Convolutional Patch Networks with Spatial Prior for Road Detection and Urban Scene Understanding

深度学习思想越来越火,在今年的CVPR 2015 文章中相关文章就有20多篇,可见是很火的。近期在做关于语义切割和场景解析的内容,看到这篇文章后也是很高兴。

CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks. It supports a wide variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows) and libraries (OpenCL, Intel MKL, AMD ACML...) while providing dependency-free reference implementations. The software is developed at the Computer Vision Group, University of Jena.

文章说能够在Windows、Mac和Linux系统上很好的执行,又能够支持OpenCL、Intel MKL , AMD ACML 来并行计算加速。看起来还真不错!


[ CN24 ]


实验环境[ubuntu 15.04]。临时没实用GPU加速






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