package com.louis.tsp; /**
* Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:Individual.java
* Package Name:
* Date:2017年9月23日下午5:02:00
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ /**
* ClassName:Individual
* Function: 个体类
* Date: 2017年9月23日 下午5:02:00
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class Individual {
private int[] chromosome;
private double fitness = -1;
* 通过特定染色体创建个体
* */
public Individual(int[] chromosome){
this.chromosome = chromosome;
} public Individual(int chromosomeLength) {
int[] individual;
individual = new int[chromosomeLength];
for (int gene = 0; gene < chromosomeLength; gene++) {
individual[gene] = gene;
} this.chromosome = individual;
* get 个体的基因
* */
public int[] getChromosome(){
return this.chromosome;
} /*
* get 基因的长度
* */
public int getChromosomeLength(){
return this.chromosome.length;
* 在特定的地方设置基因
* */
public void setGene(int offset,int gene){
this.chromosome[offset] = gene;
} /*
* 在特定的地方得到基因
* */
public int getGene(int offset){
return this.chromosome[offset];
* 设置个体适应度
* */
public void setFitness(double fitness){
this.fitness = fitness;
* 得到个体适应度
* */
public double getFitness(){
return this.fitness;
* 染色体(即所有基因)以字符串的形式打印
* */
public String toString(){
String output = "";
for (int gene = 0; gene < this.chromosome.length; gene++) {
output +=this.chromosome[gene];
return output;
* 判断是否包含该基因
* */
public boolean containsGene(int gene) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.chromosome.length; i++) {
if (this.chromosome[i] == gene) {
return true;
return false;
package com.louis.tsp;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Random; import org.apache.jasper.tagplugins.jstl.core.If; /** * Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:Population.java
* Package Name:
* Date:2017年9月23日下午7:44:55
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ /**
* ClassName:Population
* Function: 种群类
* Date: 2017年9月23日 下午7:44:55
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class Population {
public Individual[] population;
public double populationFitness=-1;
* 初始化一个空的种群,参数是种群的大小
* */
public Population(int populationSize){
this.population = new Individual[populationSize];
* 初始化种群,参数是:(1)种群的大小,(2)染色体的长度
* */
public Population(int populationSize,int chromosomeLength){
this.population = new Individual[populationSize];
for (int individualCount = 0; individualCount < populationSize; individualCount++) {
Individual individual = new Individual(chromosomeLength);
this.population[individualCount] = individual;
* 从种群中得到所有个体
* */
public Individual[] getIndividuals(){
return this.population;
* */
public Individual getFittest(int offset){
Arrays.sort(this.population, new Comparator<Individual>() { @Override
public int compare(Individual o1, Individual o2) {
return -1;
else if(o1.getFitness()<o2.getFitness()){
return 1;
return 0;
} //Arrays.sort(数组,比较器<数组类型>) });
return this.population[offset];
* 得到种群适应度
* */
public double getPopulationFitness() {
return populationFitness;
} /*
* 设置种群适应度
* */
public void setPopulationFitness(double populationFitness) {
this.populationFitness = populationFitness;
* 得到种群的大小
* */
public int size(){
return this.population.length;
* 在第offset位置设置个体
* */
public Individual setIndividual(int offset,Individual individual){
return population[offset] = individual;
* 得到第offset位置的个体
* */
public Individual getIndividual(int offset){
return population[offset];
* 随机洗牌
* */
public void shuffle() {
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = population.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int index = rnd.nextInt(i + 1);
Individual a = population[index];
population[index] = population[i];
population[i] = a;
* Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:City.java
* Package Name:com.louis.tsp
* Date:2017年10月5日下午4:29:03
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ package com.louis.tsp;
* ClassName:City
* Date: 2017年10月5日 下午4:29:03
