(3)Bellman (含有负权边的单源最短路径)
本文主要讲使用C++实现简单的Floyd算法,Floyd算法原理参见 Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- #define MAXVEX 10
- #define INFINITY 65535
- typedef int Patharc[MAXVEX][MAXVEX];
- typedef int ShortPathTable[MAXVEX][MAXVEX];
- typedef struct {
- int vex[MAXVEX];
- int arc[MAXVEX][MAXVEX];
- int numVertexes;
- } MGraph;
- // 构建图
- void CreateMGraph(MGraph *G){
- int i, j, k;
- // 初始化图
- G->numVertexes = ;
- for(i = ; i < G->numVertexes; ++i){
- G->vex[i] = i;
- }
- for(i = ; i < G->numVertexes; ++i){
- for(j = ; j < G->numVertexes; ++j){
- if(i == j)
- G->arc[i][j] = ;
- else
- G->arc[i][j] = G->arc[j][i] = INFINITY;
- }
- }
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- G->arc[][] = ;
- // 设置对称位置元素值
- for(i = ; i < G->numVertexes; ++i){
- for(j = i; j < G->numVertexes; ++j){
- G->arc[j][i] = G->arc[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- // Floyd algorithm
- void ShortPath_Floyd(MGraph G, Patharc P, ShortPathTable D){
- int i, j, k;
- // 二重循环,初始化P, D
- for(i = ; i < G.numVertexes; ++i){
- for(j = ; j < G.numVertexes; ++j){
- D[i][j] = G.arc[i][j];
- P[i][j] = j;
- }
- }
- // 三重循环, Floyd algorithm
- for(k = ; k < G.numVertexes; ++k){
- for(i = ; i < G.numVertexes; ++i){
- for(j = ; j < G.numVertexes; ++j){
- if(D[i][j] > D[i][k]+D[k][j]){
- D[i][j] = D[i][k]+D[k][j];
- P[i][j] = P[i][k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // 打印最短路径
- void PrintShortPath(MGraph G, Patharc P, ShortPathTable D){
- int i, j, k;
- cout<<"各顶点之间的最短路径如下: "<<endl;
- for(i = ; i < G.numVertexes; ++i){
- for(j = i+; j < G.numVertexes; ++j){
- cout<<"v"<<i<<"--"<<"v"<<j<<" "<<"weight: "<<D[i][j]<<" Path: "<<i<<" -> ";
- k = P[i][j];
- while(k != j){
- cout<<k<<" -> ";
- k = P[k][j];
- }
- cout<<j<<endl;
- }
- cout<<endl;
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
- MGraph G;
- Patharc P;
- ShortPathTable D;
- CreateMGraph(&G);
- ShortPath_Floyd(G, P, D);
- PrintShortPath(G, P, D);
- return ;
- }
- 各顶点之间的最短路径如下:
- v0--v1 weight: Path: ->
- v0--v2 weight: Path: -> ->
- v0--v3 weight: Path: -> -> -> ->
- v0--v4 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v0--v5 weight: Path: -> -> -> ->
- v0--v6 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> ->
- v0--v7 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> -> ->
- v0--v8 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
- v1--v2 weight: Path: ->
- v1--v3 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v1--v4 weight: Path: -> ->
- v1--v5 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v1--v6 weight: Path: -> -> -> ->
- v1--v7 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> ->
- v1--v8 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> -> ->
- v2--v3 weight: Path: -> ->
- v2--v4 weight: Path: ->
- v2--v5 weight: Path: -> ->
- v2--v6 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v2--v7 weight: Path: -> -> -> ->
- v2--v8 weight: Path: -> -> -> -> ->
- v3--v4 weight: Path: ->
- v3--v5 weight: Path: -> ->
- v3--v6 weight: Path: ->
- v3--v7 weight: Path: -> ->
- v3--v8 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v4--v5 weight: Path: ->
- v4--v6 weight: Path: -> ->
- v4--v7 weight: Path: -> -> ->
- v4--v8 weight: Path: -> -> -> ->
- v5--v6 weight: Path: -> ->
- v5--v7 weight: Path: ->
- v5--v8 weight: Path: -> ->
- v6--v7 weight: Path: ->
- v6--v8 weight: Path: -> ->
- v7--v8 weight: Path: ->
- [Finished in .2s]
Floyd–Warshall algorithm, Wikipedia
Floyd Warshall Algorithm | DP-16 , geeksforgeeks
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