Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.


Success is external, value is internal.

Success and value are related, but value may be more important, because a man of value must be a man of success.

That is to say, if we pursue becoming someone of value, we will most probably be successful.

Whereas if we make success our focal point in life, we might miss important things that will help us get there.

A man of value, in my interpretation, would be a man who can bring value to other people.

Perhaps that is a man who can solve others' problems, or who can make connections and introductions, or who is of extreme expertise in a particular area, or who is trustworthy and reputable.

Be a man of value, because it is the most surefire way to success.

Believe in every dream that you got, you're only living once.


From Nickelback, "What Are You Waiting For".

A quote from the lyrics of Nickelback's song "What Are You Waiting For."

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting on a lightning strike?

Are you waiting for the perfect night?

Are you waiting till the time is right?

Don't you wanna learn to deal with fear?

Don't you wanna take the wheel and steer?

Don't you wait another minute here?

What are you waiting for?

You gotta go and reach for the top, believe every dream that you got.

You are only living once so tell me what are you waiting for.

You know you gotta give it your all and don't you be afraid if you fall.

Everybody's gonna make mistakes, but everybody's got a choice to make.

Everybody need a leap of faith, so when are you taking yours?

There's little time left for us to wait for the right moments, once we take concrete actions to work on our goal, we are on the right road.

So don't wait, don't hesitate, sometimes just a little brave breakthrough can make the total life different.

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