Spring Security(四):2.1 Introduction What is Spring Security?
Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for Java EE-based enterprise software applications. There is a particular emphasis on supporting projects built using The Spring Framework, which is the leading Java EE solution for enterprise software development.
- HTTP BASIC authentication headers (an IETF RFC-based standard)
- HTTP BASIC身份验证标头(基于IETF RFC的标准)
- HTTP Digest authentication headers (an IETF RFC-based standard)
- HTTP摘要式身份验证标头(基于IETF RFC的标准)
- HTTP X.509 client certificate exchange (an IETF RFC-based standard)
- HTTP X.509客户端证书交换(基于IETF RFC的标准)
- LDAP (a very common approach to cross-platform authentication needs, especially in large environments)
- LDAP(一种非常常见的跨平台身份验证方法,特别是在大型环境中)
- Form-based authentication (for simple user interface needs)
- 基于表单的身份验证(用于简单的用户界面需求)
- OpenID authentication
- OpenID身份验证
- Authentication based on pre-established request headers (such as Computer Associates Siteminder)
- 基于预先建立的请求标头的身份验证(例如Computer Associates Siteminder)
- Jasig Central Authentication Service (otherwise known as CAS, which is a popular open source single sign-on system)
- Jasig中央认证服务(也称为CAS,是一种流行的开源单点登录系统)
- Transparent authentication context propagation for Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and HttpInvoker (a Spring remoting protocol)
- 远程方法调用(RMI)和HttpInvoker(Spring远程协议)的透明身份验证上下文传播
- Automatic "remember-me" authentication (so you can tick a box to avoid re-authentication for a predetermined period of time)
- 自动“记住我”身份验证(因此您可以勾选一个框以避免在预定时间段内重新进行身份验证)
- Anonymous authentication (allowing every unauthenticated call to automatically assume a particular security identity)
- 匿名身份验证(允许每个未经身份验证的呼叫自动承担特定的安全身份)
- Run-as authentication (which is useful if one call should proceed with a different security identity)
- 运行身份验证(如果一个调用应继续使用不同的安全标识,则非常有用)
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
- Java身份验证和授权服务(JAAS)
- Java EE container authentication (so you can still use Container Managed Authentication if desired)
- Java EE容器身份验证(如果需要,您仍然可以使用容器管理身份验证)
- Kerberos
- kerberos的
- Java Open Source Single Sign-On (JOSSO) *
- Java开源单点登录(JOSSO)*
- OpenNMS Network Management Platform *
- OpenNMS网络管理平台*
- AppFuse *
- AndroMDA *
- Mule ESB *
- Direct Web Request (DWR) *
- 直接Web请求(DWR)*
- Grails *
- Tapestry *
- JTrac *
- Jasypt *
- Roller *
- Elastic Path *
- Atlassian Crowd *
- Your own authentication systems (see below)
- 您自己的身份验证系统(见下文)
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