dts 大体框架
- framework
- 定义类
- 定义方法
- tests
- framework调用所需要的函数
- ./dpdk/usertools/cpu_layout.py
- /sys/devices/system/cpu
- 环境内核:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- ffff:1111 1111 1111 1111
- ff3e:1111 1111 0011 1110
- 01.dts_parse_param(config, section):
- 02.dts_parse_config(config, section):
- 03.dts_parse_commands(commands):
- 04.dts_run_commands(crb, dts_commands):
- 05.get_project_obj(project_name, super_class, crbInst, serializer, dut_id):
- 06.dts_log_testsuite(duts, tester, suite_obj, log_handler, test_classname):
- 07.dts_log_execution(duts, tester, log_handler):
- 08.dts_crbs_init(crbInsts, skip_setup, read_cache, project, base_dir, serializer, virttype):
- 09.dts_crbs_exit(duts, tester):
- 10.dts_run_prerequisties(duts, tester, pkgName, patch, dts_commands, serializer):
- 11.dts_run_target(duts, tester, targets, test_suites):
- 12.dts_run_suite(duts, tester, test_suites, target):
- 13.run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup, '''Main process of DTS, it will run all test suites in the config file.'''
- read_cache, project, suite_dir, test_cases,
- base_dir, output_dir, verbose, virttype, debug,
- debugcase, re_run, commands):
- 14.show_speedup_options_messages(read_cache, skip_setup):
- 15.save_all_results():
- 16.quit_execution(duts, tester):
- """
- A test framework for testing DPDK.
- """
- 01.def git_build_package(gitLabel, pkgName, depot="dep"):
- dts.run_all(args.config_file, args.snapshot, args.git, #args = parser.parse_args()
- args.patch, args.skip_setup, args.read_cache,
- args.project, args.suite_dir, args.test_cases,
- args.dir, args.output, args.verbose,args.virttype,
- args.debug, args.debugcase, args.re_run, args.commands)
- class Crb(object):
- 01.send_expect(self, cmds, expected, timeout=TIMEOUT,alt_session=False, verify=False):
- 02.create_session(self, name=""):
- 03.destroy_session(self, session=None):
- 04.reconnect_session(self, alt_session=False):
- 05.send_command(self, cmds, timeout=TIMEOUT, alt_session=False):
- 06.get_session_output(self, timeout=TIMEOUT):
- 07.set_test_types(self, func_tests, perf_tests):
- 08.get_total_huge_pages(self):
- 09.mount_huge_pages(self):
- 10.strip_hugepage_path(self):
- 11.set_huge_pages(self, huge_pages, numa=-1):
- 12.set_speedup_options(self, read_cache, skip_setup):
- 13.set_directory(self, base_dir):
- 14.admin_ports(self, port, status):
- 15.admin_ports_freebsd(self, port, status):
- 16.admin_ports_linux(self, eth, status):
- 17.pci_devices_information(self):
- 18.pci_devices_information_uncached(self):
- 19.pci_devices_information_uncached_linux(self):
- 20.pci_devices_information_uncached_freebsd(self):
- 21.get_pci_dev_driver(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 22.get_pci_dev_driver_linux(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 23.get_pci_dev_driver_freebsd(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 24.get_pci_dev_id(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 25.get_pci_dev_id_linux(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 26.get_device_numa(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 27.get_device_numa_linux(self, domain_id, bus_id, devfun_id):
- 28.get_ipv6_addr(self, intf):
- 29.get_ipv6_addr_linux(self, intf):
- 30.get_ipv6_addr_freebsd(self, intf):
- 31.disable_ipv6(self, intf):
- 32.enable_ipv6(self, intf):
- 33.create_file(self, contents, fileName):
- 34.kill_all(self, alt_session=True):
- 35.close(self):
- 36.get_os_type(self):
- 37.check_os_type(self):
- 38.init_core_list(self):
- 39.init_core_list_uncached(self):
- 40.init_core_list_uncached_freebsd(self):
- 41.init_core_list_uncached_linux(self):
- 42.get_all_cores(self):
- 43.remove_hyper_core(self, core_list, key=None):
- 44.init_reserved_core(self):
- 45.remove_reserved_cores(self, core_list, args):
- 46.get_reserved_core(self, config, socket):
- 47.get_core_list(self, config, socket=-1):
- 48.get_lcore_id(self, config):
- 49.get_port_info(self, pci):
- 50.get_port_pci(self, port_id):
- 51.enable_promisc(self, intf):
- """
- A connection to the CRB under test.
