

USE [master]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_perfworkload_trace_start] Script Date: 2017/7/6 19:48:52 ******/

create PROC [dbo].[sp_perfworkload_trace_start]
@dbid AS INT,
@tracefile AS NVARCHAR(254),
@traceid AS INT OUTPUT
-- Create a Queue
DECLARE @maxfilesize AS BIGINT;

SET @maxfilesize = 5;

EXEC @rc = sp_trace_create @traceid OUTPUT, 0, @tracefile, @maxfilesize, NULL
IF (@rc != 0) GOTO error;

-- Client side File and Table cannot be scripted

-- Set the events
SET @on = 1;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 15, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 8, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 16, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 48, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 1, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 17, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 10, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 18, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 11, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 12, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 13, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 10, 14, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 8, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 16, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 48, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 1, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 17, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 10, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 18, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 11, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 12, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 13, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 14, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 45, 15, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 15, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 8, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 16, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 48, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 1, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 17, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 10, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 18, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 11, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 12, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 13, @on;
EXEC sp_trace_setevent @traceid, 41, 14, @on;

-- Set the Filters
DECLARE @intfilter AS INT;
DECLARE @bigintfilter AS BIGINT;
-- Application name filter
EXEC sp_trace_setfilter @traceid, 10, 0, 7, N'SQL Server Profiler%';
-- Database ID filter
EXEC sp_trace_setfilter @traceid, 3, 0, 0, @dbid;

-- Set the trace status to start
EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @traceid, 1;

-- Print trace id and file name for future references
PRINT 'Trce ID: ' + CAST(@traceid AS VARCHAR(10))

  • ', Trace File: ''' + @tracefile + '''';

GOTO finish;

PRINT 'Error Code: ' + CAST(@rc AS VARCHAR(10));



declare @dbid int;
declare @traceid int;
SET @dbid = DB_ID();
EXEC dbo.sp_perfworkload_trace_start
@dbid = @dbid,
@tracefile = 'D:\sqltrc\20170706_6',
@traceid = @traceid OUTPUT;


EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 2, 0;
EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 2, 2;

/4. 查询日志/

SELECT * FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable( 'D:\sqltrc\20170706_6.trc', NULL) AS t ORDER BY StartTime desc


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