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class City {
private int x;
private int y; public City(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} public int getX() {
return x;
} public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;
} public int getY() {
return y;
} public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;
} public double distanceFrom(City city){
double deltaXSq = Math.pow((city.getX() - this.getX()), 2);
double deltaYSq = Math.pow((city.getY() - this.getY()), 2);
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(deltaXSq + deltaYSq));
return distance;
* Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:Route.java
* Package Name:com.louis.tsp
* Date:2017年10月5日下午4:49:45
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ package com.louis.tsp; /**
* ClassName:Route
* Date: 2017年10月5日 下午4:49:45
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class Route {
private City route[];
private double distance = 0;
public Route(Individual individual, City cities[]) {
// 获取个体基因,即一条路线
int chromosome[] = individual.getChromosome();
// 将基因转化成路线
this.route = new City[cities.length];
for (int geneIndex = 0; geneIndex < chromosome.length; geneIndex++) {
this.route[geneIndex] = cities[chromosome[geneIndex]];
} //计算线路的总路程
public double getDistance(){
return this.distance;
double totalDistance = 0;
for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex + 1 < this.route.length; cityIndex++) {
totalDistance += this.route[cityIndex].distanceFrom(this.route[cityIndex + 1]);
totalDistance += this.route[this.route.length - 1].distanceFrom(this.route[0]);
this.distance = totalDistance; return totalDistance;
package com.louis.tsp; import java.util.Arrays; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.PopInstruction; /**
* Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:GeneticAlgorithm.java
* Package Name:
* Date:2017年9月23日下午8:25:25
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ /**
* ClassName:GeneticAlgorithm
* Function: 遗传算法的核心
* Date: 2017年9月23日 下午8:25:25
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class GeneticAlgorithm {
private int populationSize;
private double mutationRate;
private double crossoverRate;
private int elitismCount;
private int tournamentSize;
public GeneticAlgorithm(int populationSize, double mutationRate,
double crossoverRate, int elitismCount, int tournamentSize) {
this.populationSize = populationSize;
this.mutationRate = mutationRate;
this.crossoverRate = crossoverRate;
this.elitismCount = elitismCount;
this.tournamentSize = tournamentSize;
* 调用population的构造方法,使用染色体长度初始化种群
* */
public Population initPopulation(int chromosomeLength){
Population population = new Population(this.populationSize, chromosomeLength);
return population;
} /*
* 计算个体的适应度
* */
public double calcFitness(Individual individual, City cities[]) {
// 计算适应度
Route route = new Route(individual, cities);
double fitness = 1 / route.getDistance(); // 保存个体适应度
individual.setFitness(fitness); return fitness;
* 遍历每个个体评估种群适应度
* */
public void evalPopulation(Population population, City cities[]) {
double populationFitness = 0; //遍历每个个体,计算种群适应度
for (Individual individual : population.getIndividuals()) {
populationFitness += this.calcFitness(individual, cities);
} double avgFitness = populationFitness / population.size();
* 判断终止的条件,最大代数
* */
public boolean isTerminationConditionMet(int generationsCount, int maxGenerations) {
return (generationsCount > maxGenerations);
* 选择交叉的个体
* */
public Individual selectParent(Population population) {
// 创建用于锦标赛的种群
Population tournament = new Population(this.tournamentSize); //随机洗牌
// 随机向锦标赛插入个体
for (int i = 0; i < this.tournamentSize; i++) {
Individual tournamentIndividual = population.getIndividual(i);
tournament.setIndividual(i, tournamentIndividual);
// 返回最好的个体
return tournament.getFittest(0);
* 单点交叉:返回一个新的种群
* */
public Population crossoverPopulation(Population population) {
