1  Global

  The global statement and its nonlocal cousin are the only things that are remotely like declaration statements in Python. They are not type or size declarations; they are namespace declarations. The global statement tells Python that a function plans to change one or more global names.

  • Global names are variables assigned at the top level of the enclosing module file.
  • Global names must be declared only if they are assigned within a function.
  • Global names may be referenced within a function without being declared.

  In other words, global allows us to change names that live outside a def at the top level of a module file.

2  Example

  The global statement consists of the keyword global, followed by one or more names separated by commas.

X = 88                         # Global X

def func():
global X
X = 99 # Global X: outside def func()
print(X) # Prints 99


y, z = 1, 2                    # Global variables in module

def all_global():
global x # Declare globals assigned
x = y + z # No need to declare y, z: LEGB rule

  x, y, and z are all globals inside the function all_global. y and z are global because they aren’t assigned in the function; x is global because it was listed in a global statement to map it to the module’s scope explicitly. Without the global here, x would be considered local by virtue of the assignment.

3  Access globals

# thismod.py
var = 99 # Global variable == module attribute def local():
var = 0 # Change local var def glob1():
global var # Declare global (normal)
var += 1 # Change global var def glob2():
var = 0 # Change local var
import thismod # Import myself
thismod.var += 1 # Change global var def glob3():
var = 0 # Change local var
import sys # Import system table
glob = sys.modules['thismod'] # Get module object (or use __name__)
glob.var += 1 # Change global var def test():

  run and get results

>>> import thismod
>>> thismod.test()


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