

ASP.Net Core on Linux (CentOS7) 共享第三方依赖库部署


ASP.NET Core 共享第三方依赖库部署的Bug(*.deps.json on 2.2.0 or 4.6.0 版本)





Steps to reproduce

I try to put the Microsoft..dll and System..dll togather to a new folder.
I find xxx.deps.json can make it work.
but today,when i update the Microsoft. Aspnetcore to 2.2.0 version.
it dose not work, and make me crazy.

because it always show me the msg like this:

F:\Code\OpenSource\Aries-GitHub\trunk\Aries.DevFramework\Web.UI_NetCore\bin\Rele ase\PublishOutput>dotnet Web.UI.dll Error: **An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (Web.UI.deps.js on) was not found**: package: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions', version: '2.2.0 ' path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions.d ll'
and the json like this:

"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions/2.2.0": {
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions": "2.2.0",
"Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions": "2.2.0",
"Microsoft.Extensions.Options": "2.2.0"
"runtime": {
"lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions.dll": {
"fileVersion": ""

it take me much time to find out the question what it's.
when i try to maike it like this:
it work.
and then i find the version on /4.6.0 ,it does not work also.
how ugly this bug it's.



ok,i try it again.
1、I have a mvc website:http://mvc.taurus.cyqdata.com, it run on CentOS7,at first it deploy like this :

and now it make it like this by *.deps.json:

I put the Microsoft.xxx.dll or System.xxx.dll to another folder like package.
how I do that ? I replace all the path lib/netstardardxxxx to my path.

so it work well at Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.0.3 version.
but my question is :when i update to 2.2.0 version,it dose not work.

if i change the version to anything like 2.2.x,it will work well.
I find it have the same bug on linux and windows. now ,you kown what i say ?




OK,I try it again.
I make a SourceCode and Demo,you can download on (5M) : http://mvc.taurus.cyqdata.com/WebPublish.rar
unrar and "dotnet Taurus.View.dll" on cmd,you will get the error message like:

and you replace 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 at Taurus.View.deps.json like this,and run again,it will be ok.

you you need the source code for building, you can download on (917K) : http://mvc.taurus.cyqdata.com/SourceCode.rar


Thanks a lot.

The immediate failure is caused by a missing file. The Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstraction.dll is in fact not there. So it fails correctly.

If you change the version you effectively corrupt the .deps.json. The entire string Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstraction/2.2.0 is a package identifier, which should exist in the libraries section near the end of the .deps.json file. As is the package section exists. If you change the version it won't find the package. I guess it's a bug that it won't fail in that case, in fact it simply ignores the assembly if it can't find the matching package section. This is definitely not expected, but I doubt we can fix it (if somebody relies on this behavior we would break them).

The app runs without the assembly just fine, at least the startup as I assume it doesn't need it. If it would run into code which needs it, it would fail at runtime.

Note that when I built it from source, it worked without any modifications (as the file was present).

As for the number of additional files in the app. I took your solution, changed all projects to target netcoreapp2.2 (since you're trying to use ASP.NET Core 2.2, it makes sense to target 2.2 for everything). And then I added this line to the Taurus.View_NetCore.csproj

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />

Now when I publish the solution, I get only about 20 files in the output. Basically just the application plus 2 additional System.* assemblies.


To facilitate the presentation of the problem,
I put Microsoft. AspNetCore. Authentication. Abstraction. dll in the Lib directory, and then the path of the configuration file was modified to point to it, so the file is supposed to exist, even if it is not used in the project, but the direction of the path is right, I don't know if you notice it.

Version number is no problem, after all, it is automatically generated by the system.

In addition, the 2.2.0 I mentioned above refers to the Nuget version package of ASPNET Core. It is not. NetApp version upgraded to 2.2. App version is still using 2.1.


I'm sorry - I don't understand your comment about the version number not being a problem. It is by design that the run fails if .deps.json refers to a file which it can't find, so in your repro, the fact that it fails is expected.
I do agree that the fact that if the version number is changed (and thus doesn't match the package in the libraries section) the run will simply ignore the problem and the file and just continue is a bug. I have my doubts we would fix it though as it might break people.
By doing this the .deps.json becomes invalid, and the current error checking is somewhat simplistic on .deps.json - this is basically expected, as the .deps.json is not meant to be used by humans - it is meant to be machine generated, and thus it's reasonable to expect correct input.

As for ASPNET Core versioning - I'm honestly surprised you can even run ASP.NET 2.2 on .NET Core 2.1, but I'm no expert in ASP.NET deployment.

To explain why you get so many files in the output:

    • Normally .NET Core apps rely on "shared frameworks" which live in the global installed location. These are referenced from the .runtimeconfig.json. You can see that your app references Microsoft.NETCore.App there, which is the root framework (contains CoreCLR and CoreFX).
    • ASP.NET itself contains lot of assemblies. Again by default this will be recognized as a "shared framework" and you would get a reference to Microsoft.AspNet.Core.App in your .runtimeconfig.json.
    • If one of the referenced shared frameworks contains the required assembly, then that assembly is not included in the output of the app. So by default you don't get pretty much any "Microsoft." or "System." assemblies in the app as those are all in the shared frameworks.
    • In your case I can only assume the build system is confused a bit - you require ASPNET Core 2.2 on .NET Core 2.1. Since no such shared framework exists, it probably just brings all the ASP.NET assemblies into the app. By migrating all projects to .NET Core 2.2 you give the build system a way to rely on shared frameworks instead. For some reason the PackageReference to ASPNET also has to be in the main project for this to work (no idea why).
    • Once that is done, your app should have a reference to Microsoft.AspNet.Core.App version 2.2 which in turn has a reference to Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.2. And so the build system will be able to avoid all the system assemblies in the app and solely rely on the shared frameworks.


i mean,when you down from http://mvc.taurus.cyqdata.com/WebPublish.rar
and unrar , you will find lib/Microsoft. AspNetCore. Authentication. Abstraction. dll and this dll version is 2.2.0. the file is exists.
and the Taurus.View.deps.json , you look,it point to the same path.

so,tell me ,why can't find it ,the related path is error ?




于是,我转身向服务器走去,我Down下了2.0.3那个运行正常的runtimeconfig.json文件,打开一看,what X,什么时候多了一行:





好聚好散,但它还是坚持让我升级到NetCore 2.2版本:



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