这个函数,主要用来做对比度调整,利用 gamma 曲线 或者 log 函数曲线,

gamma 函数的表达式:

y=xγ, 其中, x 是输入的像素值,取值范围为 [0−1], y 是输出的像素值,通过调整γ 值,改变图像的像素值的分布,进而改变图像的对比度。

log 函数的表达式:

y=alog(1+x), a 是一个放大系数,x 同样是输入的像素值,取值范围为 [0−1], y 是输出的像素值。

inverse log 的表达式:

y=a(2x−1), 这些变换都是从 [0−1] 变到 [0−1] 。

Gamma and log contrast adjustment
================================= This example adjusts image contrast by performing a Gamma and a Logarithmic
correction on the input image. """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np from skimage import data, img_as_float
from skimage import exposure matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 8 def plot_img_and_hist(img, axes, bins=256):
"""Plot an image along with its histogram and cumulative histogram.
img = img_as_float(img)
ax_img, ax_hist = axes
ax_cdf = ax_hist.twinx() # Display image
ax_img.imshow(img, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax_img.set_axis_off() # Display histogram
ax_hist.hist(img.ravel(), bins=bins, histtype='step', color='black')
ax_hist.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', scilimits=(0, 0))
ax_hist.set_xlabel('Pixel intensity')
ax_hist.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax_hist.set_yticks([]) # Display cumulative distribution
img_cdf, bins = exposure.cumulative_distribution(img, bins)
ax_cdf.plot(bins, img_cdf, 'r')
ax_cdf.set_yticks([]) return ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf # Load an example image
img = data.moon() # Gamma
gamma_corrected = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 2) # Logarithmic
logarithmic_corrected = exposure.adjust_log(img, 1) # Display results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
axes = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=np.object)
axes[0, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1, adjustable='box-forced') axes[0, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0],
adjustable='box-forced') axes[0, 2] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3, sharex=axes[0, 0], sharey=axes[0, 0],
adjustable='box-forced') axes[1, 0] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)
axes[1, 1] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)
axes[1, 2] = plt.subplot(2, 3, 6) ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(img, axes[:, 0])
ax_img.set_title('Low contrast image') y_min, y_max = ax_hist.get_ylim()
ax_hist.set_ylabel('Number of pixels')
ax_hist.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, y_max, 5)) ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(gamma_corrected, axes[:, 1])
ax_img.set_title('Gamma correction') ax_img, ax_hist, ax_cdf = plot_img_and_hist(logarithmic_corrected, axes[:, 2])
ax_img.set_title('Logarithmic correction') ax_cdf.set_ylabel('Fraction of total intensity')
ax_cdf.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) # prevent overlap of y-axis labels

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