January 27th, 2018 Week 04th Saturday
How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second.
Just one second can make your life totally different.
If you value every minute and every second, you can make them become everlasting.
Time is always passing, and we are changing also.
At this moment, we are older than the last second, but we should never regret for the past, it is a wise thought and action to sum up the past and handle the present.
Sometimes, after a whole day with nothing being done, I always felt the burden of guilt and regret dominated my minds and I couldn't restore from such feelings to find out some effective solutions for my horrible life.
How to manage my time? How to get rid of those bad habits and form some positive ones?
I tend to lose control of myself and my time, and I know that brings chaos in my days.
Try to manage my time consciously, try to make some schedules and follow them.
It may be hard in the beginning but I believe I will definitely find it worth my efforts in end.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
From Marcel Proust.
If you have the keen eyes, you will always find some new landscapses in your journey.
And you won't let others tell you where the new landscapes are, for you will find out them first.
That would bring you a great honor.
But you know, seeking and seeing lots of new landscapes can help you expand your horizon, that would help you find and see more new things in turn.
Now that such abilities are just what I desperately need now, I would better spend more time on reading some papers on this field, if you know what your colleagues don't know, you are absolutely unique and irreplaceable in your group.
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