Tutorial: Create a Windows Machine Learning UWP application (C#)
In this tutorial, we'll build a simple Universal Windows Platform application that uses a trained machine learning model to recognize a numeric digit drawn by the user. This tutorial primarily focuses on how to load and use Windows ML in your UWP application.
The following video walks through the sample that this tutorial is based on.
- Windows 10 Insider Preview (Version 1809 or higher)
- Windows 10 SDK (Build 17763 or higher)
- Visual Studio 2017
1. Download the sample
First, you'll need to download our MNIST Tutorial from GitHub. We've provided a template with implemented XAML controls and events, including:
- An InkCanvas to draw the digit.
- Buttons to interpret the digit and clear the canvas.
- Helper routines to convert the InkCanvas output to a VideoFrame.
A completed MNIST sample is also available to download from GitHub.
2. Open the project in Visual Studio
Launch Visual Studio, and open the MNIST sample application. (If the solution is shown as unavailable, you'll need to right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and select Reload Project.)
Inside the Solution Explorer, the project has three main code files:
- All of our XAML code to create the UI for the InkCanvas, buttons, and labels.MainPage.xaml.cs
- Where our application code lives.Helper.cs
- Helper routines to crop and convert image formats.
3. Build and run the project
In the Visual Studio toolbar, change the Solution Platform to x64 to run the project on your local machine.
To run the project, click the Start Debugging button on the toolbar, or press F5. The application should show an InkCanvas where users can write a digit, a Recognize button to interpret the number, an empty label field where the interpreted digit will be displayed as text, and a Clear Digit button to clear the InkCanvas.
If the project won't build, you might need to change the project's deployment target version. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties. In the Application tab, set the Target version and Min version to match your OS and SDK.
4. Download a model
Next, let's get a machine learning model to add to our application. For this tutorial, we'll use a pre-trained MNIST model that was trained with the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) and exported to ONNX format.
If you are using the MNIST Tutorial sample from GitHub, the MNIST model has already been included in your Assets folder, and you will need to add it to your application as an existing item. You can also download the pre-trained model from the ONNX Model Zoo on GitHub.
5. Add the model
After downloading the MNIST model, right click on the Assets folder in the Solution Explorer, and select Add > Existing Item. Point the file picker to the location of your ONNX model, and click Add.
The project should now have two new files:
- your trained model.mnist.cs
- the Windows ML-generated code.
To make sure the model builds when we compile our application, right click on the mnist.onnx
file, and select Properties. For Build Action, select Content.
Now, let's take a look at the newly generated code in the mnist.cs
file. We have three classes:
- mnistModel creates the machine learning model representation, creates a sessions on the system default device, binds the specific inputs and outputs to the model, and evaluates the model asynchronously.
- mnistInput initializes the input types that the model expects. In this case, the input expects an ImageFeatureValue.
- mnistOutput initializes the types that the model will output. In this case, the output will be a list called
of type TensorFloat.
We'll now use these classes to load, bind, and evaluate the model in our project.
6. Load, bind, and evaluate the model
For Windows ML applications, the pattern we want to follow is: Load > Bind > Evaluate.
- Load the machine learning model.
- Bind inputs and outputs to the model.
- Evaluate the model and view results.
We'll use the interface code generated in mnist.cs
to load, bind, and evaluate the model in our application.
First, in MainPage.xaml.cs
, let's instantiate the model, inputs, and outputs.
namespace MNIST_Demo
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
private mnistModel ModelGen;
private mnistInput ModelInput = new mnistInput();
private mnistOutput ModelOutput;
Then, in LoadModelAsync
, we'll load the model. This method should be called before we use any of the models methods (i.e. on the Page's Loaded event, at a OnNavigatedTo override, or anywhere before recognizeButton_Click
is called). The mnistModel
class represents the MNIST model and creates the session on the system default device. To load the model, we call the CreateFromStreamAsync
method, passing in the ONNX file as the parameter.
private async Task LoadModelAsync()
//Load a machine learning model
StorageFile modelFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri($"ms-appx:///Assets/mnist.onnx"));
ModelGen = await mnistModel.CreateFromStreamAsync(modelFile as IRandomAccessStreamReference);
Next, we want to bind our inputs and outputs to the model. The generated code also includes mnistInput
and mnistOutput
wrapper classes. The mnistInput
class represents the model's expected inputs, and the mnistOutput
class represents the model's expected outputs.
To initialize the model's input object, call the mnistInput
class constructor, passing in your application data, and make sure that your input data matches the input type that your model expects. The mnistInput
class expects an ImageFeatureValue, so we use a helper method to get an ImageFeatureValue for the input.
Using our included helper functions in helper.cs
, we will copy the contents of the InkCanvas, convert it to type ImageFeatureValue, and bind it to our model.
private async void recognizeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Bind model input with contents from InkCanvas
VideoFrame vf = await helper.GetHandWrittenImage(inkGrid);
ModelInput.Input3 = ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(vf);
For output, we simply call EvaluateAsync
with the specified input. Once your inputs are initialized, call the model's EvaluateAsync
method to evaluate your model on the input data. EvaluateAsync
binds your inputs and outputs to the model object and evaluates the model on the inputs.
Since the model returns an output tensor, we'll first want to convert it to a friendly datatype, and then parse the returned list to determine which digit had the highest probability and display that one.
private async void recognizeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Bind model input with contents from InkCanvas
VideoFrame vf = await helper.GetHandWrittenImage(inkGrid);
ModelInput.Input3 = ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(vf);
//Evaluate the model
ModelOutput = await ModelGen.EvaluateAsync(ModelInput);
//Convert output to datatype
IReadOnlyList<float> vectorImage = ModelOutput.Plus214_Output_0.GetAsVectorView();
IList<float> imageList = vectorImage.ToList();
//Query to check for highest probability digit
var maxIndex = imageList.IndexOf(imageList.Max());
//Display the results
numberLabel.Text = maxIndex.ToString();
Finally, we'll want to clear out the InkCanvas to allow users to draw another number.
private void clearButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
numberLabel.Text = "";
7. Launch the application
Once we build and launch the application, we'll be able to recognize a number drawn on the InkCanvas.
That's it - you've made your first Windows ML application! For more samples that demonstrate how to use Windows ML, check out our Windows-Machine-Learning repo on GitHub.
Use the following resources for help with Windows ML:
- To ask or answer technical questions about Windows ML, please use the windows-machine-learning tag on Stack Overflow.
- To report a bug, please file an issue on our GitHub.
- To request a feature, please head over to Windows Developer Feedback.
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