package formula;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.BaseTree; import formula.function.Add;
import formula.function.Function;
import formula.function.FunctionException;
import formula.function.Max; public class ExpressionEvaluator { // Contains all of the functions in use.
private Map functions = new HashMap(); // Contains all of the variables in use.
private Map variables = new HashMap(); public ExpressionEvaluator(Map variables) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.variables = variables;
this.putFunction(new Max());
this.putFunction(new Add());
} /**
* Adds a function to the list of functions to use when evaluating
* expressions.
* @param function
* The function being added.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* Thrown when the function name is not valid or the function
* name is already in use.
public void putFunction(final Function function) {
// Make sure the function name is valid. // Make sure the function name isn't already in use.
final Function existingFunction = (Function) functions.get(function
.getName()); if (existingFunction == null) {
functions.put(function.getName(), function);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A function with the same name "
+ "already exists.");
} /**
* Returns a funtion from the list of functions. If the function can not be
* found in the list of functions, then null will be returned.
* @param functionName
* The name of the function to retrieve the value for.
* @return The value for a function in the list of function.
public Function getFunction(final String functionName) {
return (Function) functions.get(functionName);
} /**
* Removes the function from the list of functions to use when evaluating
* expressions.
* @param functionName
* The name of the function to remove.
public void removeFunction(final String functionName) {
if (functions.containsKey(functionName)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function does not exist.");
} /**
* Rturns the map of functions currently set on this object.
* @return the map of functions currently set on this object.
public Map getFunctions() {
return functions;
} /**
* Sets the map of functions for this object.
* @param functions
* The map of functions for this object.
public void setFunctions(Map functions) {
this.functions = functions;
} public ActiveOperand eval(BaseTree tree) throws FunctionException {
ActiveOperand result = null;
switch (tree.getType()) {
case FormulaLexer.NUM:
Integer temp = Integer.valueOf(tree.getChild(0).toStringTree());
result = new ActiveOperand(temp.getClass(), temp);
case FormulaLexer.CALL:
result = evalFunction(tree);
case FormulaLexer.T__18:
result = addFunction(tree);
case FormulaLexer.VAR:
String varName = tree.getChild(0).toStringTree();
Object varValue = variables.get(varName);
result = new ActiveOperand(varValue.getClass(), varValue);
} return result;
} // call has two oprands ,e.g. call max 2
private ActiveOperand addFunction(BaseTree tree) throws FunctionException {
List<Object> children = tree.getChildren();
if (null == children || children.size() != 2) {
throw new FunctionException("Two numeric arguments are required.");
Integer paramNum = children.size();
ActiveOperand[] arguments = new ActiveOperand[paramNum];
for (int i = 0; i < paramNum; i++) {
BaseTree t = (BaseTree) children.get(i);
arguments[i] = eval(t);
return evalFunction("add", arguments); // stack.push(frame);
// asn 赋值 assign 一个操作数 栈顶元素出栈,存储于数据存储器中
} // call has two oprands ,e.g. call max 2
private ActiveOperand evalFunction(BaseTree tree) throws FunctionException {
List<Object> children = tree.getChildren();
Integer paramNum = children.size() - 1;
ActiveOperand[] arguments = new ActiveOperand[paramNum];
for (int i = 0; i < paramNum; i++) {
BaseTree t = (BaseTree) children.get(i + 1);
arguments[i] = eval(t);
} return evalFunction(((BaseTree) children.get(0)).toStringTree(),
arguments); // stack.push(frame);
// asn 赋值 assign 一个操作数 栈顶元素出栈,存储于数据存储器中
} // call has two oprands ,e.g. call max 2
private ActiveOperand evalFunction(String functionName,
ActiveOperand[] arguments) throws FunctionException { Function function = this.getFunction(functionName);
return function.execute(arguments); // stack.push(frame);
// asn 赋值 assign 一个操作数 栈顶元素出栈,存储于数据存储器中
} public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] testStr = { "max(3,max(1,2))", "2", "a + b + 3", "a - (b + 3)"
// "a + (b * 3",
// "11.1+12b+a*b", }; for (String s : testStr) {
System.out.println("Input expr: " + s);
} } public static void run(String expr) throws Exception {
ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream(expr);
// 词法分析器
FormulaLexer lexer = new FormulaLexer(in); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
// 语法分析器
FormulaParser parser = new FormulaParser(tokens); FormulaParser.prog_return ret = parser.prog(); Map variables = new HashMap();
variables.put("a", Integer.valueOf(2));
variables.put("b", Integer.valueOf(3)); ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator(variables); System.out.println(evaluator.eval((((BaseTree) ret.getTree()))));
// System.out.println(((BaseTree)ret.getTree()).toStringTree());
// toStringTree(((BaseTree)ret.getTree()));


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