking and no services exposed on the host, which is useful for development but should not be used in production. For example, if that server is running at internal address, you can run a three node cluster for development by starting up two more instances and telling them to join the first node.
$ docker run -d -e CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE=eth0 consul agent -dev -join=
... server 2 starts
$ docker run -d -e CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE=eth0 consul agent -dev -join=
... server 3 starts
Then we can query for all the members in the cluster by running a Consul CLI command in the first container:
$ docker exec -t dev-consul consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
579db72c1ae1 alive server 0.6.3 2 dc1
93fe2309ef19 alive server 0.6.3 2 dc1
c9caabfd4c2a alive server 0.6.3 2 dc1
Remember that Consul doesn't use the data volume in this mode - once the container stops all of your state will be wiped out, so please don't use this mode for production. Running completely on the bridge network with the development server is useful for testing multiple instances of Consul on a single machine, which is normally difficult to do because of port conflicts.
Development mode also starts a version of Consul's web UI on port 8500. This can be added to the other Consul configurations by supplying the -ui
option to Consul on the command line. The web assets are bundled inside the Consul binary in the container.
Running Consul Agent in Client Mode
$ docker run -d --net=host -e 'CONSUL_LOCAL_CONFIG={"leave_on_terminate": true}' consul agent -bind=<external ip> -retry-join=<root agent ip>
==> Starting Consul agent...
==> Starting Consul agent RPC...
==> Consul agent running!
Node name: 'linode'
Datacenter: 'dc1'
Server: false (bootstrap: false)
Client Addr: (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, DNS: 8600, RPC: 8400)
Cluster Addr: <external ip> (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Gossip encrypt: false, RPC-TLS: false, TLS-Incoming: false
Atlas: <disabled>
This runs a Consul client agent sharing the host's network and advertising the external IP address to the rest of the cluster. Note that the agent defaults to binding its client interfaces to, which is the host's loopback interface. This would be a good configuration to use if other containers on the host also use --net=host
, and it also exposes the agent to processes running directly on the host outside a container, such as HashiCorp's Nomad.
The -retry-join
parameter specifies the external IP of one other agent in the cluster to use to join at startup. There are several ways to control how an agent joins the cluster, see the agent configuration guide for more details on the -join
, -retry-join
, and -atlas-join
Note also we've set leave_on_terminate
environment variable. This is recommended for clients to and will be defaulted to true
in Consul 0.7 and later, so this will no longer be necessary.
At startup, the agent will read config JSON files from /consul/config
. Data will be persisted in the /consul/data
Running Consul Agent in Server Mode
$ docker run -d --net=host -e 'CONSUL_LOCAL_CONFIG={"skip_leave_on_interrupt": true}' consul agent -server -bind=<external ip> -retry-join=<root agent ip> -bootstrap-expect=<number of server agents>
This runs a Consul server agent sharing the host's network. All of the network considerations and behavior we covered above for the client agent also apply to the server agent. A single server on its own won't be able to form a quorum and will be waiting for other servers to join.
Just like the client agent, the -retry-join
parameter specifies the external IP of one other agent in the cluster to use to join at startup. There are several ways to control how an agent joins the cluster, see the agent configuration guide for more details on the -join
, -retry-join
, and -atlas-join
options. The server agent also consumes a -bootstrap-expect
option that specifies how many server agents to watch for before bootstrapping the cluster for the first time. This provides an easy way to get an orderly startup with a new cluster. See the agent configuration guide for more details on the -bootstrap
and -bootstrap-expect
Note also we've set skip_leave_on_interrupt
environment variable. This is recommended for servers and will be defaulted to true
in Consul 0.7 and later, so this will no longer be necessary.
At startup, the agent will read config JSON files from /consul/config
. Data will be persisted in the /consul/data
Once the cluster is bootstrapped and quorum is achieved, you must use care to keep the minimum number of servers operating in order to avoid an outage state for the cluster. The deployment table in the consensus guide outlines the number of servers required for different configurations. There's also an adding/removing servers guide that describes that process, which is relevant to Docker configurations as well. The outage recovery guide has steps to perform if servers are permanently lost. In general it's best to restart or replace servers one at a time, making sure servers are healthy before proceeding to the next server.
