[PGM] Bayes Network and Conditional Independence
2 - 1 - Semantics & Factorization
2 - 2 - Reasoning Patterns
2 - 3 - Flow of Probabilistic Influence
2 - 4 - Conditional Independence
2 - 5 - Independencies in Bayesian Networks
2 - 6 - Naive Bayes
2 - 7 - Application Medical Diagnosis
2 - 8 - Knowledge Engineering Example-SAMIAM
感觉棒棒哒! Professor Daphne Koller
Chain Rule for Bayesian Networks
Calculate joint conditional probability
Intercausal reasoning
When can X influence Y?
Grade --> Difficulty,平均分高,则难度低。
Grade <-- Difficulty,难度低,则平均分高。
Difficulty --> Grade --> Letter,试题难度对Letter如何影响?
Difficulty <-- Grade <-- Letter,试题难度对Letter如何影响?
Grade <-- Intelligence --> SAT,显而易见的影响关系。
Difficulty --> Grade <-- Intelligence,共同条件分布,V-structure。
- 参数1小一点,参数2大一点,可能也会是相同的data。
实践:S - I - G - D, S 是否会影响 D?
如果I 已知,block,不能。
如果I 未知,G未知,block,不能。
如果I 未知,G已知,可以。
Conditional Independence
Notice: 思考是否受到了共同先验的影响。
举个例子:两个coin,1)正常的 2)不正常的0.9 vs 0.1
若已知上述信息,那么X1 X2 表示的“上” “下” 面就可直接确定。
若未知上述信息,那么X1 X2 表示的“上” “下” 面,比如:猜测下一次正面的概率,就会受到已知“数据”的影响。
具体地讲:已知两次投掷都是正面,是否更偏向于coin is biased?这边不独立了呢。
X与Y是D分离的 given Z。
好文一读:d-separation: How to determine which variables are independent in a Bayes net
- “Ancestral graph": this is a reduced version of the original net, 即只考虑长辈。
- "Moralize": 伴侣两两连线。
- “Disorient": 转为无向图。
- “Delete the given and their edges":去除条件部分。
- 不连接,则独立。
- 若连接,不独立。
- If one or both of the variables are missing (because they were givens, and weretherefore deleted), they are independent.
P(D|CEG) =? P(D|C)
Are D and E conditionally independent, given C? AND
Are D and G conditionally independent, given C?
独立图,什么东东? (后续章节有专题)
If P factorizes over G, then G is an I-map for P.
G1 is an I-map for P1.
G2 is an I-map for P1 and P2
- I-map的因子分解
Theorem: If G is an I-map for P, then P factorizes over G.
- 最小I-map
CPCS Network
Ref: https://dslpitt.org/uai/papers/94/p484-pradhan.pdf
Ref: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/jair/pub/volume13/cheng00a-html/node15.html
The main network used in our tests is a subset of the CPCS (Computer-based Patient Case Study) model [Pradhan et al.1994], a large multiply-connected multi-layer network consisting of 422 multi-valued nodes and covering a subset of the domain of internal medicine.
Among the 422 nodes,
14 nodes describe diseases, 显眼的特征
33 nodes describe history and risk factors, and 相关指标特征
the remaining 375 nodes describe various findings related to the diseases. 不显眼的特征
To avoid complete table representation, 毕竟没人喜欢处理全连接网。
Knowledge Engineering Example
Samiam Download: http://reasoning.cs.ucla.edu/samiam/index.php?s=
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