解决方法; http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1031302

sequence to isolate the issue and to resolve it properly. They are also ordered in the most appropriate sequence to minimize data loss. After completing each step, you can try installing the product again. Work through each troubleshooting step in order, and do not skip a step.

To resolve this issue:
  1. Make sure that you are logged into Windows as a local administrator. For more information, see:

  2. Clear the contents of your Temp directory: 
    1. For Windows XP, click the Start > Run. For Windows Vista/7, click the Start globe / Windows logo button.
    2. Type %TEMP% and press Enter.
    3. Select and delete all files.
  3. Reinstall the latest version of Windows Installer. For more information and a for download link, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 942288.
  4. Run the installer of the currently installed version of Workstation and choose Repair. When complete, restart the PC and run the setup for the new version of Workstation.
  5. If you are running Windows XP, reregister the Microsoft installer. From a command prompt, enter these two commands:

    MSIExec /unregister
    MSIExec /regserver

    Note: For more information on command prompts, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892).

  6. Use the Windows System Configuration (msconfig) utility to disable all non-Microsoft startup utilities. For more information, see Using the Windows System Configuration utility (1004010). Restart Windows, so that only the enabled Microsoft services are running.
  7. From the command prompt, run this command:
    sfc /SCANNOW

    For more information on this command, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 929833.

  8. Create a new user user account with administrative privileges and log in as the new user. For more information, see:

For more information on the Microsoft installer, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2438651.

Note: The preceding links were correct as of February 7, 2011. If you find a link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.



echo off
echo "flag">>%windir%system32test.log
if not exist %windir%system32test.log (
 echo 请右键使用管理员身份运行!!!
echo. 确认进行清理?
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREVMware, Inc." /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREVMware, Inc." /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC6B325AF07E1AF439D3AD4079F106F7" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA57F49D06AE015943BFA1B54AFE9506C" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeatures7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeatures7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f  >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Products7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Products7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f >nul 2>nul
echo 清理完成!

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