Exposing Consul's DNS Server on Port 53
By default, Consul's DNS server is exposed on port 8600. Because this is cumbersome to configure with facilities like resolv.conf
, you may want to expose DNS on port 53. Consul 0.7 and later supports this by setting an environment variable that runs setcap
on the Consul binary, allowing it to bind to privileged ports. Note that not all Docker storage backends support this feature (notably AUFS).
Here's an example:
$ docker run -d --net=host -e 'CONSUL_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS=' consul -dns-port=53 -recursor=
This example also includes a recursor configuration that uses Google's DNS servers for non-Consul lookups. You may want to adjust this based on your particular DNS configuration. If you are binding Consul's client interfaces to the host's loopback address, then you should be able to configure your host's resolv.conf
to route DNS requests to Consul by including "" as the primary DNS server. This would expose Consul's DNS to all applications running on the host, but due to Docker's built-in DNS server, you can't point to this directly from inside your containers; Docker will issue an error message if you attempt to do this. You must configure Consul to listen on a non-localhost address that is reachable from within other containers.
Once you bind Consul's client interfaces to the bridge or other network, you can use the --dns
option in your other containers in order for them to use Consul's DNS server, mapped to port 53. Here's an example:
$ docker run -d --net=host -e 'CONSUL_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS=' consul agent -dns-port=53 -recursor= -bind=<bridge ip>
Now start another container and point it at Consul's DNS, using the bridge address of the host:
$ docker run -i --dns=<bridge ip> -t ubuntu sh -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y dnsutils && dig consul.service.consul"
consul.service.consul. 0 IN A
In the example above, adding the bridge address to the host's /etc/resolv.conf
file should expose it to all containers without running with the --dns
Service Discovery with Containers
There are several approaches you can use to register services running in containers with Consul. For manual configuration, your containers can use the local agent's APIs to register and deregister themselves, see the Agent API for more details. Another strategy is to create a derived Consul container for each host type which includes JSON config files for Consul to parse at startup, see Services for more information. Both of these approaches are fairly cumbersome, and the configured services may fall out of sync if containers die or additional containers are started.
If you run your containers under HashiCorp's Nomad scheduler, it has first class support for Consul. The Nomad agent runs on each host alongside the Consul agent. When jobs are scheduled on a given host, the Nomad agent automatically takes care of syncing the Consul agent with the service information. This is very easy to manage, and even services on hosts running outside of Docker containers can be managed by Nomad and registered with Consul. You can find out more about running Docker under Nomad in the Docker Driver guide.
Other open source options include Registrator from Glider Labs and ContainerPilot from Joyent. Registrator works by running a Registrator instance on each host, alongside the Consul agent. Registrator monitors the Docker daemon for container stop and start events, and handles service registration with Consul using the container names and exposed ports as the service information. ContainerPilot manages service registration using tooling running inside the container to register services with Consul on start, manage a Consul TTL health check while running, and deregister services when the container stops.
Running Health Checks in Docker Containers
Consul has the ability to execute health checks inside containers. If the Docker daemon is exposed to the Consul agent and the DOCKER_HOST
environment variable is set, then checks can be configured with the Docker container ID to execute in. See the health checks guide for more details.
Quick Start
docker run --name nacos-quick -e MODE=standalone -p 8849:8848 -d nacos/nacos-server:2.0.2
docker run --name nacos -d -p 8848:8848 -e MODE=standalone nacos/nacos-server
⽤户名密码为 nacos
Advanced Usage
Tips: You can change the version of the Nacos image in the compose file from the following configuration.
