Changing PDF Link Color for Regulatory Submissions


Link Attributes

Acrobat adds links on top of documents as clickable rectangles. The link rectangle may be invisible (the default) or visible. If the link is visible, it may have a solid or dashed border, or may appear as an underline.

It is important to understand that the link attribute does not affect the color of the underlying text. The  font color is a Text Attribute (covered in Text Attributes).

Creating Links

There are two methods to create a link in Acrobat:

  1. Select text, right-click and choose Create Link
  2. Link Tool (Tools—> Advanced Editing—> Link Tool and create a link rectangle
Tip: The Advanced Editing Toolbar contains the Link Tool. I recommend opening this toolbar and docking it to the top of the window. Choose View—>Toolbars—>Advanced Editing

You can adjust the link attributes when you initially create a link, or change them later.

Changing Link Attributes

Follow the directions below to change the link attributes to blue underlines (most appropriate for scanned documents).

    1. Choose View—>Toolbars—>Advanced Editing and choose the Link tool

      All links in the document will become visible:

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