/// <summary>
/// 柱形图
/// </summary>
public static Chart InitCompareChart(string fundName, string tenThousandRate, string sevenRate)
Chart CompareChart = new Chart();
CompareChart.Theme = "Theme3";
Visifire.Charts.Title t = new Visifire.Charts.Title();
t.Text = string.Format("{0}与存款收益比较", fundName);
CompareChart.Titles.Add(t); DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries { RenderAs = RenderAs.Bar };
dataSeries.LabelEnabled = true;
dataSeries.LegendText = "每万元单日收益";
double tenThousandAccrual = ;
Double.TryParse(tenThousandRate, out tenThousandAccrual);
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = fundName, YValue = tenThousandAccrual });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期五年", YValue = 1.3014 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期三年", YValue = 1.1644 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期二年", YValue = 1.0274 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期一年", YValue = 0.8219 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期半年", YValue = 0.7671 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期三月", YValue = 0.7123 });
dataSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "活期", YValue = 0.0959 }); DataSeries dataSeries2 = new DataSeries { RenderAs = RenderAs.Bar };
dataSeries2.LabelEnabled = true;
dataSeries2.LegendText = "七日年化收益率";
double qiRiAnnualizedYield = ;
Double.TryParse(sevenRate.Replace("%", ""), out qiRiAnnualizedYield);
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = fundName, YValue = qiRiAnnualizedYield });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期五年", YValue = 4.75 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期三年", YValue = 4.25 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期二年", YValue = 3.75 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期一年", YValue = 3.00 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期半年", YValue = 2.80 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "定期三月", YValue = 2.60 });
dataSeries2.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = "活期", YValue = 0.35 }); CompareChart.Series.Add(dataSeries);
CompareChart.Series.Add(dataSeries2); return CompareChart;
} /// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static Chart InitTenThousandRateChart(string fundName, List<FundDay> fundDayList)
Chart TrendChart = new Chart();
TrendChart.Theme = "Theme3";
Visifire.Charts.Title t = new Visifire.Charts.Title();
t.Text = string.Format("{0}单日万元收益走势", fundName);
TrendChart.Titles.Add(t); DataSeries AccrualSeries = new DataSeries { RenderAs = RenderAs.Line };
AccrualSeries.LabelEnabled = true;
AccrualSeries.LegendText = "每万元单日收益"; int listCount = fundDayList.Count;
int dayIndex = (listCount >= ) ? : listCount;//限定最多只能取七天的数据做走势图,并且保证时间轴(X轴)的最右端是最新日期 if (listCount > )
while (dayIndex >= )
FundDay fundDay = fundDayList[dayIndex]; string date = fundDay.Date.Substring(fundDay.Date.IndexOf("-") + ); double tenThousandAccrual = ;
Double.TryParse(fundDay.TenThousandRate, out tenThousandAccrual);
AccrualSeries.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint { AxisXLabel = date, YValue = tenThousandAccrual }); dayIndex--;
} Axis a = new Axis();
a.StartFromZero = false;
TrendChart.AxesY.Add(a); TrendChart.Series.Add(AccrualSeries); return TrendChart;
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