Chrome的开发者工具(Chrome Developer Tools)
Chrome的开发者工具(Chrome Developer Tools)
1, Elements标签页
在元素(Elements)面板中,可以看到整个页面的 DOM 树结构和每个元素的所有属性,同时也可以实时地修改这些元素及其属性,并可以实时看到修改后的效果。
属性 |
值 |
描述 |
classname |
规定元素的类名(classname) |
id |
规定元素的唯一 id |
style_definition |
规定元素的行内样式(inline style) |
text |
规定元素的额外信息(可在工具提示中显示) |
l HTML只有内容,不能定义格式。
l CSS用来定义 HTML的格式。
<div class="ofRegFooter" style="float: left; width: 100%; display: block;" id="cid1381627595963">
<link xmlns="" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/common/css/jquery.ui.core.css" type="text/css">
3, Network标签页
The Network panel provides insights into resources that are requested and downloaded over the network in real time. Identifying and addressing those requests taking longer than expected is an essential step in optimizing your page.
The Network panel records information about each network operation in your application, including detailed timing data, HTTP request and response headers, cookies, WebSocket data, and more. The Network panel helps you answer questions about the network performance of your web application, such as:
- Which resource had the slowest time to first byte?
- Which resources took the longest time to load (duration)?
- Who initiated a particular network request?
- How much time was spent in the various network phases for a particular resource?
l Use large resource rows: 有些Column会包含两行值(如Name Path; Status Text; Size Content; Time Latency),选中这个按钮,两行值都会显示,否则只会显示主要的一行。
l Initiator:The object or process that initiated the request. It can have one of the following values:
Parser:Chrome's HTML parser initiated the request.
Redirect:A HTTP redirect initiated the request.
Script:A script initiated the request.
Other:Some other process or action initiated the request, such as the user navigating to a page via a link, or by entering a URL in the address bar.
l Cookies:The number of cookies transferred in the request.
l Size and Content:
Size is the combined size of the response headers (usually a few hundred bytes) plus the response body, as delivered by the server.
Content is the size of the resource's decoded content.If the resource was loaded from the browser's cache rather than over the network, this field will contain the text (from cache).
l Time and Latency:
Time is total duration, from the start of the request to the receipt of the final byte in the response.
Latency is the time to load the first byte in the response.
l Preserve log upon navigation button :new records are appended to the bottom of the table. Otherwise,the current network record log is discarded when you navigate to another page, or reload the current page.
l The Timeline shows the time it took to load each resource, from the start of the HTTP request to the receipt of the final byte of the response.
Each resource loading time is represented as a bar, color-coded according to the resource type. The length of the lighter-shaded part of each bar represents the request's latency, while the length of the darker-shaded part represents the time spent receiving the response data.
It is unique from the others in that, when clicked, it displays a menu of additional sort fields.
Timeline — Sorts by the start time of each network request. This is the default sort, and is the same as sorting by the Start Time option).按照request的开始时间排序。
Start Time — Sorts by the start time of each network request.
Response Time — Sorts by each request's response time.
End Time — Sorts by the time when each request completed.
Duration — Sorts by the total time of each request.
Latency — Sorts by the time between the start of the request and the beginning of the response (also known as the "time to first byte").
l Network resource details
HTTP request and response headers;
l Resource network timing
The Timing tab graphs the time spent on the various network phases involved loading the resource.
Property |
Description |
Proxy |
Time spent negotiating with a proxy server connection. |
DNS Lookup |
Time spent performing the DNS lookup. You want to minimize DNS look ups. |
Blocking |
Time the request spent waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use. |
Connecting |
Time it took to establish a connection, including TCP handshakes/retries, DNS lookup, and time connecting to a proxy or negotiating a secure-socket layer (SSL). |
Sending |
Time spent sending the request. |
Waiting |
Time spent waiting for the initial response. |
Receiving |
Time spent receiving the response data. |
时间线(timeline)告诉我们告诉您载入页面的时间究竟花在哪些地方。从加载资源到解析 JavaScript 脚本、计算样式表及页面渲染的所有步骤,您都可以在这里看到它们消耗的时间和内存,但是并没有告诉我们代码运行的时候发生了什么。profiler会告诉我们哪些函数执行时占用了大部分时间。
时间线标签为Chrome所记录下来的内容提供三种类型的视图: 事件、帧和内存
The Profiles panel lets you profile the execution time and memory usage of a web app or page. The Profiles panel includes a few profilers: a CPU profiler, a JavaScript profiler and a Heap profiler. These help you to understand where resources are being spent, and so help you to optimize your code:
- The CPU profiler shows where execution time is spent in your page's JavaScript functions.
- The Heap profiler shows memory distribution by your page's JavaScript objects and related DOM nodes.
- The JavaScript profile shows where execution time is spent in your scripts
这个除了查看错误信息、打印调试信息(console.log())、写一些测试脚本以外,还可以当作Javascript API查看用。
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