Fiddler's QuickExec box allows you to launch script-commands quickly.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Hit ALT+Q to quickly set focus to the QuickExec box. If Fiddler isn't active, hit CTRL+ALT+F first to activate Fiddler.
  • In the QuickExec box, hit CTRL+I to insert the URL of the currently selected session in the session list.

Default commands


As you type sometext, Fiddler will highlight sessions where the URL contains sometext. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches.



Select sessions where response size is greater than size bytes.

>40000 <-- Select responses over 40kb



Select sessions where response size is less than size bytes.

<5k <-- Select responses under 5kb



Select sessions where response status = status or request method = method.

=301 <-- Select 301 redirect responses
=POST <-- Select POST requests


Select sessions where the request host contains host. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches. <-- Select,, etc


Mark any future sessions in bold if the url contains the target string

bold /bar.aspx
bold <-- Call with no parameter to clear


Break any response where the RequestURI contains the specified string

bpafter /favicon.ico
bpafter <-- Call with no parameter to clear


Break any response where the status code matches

bps 404
bps <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bpv or bpm

Create a request breakpoint for the specified HTTP method. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.

bpv POST
bpv <-- Call with no parameter to clear


Create a request breakpoint for URIs containing the specified string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.

bpu /myservice.asmx
bpu <-- Call with no parameter to clear

cls or clear

clear the session list



dump all sessions to a zip archive in C:\


g or go

Resume all breakpointed sessions



Show this page


hide Hide Fiddler in System tray



Replace any string in URLs with a different string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will cancel the replacement.

urlreplace SeekStr ReplaceWithStr
urlreplace <-- Call with no parameters to clear


Register as the system proxy



Unregister as the system proxy



Restore Fiddler from system tray -- more useful when triggering rules from ExecAction.exe (see below)


select MIME

Select any session where the response Content-Type header contains the specified string.

select image
select css
select htm

select HeaderOrFlag PartialValue

Select any session where the named Header or SessionFlag contains the specified string.

select ui-comments slow
select ui-bold * <-- unless preceded by a slash, * means any value
select ui-comments \* <-- Find comments with a *
select @Request.Accept html <-- Find requests with Accept: html
select @Response.Set-Cookie domain <- Find responses that Set-Cookie on a domain

allbut or keeponly

Hide all sessions except those where Content-Type header contains the specified string.

allbut xml
allbut java


Shutdown Fiddler.


!dns hostname

Perform a DNS lookup of the target host and show the results on the LOG tab



Set up an additional listener on another port, optionally secured by a HTTPS certificate

!listen 8889
!listen 4443 localhost
!listen 444

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