- class Person(object):
- @property
- def get_name(self):
- print('我叫xxx')
- def main():
- person = Person()
- person.get_name
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- class Goods(object):
- @property
- def price(self):
- print('@property')
- @price.setter
- def price(self,value):
- print('@price.setter:'+str(value))
- @price.deleter
- def price(self):
- print('@price.deleter')
- obj = Goods()
- obj.price = 50
- obj.price
- del obj.price
3、@property demo
- class Goods(object):
- def __init__(self):
- #原价
- self.original_price = 100
- #折扣
- = 0.8
- @property
- def price(self):
- #实际价格=原价*折扣
- new_price = self.original_price*
- return new_price
- @price.setter
- def price(self,value):
- self.original_price = value
- @price.deleter
- def price(self):
- del self.original_price
- obj = Goods()
- obj.price
- obj.price = 200
- del obj.price
- class Foo(object):
- def get_name(self):
- print('get_name')
- return 'laowang'
- def set_name(self, value):
- '''必须两个参数'''
- print('set_name')
- return 'set value' + value
- def del_name(self):
- print('del_name')
- return 'laowang'
- NAME = property(get_name, set_name, del_name, 'description.')
- obj = Foo()
- obj.NAME #调用get方法
- obj.NAME = 'alex' #调用set方法
- desc = Foo.NAME.__doc__ #调用第四个描述
- print(desc)
- del obj.NAME #调用第三个删除方法
- class Person(object):
- def __init__(self, age):
- self.__age = age
- def set_age(self, value):
- self.__age = value
- def get_age(self):
- return self.__age
- AGE = property(get_age, set_age)
- person = Person(15)
- person.AGE = 20
- print(str(person.AGE))
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