Run the following command:
Clone project
git clone --depth 1
cd nacos-docker
Standalone Derby
docker-compose -f example/standalone-derby.yaml up
Standalone Mysql
# Using mysql 5.7
docker-compose -f example/standalone-mysql-5.7.yaml up # Using mysql 8
docker-compose -f example/standalone-mysql-8.yaml up
docker-compose -f example/cluster-hostname.yaml up
Service registration
curl -X PUT ''
Service discovery
curl -X GET ''
Publish config
curl -X POST ""
Get config
curl -X GET ""
Open the Nacos console in your browser
Common property configuration
name | description | option |
MODE | cluster/standalone | cluster/standalone default cluster |
NACOS_SERVERS | nacos cluster address | eg. ip1:port1 ip2:port2 ip3:port3 |
PREFER_HOST_MODE | Whether hostname are supported | hostname/ip default ip |
NACOS_APPLICATION_PORT | nacos server port | default 8848 |
NACOS_SERVER_IP | custom nacos server ip when network was mutil-network | |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PLATFORM | standalone support mysql | mysql / empty default empty |
MYSQL_SERVICE_HOST | mysql host | |
MYSQL_SERVICE_PORT | mysql database port | default : 3306 |
MYSQL_SERVICE_DB_NAME | mysql database name | |
MYSQL_SERVICE_USER | username of database | |
MYSQL_SERVICE_PASSWORD | password of database | |
MYSQL_DATABASE_NUM | It indicates the number of database | default :1 |
MYSQL_SERVICE_DB_PARAM | Database url parameter | default : characterEncoding=utf8&connectTimeout=1000&socketTimeout=3000&autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false |
JVM_XMS | -Xms | default :1g |
JVM_XMX | -Xmx | default :1g |
JVM_XMN | -Xmn | default :512m |
JVM_MS | -XX:MetaspaceSize | default :128m |
JVM_MMS | -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | default :320m |
NACOS_DEBUG | enable remote debug | y/n default :n |
TOMCAT_ACCESSLOG_ENABLED | server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled | default :false |
NACOS_AUTH_SYSTEM_TYPE | The auth system to use, currently only 'nacos' is supported | default :nacos |
NACOS_AUTH_ENABLE | If turn on auth system | default :false |
NACOS_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS | The token expiration in seconds | default :18000 |
NACOS_AUTH_TOKEN | The default token | default :SecretKey012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 |
NACOS_AUTH_CACHE_ENABLE | Turn on/off caching of auth information. By turning on this switch, the update of auth information would have a 15 seconds delay. | default : false |
MEMBER_LIST | Set the cluster list with a configuration file or command-line argument | eg:,, |
EMBEDDED_STORAGE | Use embedded storage in cluster mode without mysql | embedded default : none |
NACOS_AUTH_CACHE_ENABLE | nacos.core.auth.caching.enabled | default : false |
NACOS_AUTH_USER_AGENT_AUTH_WHITE_ENABLE | nacos.core.auth.enable.userAgentAuthWhite | default : false |
NACOS_AUTH_IDENTITY_KEY | nacos.core.auth.server.identity.key | default : serverIdentity |
NACOS_AUTH_IDENTITY_VALUE | nacos.core.auth.server.identity.value | default : security |
NACOS_SECURITY_IGNORE_URLS | | default : /,/error,/**/*.css,/**/*.js,/**/*.html,/**/*.map,/**/*.svg,/**/*.png,/**/*.ico,/console-fe/public/**,/v1/auth/**,/v1/console/health/**,/actuator/**,/v1/console/server/** |
Advanced configuration
If the above property configuration list does not meet your requirements, you can mount the
file into the /home/nacos/init.d/
directory of the container, where the spring properties can be configured, and the priority is higher than
Reference example: cluster-hostname.yaml
Nacos + Grafana + Prometheus
Usage reference:Nacos monitor-guide
Note: When Grafana creates a new data source, the data source address must be http://prometheus:9090
Running the daemon
RabbitMQ 3.9 一下可以用:
docker run --name rabbitmq -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=spring -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=spring
One of the important things to note about RabbitMQ is that it stores data based on what it calls the "Node Name", which defaults to the hostname. What this means for usage in Docker is that we should specify -h
explicitly for each daemon so that we don't get a random hostname and can keep track of our data:
$ docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3
This will start a RabbitMQ container listening on the default port of 5672. If you give that a minute, then do docker logs rabbitmq
, you'll see in the output a block similar to:
=INFO REPORT==== 6-Jul-2015::20:47:02 ===
node : rabbit@my-rabbit
home dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
cookie hash : UoNOcDhfxW9uoZ92wh6BjA==
log : tty
sasl log : tty
database dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@my-rabbit
Note the database dir
there, especially that it has my "Node Name" appended to the end for the file storage. This image makes all of /var/lib/rabbitmq
a volume by default.