- This class sends commands to the CRB and validates the responses. It is
- implemented using either ssh for linuxapp or the terminal server for
- baremetal.
- All operations are in fact delegated to an instance of either CRBLinuxApp
- or CRBBareMetal.
- """
- 00.__init__(self, crb, serializer, dut_id)
- 01.init_host_session(self, vm_name)
- 02.new_session(self, suite="")
- 03.close_session(self, session)
- 04.set_nic_type(self, nic_type)
- 05.set_toolchain(self, target)
- 06.mount_procfs(self)
- 07.ount_procfs_linux(self)
- 08.mount_procfs_freebsd(self)
- 09.get_ip_address(self)
- 10.get_password(self)
- 11.get_username(self)
- 12.dut_prerequisites(self)
- 13.restore_interfaces(self)
- 14.restore_interfaces_freebsd(self)
- 15.stop_ports(self)
- 16.restore_interfaces_linux(self)
- 17.setup_memory(self, hugepages=-1)
- 18.setup_memory_linux(self, hugepages=-1)
- 19.setup_memory_freebsd(self, hugepages=-1)
- 20.taskset(self, core)
- 21.is_ssh_session_port(self, pci_bus)
- 22.get_dpdk_bind_script(self)
- 23.bind_interfaces_linux(self, driver='igb_uio', nics_to_bind=None)
- 24.unbind_interfaces_linux(self, nics_to_bind=None)
- 25.get_ports(self, nic_type='any', perf=None, socket=None)
- 26.get_ports_performance(self, nic_type='any', perf=None, socket=None,
- force_same_socket=True,
- force_different_nic=True)
- 27.get_peer_pci(self, port_num)
- 28.get_mac_address(self, port_num)
- 29.get_ipv6_address(self, port_num)
- 30.get_numa_id(self, port_num)
- 31.lcore_table_print(self, horizontal=False)
- 32.get_memory_channels(self)
- 33.check_ports_available(self, pci_bus, pci_id)
- 34.rescan_ports(self)
- 35.rescan_ports_uncached(self)
- 36.rescan_ports_uncached_linux(self)
- 37.rescan_ports_uncached_freebsd(self)
- 38.load_serializer_ports(self)
- 39.save_serializer_ports(self)
- 40.scan_ports(self)
- 41.scan_ports_cached(self)
- 42.scan_ports_cached_linux(self)
- 43.scan_ports_uncached(self)
- 44.scan_ports_uncached_linux(self)
- 45.scan_ports_uncached_freebsd(self)
- 46.setup_virtenv(self, virttype)
- 47.generate_sriov_vfs_by_port(self, port_id, vf_num, driver='default')
- 48.destroy_sriov_vfs_by_port(self, port_id)
- 49.destroy_all_sriov_vfs(self)
- 50.destroy_all_sriov_vfs(self)
- 51.get_vm_core_list(self)
- 52.load_portconf(self)
- 53.map_available_ports(self)
- 54.map_available_ports_uncached(self)
- 55.disable_tester_ipv6(self)
- 56.enable_tester_ipv6
- 57.check_port_occupied
- 58.get_maximal_vnc_num(self)
- 59.close(self)
- 60.virt_exit(self)
- 61.crb_exit(self)
- """
- A base class for creating DTF test cases.
