Site One was unpopular because of traffic and parking problems.
The bombs killed at least 6 people and wounded 100 more.

Would you like to live with the family or do you think that a single person would be better for you.

Well, this is the summary of the views of the student population.

With only six performers, it's a small production, which suits the venue well — the Studio only seats about two hundred people.

Today we are going to look at one of my favourite fish — the shark.

This year, the Summer Festival is the biggest we've ever seen, so there should be something for everybody.

There was minimal interest in having a library on the premises. But one option seemed to be a reading room instead, more useful.

The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing.

All are planned in detail by our highly trained guides, who all work in a variety of different Travelite locations, so we can guarantee standards.

While most other animals, including fish, hunt their prey by means of their eyesight, sharks hunt essentially by smell.

Sarah, I've heard that you want to move into a home-stay family, is that correct?

It was clear that the Union was mainly to be used after lectures.
You need to pay monthly to me by cash or cheque, I don't mind.

It's large puppets on long sticks, controlled by puppeteers standing waist deep in the lake.

We are planning to open our first centre outside this area in the coming year, so watch out for developments.

If you want information about our new walking holidays, please press four now.

I've chosen these because they represent distinct movements within circus performance.

People discover that, once they learn to plan their days, all the work can be accomplished and there'll still be time for leisure.

We appreciate that some of our ideas may not be feasible in the circumstances.

Then we invited all students to submit written suggestions for the design, placing cards in a suggestion box.

We asked students to cite reasons for and against these sites.

In order to deal with all calls effectively, we offer you a number of options.

I've been referred to you because I'm enquiring about the refresher courses that you run.

We won't get a very good mark if the children don't actually enjoy the experiments.

The program has sensational theatre, dance and also a large number of art exhibitions, but the thing the Festival is most famous for is its great street music.

We don't want to leave it so late that it's double the work.
The recommendations would be at least video surveillance and security personnel who would check Student Union cards on request.

In spite of this, Circus Romano isn't at all like the traditional circuses I grew up with.

The main purpose is to show how hovercrafts work, and how things hover around on just a cushion of air.

I've been staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him.

There has been a drop in stock markets across the world sparked by alarm over a slowdown in emerging economies.

The purists are suggesting that this isn't a circus at all.

It's a must for young children though, and that's the audience it's really aimed at.

Now, I need to tell you that this is a very popular course and it's essential that you book well ahead of time.

The other thing he was saying last week was that his computer printer had broken.

If I could start by briefly explaining what steps were taken to find out student opinion and how we have arrived at conclusions.

This is the third year they've run it and the timing's slightly different.

Well, I think that I really need some help in preparing for the coming semester.


But we do feel that it is important that the ultimate beneficiaries of the facilities should have some say in its design.

We have been offering a wide variety of walking holidays to suit all tastes for just three years.

For further information, please contact your local travel agent.

The final touches have been put to the red carpet. It's nearly show time.

An arrest warrant has now been issued for the reclusive cleric who's based in US for allegedly establishing and running an armed terrorist organisation.

There've been other bomb attacks and explosions in Kharkiv in recent weeks, but this was the deadliest so far.

Photographs which claimed to provide proof for what happened are circulating on the internet.

Ten years later, in 1949, systematic meshing was extended to include the beaches to the south of Sydney.

We actually tested pretty much every 3D printer available here off the shelving like gravity and none of them worked.

The Greek government hasn't disclosed why the infamous list has been delayed but insists it will arrive in Brussels on Tuesday.

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