spring 4.0 注解数据验证1
如果前台验证足够了,那么如果还有不正确的信息传到后台去,极有可能是通过非法手段。那么我对这些信息也不必客气,直接拒接就行了,连错误信息都不必发。 基于这个思想,
我们现在使用Hibernate的那一套验证,必须引入Hibernate-validator的jar包。到Maven Repository 去找就行了。如果还找不到,拿到百度云里找吧
import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; public class People { private int id; @NotEmpty
private String name; @Email
private String address; private int age; public final int getId() {
return id;
} public final void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
} public final String getName() {
return name;
} public final void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public final String getAddress() {
return address;
} public final void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
} public final int getAge() {
return age;
} public final void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "People [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", address=" + address
+ ", age=" + age + "]";
} public People set(String name, Object obj) {
try {
Field f = this.getClass().getDeclaredField(name);
f.set(this, obj);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException
| IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
return this;
} }
public String add(@Valid People p,BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request) {
return "error";
return "people/detail";
注意在参数p之前有注解@Valid,并且在p之后紧接着就是BindingResult result。BindingResult result一定要紧跟着People p。
这样如果有错误,通过代码 if(result.hasErrors()) return "error"; 直接返回到error界面,error界面甚至不必存在。。。
另外,这样还有好处,People中 age的类型是int。如果传参数是age是一个不可以转换为int的字符串怎么办?
哈哈,这时 result.hasErrors() 的返回值也是true,也就是还是会返回error界面。
补充一点:非空验证是用的最多的,你会看到有 @NotEmpty,@NotNull,@NotBlank 三个差不多的注解
1.@NotNull 用于任何引用类型,验证是不是null
2.@NotEmpty。 用于CharSequence
, Map and Arrays
。 验证是不是null;如果不是null,那么trim之后验证长度是不是0
注解 |
适用的数据类型 |
说明 |
@AssertFalse |
Boolean, boolean |
验证注解的元素值是false |
@AssertTrue |
Boolean, boolean |
验证注解的元素值是true |
@DecimalMax(value=x) |
BigDecimal, BigInteger, String, byte,short, int, long and the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of Number andCharSequence. |
验证注解的元素值小于等于@ DecimalMax指定的value值 |
@DecimalMin(value=x) |
BigDecimal, BigInteger, String, byte,short, int, long and the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of Number andCharSequence. |
验证注解的元素值小于等于@ DecimalMin指定的value值 |
@Digits(integer=整数位数, fraction=小数位数) |
BigDecimal, BigInteger, String, byte,short, int, long and the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of Number andCharSequence. |
验证注解的元素值的整数位数和小数位数上限 |
@Future |
java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar; Additionally supported by HV, if theJoda Time date/time API is on the class path: any implementations ofReadablePartial andReadableInstant. |
验证注解的元素值(日期类型)比当前时间晚 |
@Max(value=x) |
BigDecimal, BigInteger, byte, short,int, long and the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type ofCharSequence (the numeric value represented by the character sequence is evaluated), any sub-type of Number. |
验证注解的元素值小于等于@Max指定的value值 |
@Min(value=x) |
BigDecimal, BigInteger, byte, short,int, long and the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of CharSequence (the numeric value represented by the char sequence is evaluated), any sub-type of Number. |
验证注解的元素值大于等于@Min指定的value值 |
@NotNull |
Any type |
验证注解的元素值不是null |
@Null |
Any type |
验证注解的元素值是null |
@Past |
java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar; Additionally supported by HV, if theJoda Time date/time API is on the class path: any implementations ofReadablePartial andReadableInstant. |
验证注解的元素值(日期类型)比当前时间早 |
@Pattern(regex=正则表达式, flag=) |
String. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of CharSequence. |
验证注解的元素值与指定的正则表达式匹配 |
@Size(min=最小值, max=最大值) |
String, Collection, Map and arrays. Additionally supported by HV: any sub-type of CharSequence. |
验证注解的元素值的在min和max(包含)指定区间之内,如字符长度、集合大小 |
@Valid |
Any non-primitive type(引用类型) |
验证关联的对象,如账户对象里有一个订单对象,指定验证订单对象 |
@NotEmpty |
验证注解的元素值不为null且不为空(字符串长度不为0、集合大小不为0) |
@Range(min=最小值, max=最大值) |
验证注解的元素值在最小值和最大值之间 |
@NotBlank |
验证注解的元素值不为空(不为null、去除首位空格后长度为0),不同于@NotEmpty,@NotBlank只应用于字符串且在比较时会去除字符串的空格 |
@Length(min=下限, max=上限) |
验证注解的元素值长度在min和max区间内 |
验证注解的元素值是Email,也可以通过正则表达式和flag指定自定义的email格式 |
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