rfc 1945 《Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0》 May 1996
1.3 Overall Operation
7.2.2 Length
8. Method Definitions
rfc 2068 《Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1》 January 1997
rfc 2616 《Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1》 June 1999
8.1 Persistent Connections
10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols
14.10 Connection
19.7.1 Compatibility with HTTP/1.0 Persistent Connections
rfc 2817 《Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1》 May 2000
3. Client Requested Upgrade to HTTP over TLS
1.3 Overall Operation [page 5-6] The HTTP protocol is based on a request/response paradigm. A client
establishes a connection with a server and sends a request to the
server in the form of a request method, URI, and protocol version,
followed by a MIME-like message containing request modifiers, client
information, and possible body content. The server responds with a
status line, including the message's protocol version and a success
or error code, followed by a MIME-like message containing server
information, entity metainformation, and possible body content. [page 7]
On the Internet, HTTP communication generally takes place over TCP/IP
connections. The default port is TCP 80 [15], but other ports can be
used. This does not preclude HTTP from being implemented on top of
any other protocol on the Internet, or on other networks. HTTP only
presumes a reliable transport; any protocol that provides such
guarantees can be used, and the mapping of the HTTP/1.0 request and
response structures onto the transport data units of the protocol in
question is outside the scope of this specification.
[page 7]
Except for experimental applications, current practice requires that
the connection be established by the client prior to each request and
closed by the server after sending the response. Both clients and
servers should be aware that either party may close the connection
prematurely, due to user action, automated time-out, or program
failure, and should handle such closing in a predictable fashion. In
any case, the closing of the connection by either or both parties
always terminates the current request, regardless of its status.
除某些实验性应用程序外,http 1.0协议要求客户端为每个请求建立起连接,并由服务端在发送完响应消息后关闭连接。在这个过程中,客服两端都可以关闭连接,其后果是中止本次请求(响应)。
虽然在http 1.0已经有对长度的定义和使用,用来描述消息体(body)的大小,但是也不能复用(reuse)一个连接,并且在没有content-length的情况下,由服务端关闭连接来标志响应发送的结束,客户端去判断。
7.2.2 Length [Page 29] When an Entity-Body is included with a message, the length of that
body may be determined in one of two ways. If a Content-Length header
field is present, its value in bytes represents the length of the
Entity-Body. Otherwise, the body length is determined by the closing
of the connection by the server. Closing the connection cannot be used to indicate the end of a
request body, since it leaves no possibility for the server to send
back a response. Therefore, HTTP/1.0 requests containing an entity
body must include a valid Content-Length header field. If a request
contains an entity body and Content-Length is not specified, and the
server does not recognize or cannot calculate the length from other
fields, then the server should send a 400 (bad request) response.
8.1 GET [Page 30] The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an
entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers
to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be
returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the
process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
到了http 1.1协议,添加了Connection字段,它的使用如文档
14.10 Connection The Connection general-header field allows the sender to specify
options that are desired for that particular connection and MUST NOT
be communicated by proxies over further connections. The Connection header has the following grammar: Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token)
connection-token = token
支持http 1.1协议的服务端开始支持持久连接,也就是当一个request/response结束后,服务端并不关闭连接。需要用"Connection: close"明确标示不支持持久连接的实现。
8.1 Persistent Connections 8.1.1 Purpose
Persistent HTTP connections have a number of advantages: - HTTP requests and responses can be pipelined on a connection.
Pipelining allows a client to make multiple requests without
waiting for each response, allowing a single TCP connection to
be used much more efficiently, with much lower elapsed time. Negotiation
An HTTP/1.1 server MAY assume that a HTTP/1.1 client intends to
maintain a persistent connection unless a Connection header including
the connection-token "close" was sent in the request. If the server
chooses to close the connection immediately after sending the
response, it SHOULD send a Connection header including the
connection-token close.
试想一下一个网页下引用了多个图片,脚本,文本等资源,如果用http 1.0协议,就必须每个资源的请求都建立一个连接,但是用http 1.1协议就可以将这些请求pipeline到一个连接来完成。
接下来我们继续看文档,看看http 1.1还有什么新元素。
10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols The server understands and is willing to comply with the client's
request, via the Upgrade message header field (section 14.42), for a
change in the application protocol being used on this connection. The
server will switch protocols to those defined by the response's
Upgrade header field immediately after the empty line which
terminates the 101 response. The protocol SHOULD be switched only when it is advantageous to do
so. For example, switching to a newer version of HTTP is advantageous
over older versions, and switching to a real-time, synchronous
protocol might be advantageous when delivering resources that use
such features.
http 1.1开始支持协议切换,websocket自然也就有了一切的支持要素了,想来也不是什么新鲜事,websocket必然就应运而生。
我们看一下其它一些早就应用这个特性的协议,TLS(rfc 2817 Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1)
3. Client Requested Upgrade to HTTP over TLS When the client sends an HTTP/1.1 request with an Upgrade header
field containing the token "TLS/1.0", it is requesting the server to
complete the current HTTP/1.1 request after switching to TLS/1.0. 3.1 Optional Upgrade A client MAY offer to switch to secured operation during any clear
HTTP request when an unsecured response would be acceptable: GET http://example.bank.com/acct_stat.html?749394889300 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.bank.com
Upgrade: TLS/1.0
Connection: Upgrade
1. http协议依赖可靠传输,在互联网环境中首选使用是TCP传输协议。
2. http协议是基于request/response范式的,服务端不主动向客户端发数据。
3. http 1.0不支持持久连接,每次request/response都要建立一次TCP连接。
4. http 1.1要求支持持久连接,连接可以复用完成多次request/response,但还是不能离开request/response范式,还得依靠轮询。
5. http 1.1开始支持协议切换。
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