Excel Add-in - How to automate installation

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Automatic Approach

​The best way to automate the adding of the Sharperlight Excel add-in is to call the Sharperlight Excel Add-in Intaller Application found in the installation folder in ​C:\Program Files (x86)\phiLight\SharperLight\bin\md.InstallExcelAddin.exe

The application will create the correct Excel Add-in registry keys given that it has enough permissions to do so.  If you are using Critrix you may want to call this Application when user sign-on scripts are run to ensure that the Sharperlight Add-in is present.   Another appoarch would be to have a Desktop Shortcut so that the user can click the icon to have the Add-in reinstalled if for whatever reason the Add-in had disappeared or had dropped out.

Manual Approach

Installing the Excel Add-in

You can manually add the Sharperlight Excel Add-in by using Excel selecting

File\Options\Add-Ins\Manage and clicking the Go button and browsing for the add-in file

32bit Office

C:\Program Files\phiLight\SharperLight\bin\md.XLAddin.xll

64bit Offce

C:\Program Files\phiLight\SharperLight\bin\md.XLAddin64.dll

It is also possible have the add-in open by setting the Windows Registry Key

Installing the Excel Add-in on Citrix 

The link below is an example of using a batch file to auto set the user Excel registry settings to have Excel open the add-in when the user starts Excel.

The batch file is run when the user logs onto Citrix.  In this way the user does not have to manually add the add-in themselves in Excel.

The batch file can be later removed when everyone has logged on at least once.

You could take this method a step further and only run the batch for the few users that require the add-in or have the batch determine which users it creates the reg key for

You need to get the office version of the reg key matched with the version on Critix,  14.0 is for Office 2010

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"OPEN"="/R \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\phiLight\\SharperLight\\bin\\md.XLAddin.xll\""
If more than one add-in is present then OPEN1  OPEN2 etc may have to be used.



Because someone may try and add the add-in manually you can prevent them from using the Add-in in the following way

The link below explains that specific users can be given access to run the Add-in by setting permissions on the add-in DLL

32bit Office

C:\Program Files\phiLight\SharperLight\bin\md.XLAddin.xll

64bit Offce

C:\Program Files\phiLight\SharperLight\bin\md.XLAddin64.dll


Trouble Shooting

Excel creates registry keys when an add-in is added.  The follow are reasons are why the add-in may disappear.

  1. Excel did not have permissions to create the registry keys  (Run Excel as Admin and add the Sharperlight Add-in then close and open Excel again)
  2. The IT department may have scripts to clear down the users profile on logoff and copy a basic profile on logon which is missing the add-in registry keys
  3. There is another add-in that doesn't comply with add-in rules and always assumes it will be the first or last add-in for example.  Try adding Sharperlight after this add-in not before.  For example Analysis ToolPak has been known to cause issues when it is not the last Add-in in the list.
  4. In Trust Centre on the Add-ins tab make sure that Disable all Application Add-in is not on



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