LeetCode 690. Employee Importance (职员的重要值)
You are given a data structure of employee information, which includes the employee's unique id, his importance value and his directsubordinates' id.
For example, employee 1 is the leader of employee 2, and employee 2 is the leader of employee 3. They have importance value 15, 10 and 5, respectively. Then employee 1 has a data structure like [1, 15, [2]], and employee 2 has [2, 10, [3]], and employee 3 has [3, 5, []]. Note that although employee 3 is also a subordinate of employee 1, the relationship is not direct.
Now given the employee information of a company, and an employee id, you need to return the total importance value of this employee and all his subordinates.
Example 1:
Input: [[1, 5, [2, 3]], [2, 3, []], [3, 3, []]], 1
Output: 11
Employee 1 has importance value 5, and he has two direct subordinates: employee 2 and employee 3. They both have importance value 3. So the total importance value of employee 1 is 5 + 3 + 3 = 11.
- One employee has at most one direct leader and may have several subordinates.
- The maximum number of employees won't exceed 2000.
题目给了我们一个 employees list, 和 一个 id,让我们找到这个 id 的员工的手下所有员工的 importance 累加,包括他自己的。
首先把 employees 存入 HashMap, id 为 key, Employee 为value。
然后建立一个 dfs function:
当员工的 subordinates 的 size 等于 0 的时候, 说明没有必要继续递归了,返回员工的重要值;
如果 size 大于0,那么遍历 subordinates,把每一个 员工id 递归,累加重要值。
Java Solution:
Runtime beats 71.9%
关键词:HashMap, DFS
关键点:把employee 信息存入map,id 为 key,employee 为 value,便于dfs 直接调取 员工信息
// Employee info
class Employee {
// It's the unique id of each node;
// unique id of this employee
public int id;
// the importance value of this employee
public int importance;
// the id of direct subordinates
public List<Integer> subordinates;
class Solution
public int getImportance(List<Employee> employees, int id)
HashMap<Integer, Employee> map = new HashMap<>(); for(Employee e: employees)
map.put(e.id, e); return dfs(id, map);
} private int dfs(int id, HashMap<Integer, Employee> map)
Employee e = map.get(id); if(e.subordinates.size() == 0)
return e.importance; int imp = e.importance; for(int sub: e.subordinates)
imp += dfs(sub, map); return imp;
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