General Description:
The role is responsible for China COE Operations Team’s data and cost analysis, cost and timeline tracking, and owner of COE operation programs, projects and daily operations management process across 3 sites. Responsibility also include assist COE Operations Team to achieve initiative assignments. This role requires in depth experience in the business operation domain, and strong project management skill to manage project and relationship with internal and external business partners.
Key Responsible
l Ensure project teams deliver commitments successfully to BUs through flawless execution initiatives.
l Establish common metrics, procedures and guidelines for planning, scheduling, estimating, costing, project accounting, risk assessment, and quality processes to ensure consistency across programs and projects
l Produce accurate management report for on-going projects and programs against business commitment.
l Manage projects from inception to completion.
l Coordinate cross function internal teams on projects
l Monitor program and project plans, dependencies, key milestones and deliverables on a weekly basis and identify at risk items and assist when needed.
l Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent.
l 3 years related experience in operation, project management; ideally have hands on experience in IT, Facility, Admin in multi-national company
l Excellent communication, negotiating and interviewing skills required.
l Good English communication skills
l Excellent customer service mindset.
l Passion and sense of urgency, quick in responding
l Knowledge of IT and facility practices is preferred.
l Exposure in Hi-Tech industry is a plus
l Good skill on MS Office tools is must.
Knowledge of IT /Admin/ facility practices is preferred.
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