July 13th, 2018. Friday, Week 28th.
Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future.
From Zig Ziglar.
The mistakes and disappointments of the past might have casted some shadows on our today's life, but we shouldn't let them become the dictator of our future and destroy all our dreams.
Why? Isn't it that our past behaviours created our present?
Yeah, it is, but there is no need to dwell on the past mistakes and disappointments, there is no need to be stuck in the past.
If we do like that, I mean, live in the past, or pay too much attention on the past mistakes, we would lose focus in the future, we would be slow in moving forward because we hold too much in our baggage.
So, don't let mistakes and disappointments of the past shackle us from achieving the dreams we desire to achive.
But how can we let go of them? How can we manage to continue moving forward despite feeling as though we have messed up so bad that nothing will ever go our way?
Maybe the best way is to learn from the mistakes, make some profound analysis about them, and find out what the underlying reasons that led to those mistakes were, and then correct them, continue to move forward with some purpose and clear vision.
Always remember that mistakes and the current failures are not the end of the world, our success is still possible if we take the right measures to tackle with them.
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of the past centuries.
There are numerous benefits brought by reading good books.
We were taught how to live, how to learn, how to perceive the world by reading books and learning from our predecessors.
But reading books is not enough, obviously, in the process of our growth.
We must practise, refine, and develop some unique knowledge and skills.
Besides, all of us have very limited time, we can't read too many, we should narrow our reading list and find out the knowledge we want the most.
We can't talk with all the finest men, but we can become the real inheritors of some of them, inherit their thoughts and broaden them through our actions.
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