acBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim app01/ # 开发灭霸功能,刚开发到一半 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git status #查看一下状态
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: app01/ no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git stash # 将开发到一半的灭霸功能,临时存储到“某个地方”
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 0972f4b 复仇者联盟上线
HEAD is now at 0972f4b 复仇者联盟上线 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git status # 工作区回到当前版本未做任何操作前
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim pondo/ # 紧急修复bug
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: pondo/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git add . # 添加到修改bug的代码到暂存状态
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git commit -m '紧急修复bug' # 提交修复Bug的代码到分支
[master 1300d33] 紧急修复bug
file changed, insertion(+) MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git stash pop # 将开发到一半的灭霸功能从“某个地方”再次拿会工作区继续开发
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: app01/ no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{} (059d78ca8fa204f9559bd3ce0ae76235969b4301)
特别的:执行 git stash pop 命令时,可能会遇到冲突,因为在紧急修复bug的代码和通过stash存储在“某个地方”的代码会有重合部分,所以执行 git stash pop 时候就会出现冲突,有冲突解决冲突即可。
a. 原来内容:
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request):
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟') b. 开发到一半直播功能:
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request):
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟') def live(request):
return HttpResponse('....') c. 执行git stash,回到当前版本未修改状态:
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request):
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟') d. 修复Bug并提交:
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request):
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟金刚狼') e. 继续开发直播功能 git stash pop,此时会出现冲突:
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git stash pop
Auto-merging app01/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in app01/ 表示app01/views.py存在冲突需要解决,此时文件内容为: from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request):
<<<<<<< Updated upstream: # 修复Bug时更改的内容
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟金刚狼')
======= # 修复Bug前正在开发新功能时的内容
return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟') def live(request):
return HttpResponse('灭霸')
>>>>>>> Stashed changes 需要自行解决冲突,然后继续开发,如: from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse def index(request):
return render(request,'index.html') def africa(request): return HttpResponse('复仇者联盟金刚狼') def live(request):
return HttpResponse('灭霸')
- git stash 将当前工作区所有修改过的内容存储到“某个地方”,将工作区还原到当前版本未修改过的状态
- git stash list 查看“某个地方”存储的所有记录
- git stash clear 清空“某个地方”
- git stash pop 将第一个记录从“某个地方”重新拿到工作区(可能有冲突)
- git stash apply 编号, 将指定编号记录从“某个地方”重新拿到工作区(可能有冲突)
- git stash drop 编号,删除指定编号的记录
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git branch dev # 创建新分支,即:拷贝一份当前所在分支代码到新分支
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout dev # 切换到dev分支
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim app01/ # 开发功能
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git status # 查看状态,即:在dev分支修改了app01/views.py文件
On branch dev
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: app01/ no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git add . # 将修改文件添加到版本库的暂存区
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git commit -m '新功能开发完毕' # 将暂存区的内容提交到当前所在分支,即:dev分支
[dev 32b40cd] 新功能开发完毕
file changed, insertions(+)
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout master # 切换回master分支
Switched to branch 'master'
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git merge dev # 将dev分支内容合并到master分支
Updating 0972f4b..32b40cd
app01/ | ++
file changed, insertions(+)一般流程示例(上图)
MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git branch # 当前在master分支
* master MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git branch dev # 创建dev分支用于开发新功能 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout dev # 切换到dev分支
Switched to branch 'dev' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim app01/ # 开发新功能到一半,需要紧急修复Bug MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git add . MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git commit -m '新功能开发一半'
[dev b3ac2cb] 新功能开发一半
file changed, insertions(+) MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout master # 切换回master分支
Switched to branch 'master' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git branch bug # 创建bug分支 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout bug # 切换到bug分支
Switched to branch 'bug' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim pondo/ # 修改bug MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git add . # 提交bug MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git commit -m '紧急修复bug' # 提交bug
[bug f42f386] 紧急修复bug
file changed, insertion(+), deletion(-) MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout master # 切换会master
Switched to branch 'master' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git merge bug # 将bug分支内容合并到master分支,表示bug修复完毕,可以上线
Updating 0972f4b..f42f386
pondo/ | +-
file changed, insertion(+), deletion(-) MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout dev # 切换到dev分支,继续开发新功能
Switched to branch 'dev' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ vim app01/ # 继续开发其他一半功能 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git add . # 提交新功能 MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git commit -m '继续开发完成' # 提交功能
[dev c0bfb27] 继续开发完成
file changed, insertion(+) MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git checkout master # 切换回master分支
Switched to branch 'master' MacBook-Pro-:pondo gaoshengyue$ git merge dev # 将dev分支合并到master分支
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
app01/ | +++
file changed, insertions(+)
注意:git merge 时也可能会出现冲突,解决冲突的方式上述stash相同,即:找到冲突文件,手动修改冲突并提交。
- git branch 分支名称 创建分支
- git checkout 分支名称 切换分支
- git branch -m 分支名称 创建并切换到指定分支
- git branch 查看所有分支
- git branch -d 分支名称 删除分支
- git merge 分支名称 将指定分支合并到当前分支
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