- """
- test_cases.py
- 01.def __init__(self, duts, tester, target, suitename)
- 02.def init_log(self)
- 03._check_and_reconnect(self, crb=None)
- 04.set_up_all(self)
- 05.set_up(self)
- 06.tear_down(self)
- 07.tear_down_all(self)
- 08.verify(self, passed, description)
- 09._get_nic_driver(self, nic_name)
- 10.set_check_inst(self, check=None)
- 11.rst_report(self, *args, **kwargs)
- 12.result_table_create(self, header)
- 13.result_table_add(self, row)
- 14.result_table_print(self)
- 15.result_table_getrows(self)
- 16._get_functional_cases(self)
- 17._get_performance_cases(self)
- 18._has_it_been_requested(self, test_case, test_name_regex)
- 19.set_requested_cases(self, case_list)
- 20._get_test_cases(self, test_name_regex)
- 21.execute_setup_all(self)
- 22._execute_test_case(self, case_obj)
- 23.execute_test_cases(self)
- 24.execute_test_case(self, case_obj)
- 25.get_result(self)
- 26.get_case_cfg(self)
- 27.get_suite_cfg(self)
- 28.execute_tear_downall(self)
- 29.enable_history(self, history)
- 30.dump_history(self)
- 31.wirespeed(self, nic, frame_size, num_ports)
- """
- Class for check test case running criteria. All information will be loaded
- from conf/test_case_*list.json. Current two files are maintained. One is
- for check whether test case should skip, another one is for check whether
- current environment support test case execution.
- """
- CheckCase.py
- filter_json_file = './conf/test_case_checklist.json'
- support_json_file = './conf/test_case_supportlist.json'
- 00.__init__(self)
- 01.check_dut(self, dut)
- 02._check_os(self, os_type)
- 03._check_nic(self, nic_type)
- 04._check_target(self, target)
- 05._check_host_driver(self, drivers)
- 06.case_skip(self, case_name)
- 07.case_support(self, case_name)
- settings.py
- """
- 'Framework': 'framework',
- 'Testscripts': 'tests',
- 'Configuration': 'conf',
- 'Depends': 'dep',
- 'Output': 'output',
- 'NicDriver': 'nics',
- Nics and its identifiers supported by the framework.
- 'kawela': '8086:10e8',
- 'kawela_2': '8086:10c9',
- 'kawela_4': '8086:1526',
- 'bartonhills': '8086:150e',
- 'powerville': '8086:1521',
- 'powerville_vf': '8086:1520',
- 'kawela': 'igb',
- 'kawela_2': 'igb',
- 'kawela_4': 'igb',
- 'bartonhills': 'igb',
- 'powerville': 'igb',
- 'powerville_vf': 'igbvf',
- List used to translate scapy packets into Ixia TCL commands.
- 'Ether',
- 'Dot1Q',
- 'IP',
- Helpful header sizes.
- 'eth': 18,
- 'ip': 20,
- 'ipv6': 40,
- dpdk send protocol packet size.
- 'lldp': [110, 100],
- }
- Default session timeout.
- TIMEOUT = 15
- Global macro for dts.
- IXIA = "ixia"
- The log name seperater.
- LOG_NAME_SEP = '.'
- Section name for suite level configuration
- DTS global environment variable
- DTS_ENV_PAT = r"DTS_*"
- DTS global error table
- "DUT_SETUP_ERR" : 3,
- 00.get_nic_name(type)
- 01.get_nic_driver(pci_id)
- 02.get_netdev(crb, pci)
- 03.get_host_ip(address)
- 04.save_global_setting(key, value)
- 05.load_global_setting(key)
- 06.report_error(error)
- 07.exit_error()
- 08.accepted_nic(pci_id)
- """
- Create thread lock dictionary based on DUTs number
- """
- utils.py
- 01.create_parallel_locks(num_duts)
- 02.parallel_lock(num=1)
- 03.RED(text)
- 04.BLUE(text)
- 05.GREEN(text)
- 06.pprint(some_dict, serialzer=None)
- 07.regexp(s, to_match, allString=False)
- 08.get_obj_funcs(obj, func_name_regex)
- 09.remove_old_rsa_key(crb, ip)
- 10.human_read_number(num)
- 11.get_subclasses(module, clazz)
- 12.copy_instance_attr(from_inst, to_inst)
- 13.create_mask(indexes)
- 14.convert_int2ip(value, ip_type)
- 15.convert_ip2int(ip_str, ip_type)
- 16.get_backtrace_object(file_name, obj_name)
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