// 重新创建一个种群
Population newPopulation = new Population(population.size()); // 按适应度遍历原来的种群
for (int populationIndex = 0; populationIndex < population.size(); populationIndex++) {
Individual parent1 = population.getFittest(populationIndex); // 是否交叉,交叉率大于随机数并且pass掉精英个体
if (this.crossoverRate > Math.random() && populationIndex >= this.elitismCount) { // 通过锦标赛选择第二个父个体
Individual parent2 = this.selectParent(population); //创建空白子代基因组
int offspringChromosome[] = new int[parent1.getChromosomeLength()];
Arrays.fill(offspringChromosome, -1);
Individual offspring = new Individual(offspringChromosome); //随机得到parent的两个位置,用于交叉
int substrPos1 = (int) (Math.random() * parent1.getChromosomeLength());
int substrPos2 = (int) (Math.random() * parent1.getChromosomeLength()); //因为不知道随机数哪个值大哪个小,所以先判断下
final int startSubstr = Math.min(substrPos1, substrPos2);
final int endSubstr = Math.max(substrPos1, substrPos2); //将落在区域的基因加入到子代基因中
for (int i = startSubstr; i < endSubstr; i++) {
offspring.setGene(i, parent1.getGene(i));
} //遍历parent2的基因
for (int i = 0; i < parent2.getChromosomeLength(); i++) {
int parent2Gene = i + endSubstr;
if (parent2Gene >= parent2.getChromosomeLength()) {
parent2Gene -= parent2.getChromosomeLength();
} //如果子个体没有这个基因(即城市),则加入他
if (offspring.containsGene(parent2.getGene(parent2Gene)) == false) {
// 循环找到子个体空余位置
for (int ii = 0; ii < offspring.getChromosomeLength(); ii++) {
// 找到空余位置
if (offspring.getGene(ii) == -1) {
offspring.setGene(ii, parent2.getGene(parent2Gene));
} // 将子个体加入到种群中
newPopulation.setIndividual(populationIndex, offspring);
} else {
// 没有交叉的个体直接加入到种群中,精英个体
newPopulation.setIndividual(populationIndex, parent1);
} return newPopulation;
} /*变异得到新种群*/
public Population mutatePopulation(Population population){
Population newPopulation = new Population(this.populationSize);
for (int populationIndex = 0; populationIndex < population.size(); populationIndex++) {
Individual individual = population.getFittest(populationIndex);
for (int geneIndex = 0; geneIndex < individual.getChromosomeLength(); geneIndex++) {
if (this.mutationRate > Math.random()) {
int newGenePos = (int) (Math.random() * individual.getChromosomeLength());
// 得到两个交换位置的值
int gene1 = individual.getGene(newGenePos);
int gene2 = individual.getGene(geneIndex);
// 交换基因
individual.setGene(geneIndex, gene1);
individual.setGene(newGenePos, gene2);
} }
newPopulation.setIndividual(populationIndex, individual);
return newPopulation;
} }
* Project Name:GeneticAlgorithm
* File Name:TSP.java
* Package Name:com.louis.tsp
* Date:2017年10月5日下午4:36:39
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2692613726@qq.com All Rights Reserved.
*/ package com.louis.tsp; /**
* ClassName:TSP
* Date: 2017年10月5日 下午4:36:39
* @author michael
* @version
* @since JDK 1.7
* @see
public class TSP {
public static int maxGenerations = 3000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numCities = 100;
City cities[] = new City[numCities]; // 循环随机产生100座城市坐标
for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex < numCities; cityIndex++) {
int xPos = (int) (100 * Math.random());
int yPos = (int) (100 * Math.random());
cities[cityIndex] = new City(xPos, yPos);
GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(100, 0.001, 0.9, 2, 5);
Population population = ga.initPopulation(cities.length);
ga.evalPopulation(population, cities);
int generation = 1; while(ga.isTerminationConditionMet(generation, maxGenerations)==false){
Route route = new Route(population.getFittest(0), cities);
System.out.println("G"+generation+" 最好距离: " + route.getDistance());
population = ga.crossoverPopulation(population);
population = ga.mutatePopulation(population);
ga.evalPopulation(population, cities);
} //展示结果
System.out.println("结束" + maxGenerations + " 次迭代");
Route route = new Route(population.getFittest(0), cities);
System.out.println("最好距离: " + route.getDistance());
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