            Report report1 = new Report();
            string ReportFileName = GetReportFileName(Rep);
            //report1.Load(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Report\\" + ReportFileName);
            report1.Load(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + ReportFileName);
            //report1.RegisterData(dtItem, "item");//report1.RegisterData(ds.Tables[1], "Detail");
            report1.GetDataSource("Detail").Enabled = true;
            report1.GetDataSource("Master").Enabled = true;
            report1.GetDataSource("Material").Enabled = true;
            report1.GetDataSource("SUM").Enabled = true;              DataBand dataBand1 = report1.FindObject("DataItem") as DataBand;
            if (dataBand1 == null)
            }             PageHeaderBand PageHeader1 = report1.FindObject("PageHeader1") as PageHeaderBand;
            if (PageHeader1 == null)
            dataBand1.DataSource = report1.GetDataSource("Detail");             ////列标题位置参考对象
            TextObject TxtObjRow = report1.FindObject("TextData") as TextObject;
            if (TxtObjRow == null)
            float iLeft = TxtObjRow.Left;
            float iTop = TxtObjRow.Top;
            float iWidth = TxtObjRow.Width;
            float iHeight = TxtObjRow.Height;             //列位置参考对象
            TextObject TextHeadRow = report1.FindObject("TextHead") as TextObject;
            if (TextHeadRow == null)
            float iLeft2 = TextHeadRow.Left;
            float iTop2 = TextHeadRow.Top;
            float iWidth2 = TextHeadRow.Width;
            float iHeight2 = TextHeadRow.Height;             DataSourceBase frxSource = report1.GetDataSource("Detail");
            float AutoWith = 0;
            if (AtuoSize == true)
                AutoWith = (float)198 / (frxSource.Columns.Count -9);
                AutoWith = 10;
            }             //对数据区的列自动生成,加载到报表中
            int k = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < frxSource.Columns.Count; i = i + 1)
                //重新设置数据源列别名,由于传入别名重复。默认情况,dataTable列是caption 自动对应的fastreport数据源列的别名      
                frxSource.Columns[i].Alias = frxSource.Columns[i].Name;
                string col = frxSource.Columns[i].Name;
                string colCaption = col.Replace("_1", "");
                if (col == "ID" || col == "MaterialID" || col == "MaterialCode" || col == "MaterialName" ||
                      col == "Grade" || col == "LR" || col == "LenType" || col == "Sort" || col == "Com")
                //if (col == "Row") continue;                 string sName = "[" + frxSource.Alias + "." + col + "]";
                TextObject txtObject = new TextObject();
                txtObject.Name = col;
                txtObject.Border.Lines = BorderLines.All;
                txtObject.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center;
                txtObject.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center;
                txtObject.Font = new Font("宋体", 9.0f);
                txtObject.EvenStyle = "Style1";
                txtObject.Bounds = new RectangleF(k * Units.Millimeters * AutoWith, 0, Units.Millimeters * AutoWith, iHeight);
                txtObject.Text = sName;
                txtObject.HideZeros = true;//当为0,设置空
                if (col == "Sph" || col == "row")
                {                 }
                    NumberFormat fn = new NumberFormat();
                    fn.UseLocale = false;
                    fn.DecimalDigits = 1;
                    fn.DecimalSeparator ="null" ;
                    txtObject.Format = fn;
                dataBand1.Objects.Add(txtObject);                 //Head列区设置
                TextObject txtObject1 = new TextObject();
                txtObject1.Name = "txt" + col;
                txtObject1.Border.Lines = BorderLines.All;
                txtObject1.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center;
                txtObject1.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center;
                txtObject1.Font = new Font("宋体", 9.0f);
                txtObject1.Bounds = new RectangleF((k) * Units.Millimeters * AutoWith, iTop2, Units.Millimeters * AutoWith, iHeight2);
                txtObject1.Text = colCaption;
                if (col == "Sph" || col == "row")
                    txtObject1.Text = "球\\柱";                 }
                k++;             }

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