Environment Variables
For a list of environment variables supported by RabbitMQ itself, see the Environment Variables section of
WARNING: As of RabbitMQ 3.9, all of the docker-specific variables listed below are deprecated and no longer used. Please use a configuration file instead; visit to learn more about the configuration file. For a starting point, the 3.8 images will print out the config file it generated from supplied environment variables.
# Unavailable in 3.9 and up
# 环境变量可参考:
version: '3'
image: # 镜像`rabbitmq:3.9.1-management` 【 注:该版本包含了web控制页面 】
container_name: rabbitmq # 容器名为'rabbitmq'
hostname: my-rabbit
restart: always # 指定容器退出后的重启策略为始终重启
environment: # 设置环境变量,相当于docker run命令中的-e
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
volumes: # 数据卷挂载路径设置,将本机目录映射到容器目录
- "./rabbitmq/config/rabbitmq.conf:/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf"
- "./rabbitmq/config/10-default-guest-user.conf:/etc/rabbitmq/conf.d/10-default-guest-user.conf"
- "./rabbitmq/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq"
# - "./rabbitmq/log:/var/log/rabbitmq"
ports: # 映射端口
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
loopback_users.guest = false
listeners.tcp.default = 5672
default_vhost = my_vhost
default_user = admin
default_pass = admin
default_user_tags.administrator = true
default_permissions.configure = .* = .*
default_permissions.write = .*
hipe_compile = false
management.listener.port = 15672
management.listener.ssl = false
## see for further information
## on configuring RabbitMQ
## allow access to the guest user from anywhere on the network
## loopback_users.guest = false
这时 rabbitmq 是在 docker 中安装好了,但是这时候如果就去浏览器访问可能会碰到两个问题:
1. 地址访问不到
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
2. 如文章开头图片所示,我们没有 Username
rabbitmqctl add_user mhlevel mhlevel #添加用户,后面两个参数分别是用户名和密码
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / mhlevel ".*" ".*" ".*" #添加权限
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags mhlevel administrator #修改用户角色
- administrator 可以登录控制台、查看所有信息、可以对rabbitmq进行管理
- monitoring 监控者 登录控制台,查看所有信息
- policymaker 策略制定者 登录控制台,指定策略
- managment 普通管理员 登录控制台
Memory Limits
RabbitMQ contains functionality which explicitly tracks and manages memory usage, and thus needs to be made aware of cgroup-imposed limits (e.g. docker run --memory=..
The upstream configuration setting for this is vm_memory_high_watermark
in rabbitmq.conf
, and it is described under "Memory Alarms" in the documentation. If you set a relative limit via vm_memory_high_watermark.relative
, then RabbitMQ will calculate its limits based on the host's total memory and not the limit set by the contianer runtime.
Additional Configuration
If configuration is required, it is recommended to supply an appropriate /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf
file (see the "Configuration File(s)" section of the RabbitMQ documentation for more details), for example via bind-mount, Docker Configs, or a short Dockerfile
with a COPY
Alternatively, it is possible to use the RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS
environment variable, whose syntax is described in section 7.8 ("Configuring an Application") of the Erlang OTP Design Principles User's Guide (the appropriate value for -ApplName
is -rabbit
), this method requires a slightly different reproduction of its equivalent entry in rabbitmq.conf
. For example, configuring channel_max
would look something like -e RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS="-rabbit channel_max 4007"
. Where the space between the variable channel_max
and its value 4007
correctly becomes a comma when translated in the environment.
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