GM 命令[32位服务端GM命令]

//announce message

this basicly tells a announcement on the whole server.. you can't type a big message but you find out once you use it..

//setannounce id message

this sets an announcement and is also not long like announce command so watch the length. thats why you can make more then one.. This is when you login you see this heres a example..

//setannounce 1 welcome to

//setannounce 2 today is chris birthday.

//setannounce 3 don't forget to check forums out!

//setannounce 4

so when you login it would show that message without the //setannounce 1-4 part. in light blue.. you can make 0-9 and maybe higher like 10 11 never tried or cared.

//delannounce id

this just deletes the announce

//setparam exp number

this a odd command... if you set to like 9999999999 exp thats lvl 70 somthing.. caps lvl 80 if you do it again like 9999 it will actualy act like you were lvl 1 and give you 9999 exp and lvl you to whatever thats gives...

//summon id = items (Itemdata.txt)

example //summon 10 ( that summons id 10 = dagger now if it was //summon 10 5 it would have summon 5 daggers!

//summon name = npc (npc_pch.txt)

example //summon orc_archer (that would summon an orc archer. //summon orc_archer 5 would summon 5 orc archers of them...

//setskill ID LEVEL = skills (skilldata.txt)

example //setskill 3 24 (that would be skill 3 witch is s_power_strike1 level 24) Also make sure you click on your self or person you giving it too!


Best command in the game if you ask me lol. It makes you invisable though you start invisable. Also makes it so players can't send a tell don't forget to send a tell it's just "Kane whats up yes using shift " then players name space message sort of diffrent then most games!

//hide on or //hide off

This turns hide on or off. I don't think need explain more lol...

//gmspeed number

well you can use speeds from 1-5 I think i usally use 3 cuz after that it warps you back thinking your speed hacking. It's odd but oh well...

//quiet on or //quiet off

makes the whole world so they can't talk great when your pissed off


Shows how many players are on and the max was on since servers been on and also how many player stores are open.

//sendhome name

This command basicly sends the player to closest city.. Good for when there stuck or being a prick or w/e they want...

//recall name

This just warps the player to you. Good for when there stuck also or when you want them to come to you..

//teleportto name

This makes so you warp to the player. Good when they report a bug or when your hidden and your spying on them...


sends you back to the town you started at just you no one else.

//setkarma number

If you don't know what karma is it's bad to have. this only a self use command and makes you red.. so //setkarma 500 gives you 500 karma.. Killing other reds or killing mobs will get rid of karma or you can //setkarma 0 to become normal..


don't ask wtf you would use this for but I guess if you want to kill your self thats up to you..


this just kills an npc nothing big click on it and type the command..

//undying on or //undying off

so when it's on makes so when you hit 0 hp you don't die. your a god and of course when it's off when you hit 0 hp you are dead.

//stopsay name time

Great when theres someone being idiot spamming or just an asshole.. What it does is well shuts the player up for amount of mins. example //stopsay bob 50 (= thats 50 min)

//create_pet id

This creates a pet. you unable to make a pet from the items it will not spawn. Cuz has be made by this way or the quest in game. You should be able make a pet from 1-4 or 1-3 I forget..

//whisper on or //whisper off

so when whisper is off means no one can message you when whispers on they can message you..

//kick name

kicks the player out of the game.. Does not banned them just kicks them out and they can just relog in.

//diet on or //diet off

this makes so when diets on and your to heavy with to many items you don't slow down.

//gmchat name message

this just a simple way to tell a player somthing. like //gmchat bob your in big trouble!


tells you how long servers been up and the build date.. You must know that build date does not matter anymore.. I mean we add to it everyday it's just when the exe was compiled.. but we have hex edit many times added many new stuff.







//escape- escape to nearest town

//gmchat- chat only to GMs online

//setparam- see bottom of list





//set_door_hp- set the castle doors HP

//ride- available to everyone in a server with styrders of wyverns, made to /mount

//killnpc- kills selected mob, or even imobile NPC, ie store, Gk ect...




//show_castle_door_hp- shows the doors hp derrr



//controltower_levelup- make the headquarters for seige stronger

//door_levelup-make door stronger






//set_interval_announce-sets the time between each of the announcements to repeat

















//summonnpc- summons an NPC

//summon2- (ex: //summon2 50 dagger) will summon a +50 dagger

//summon- //summon dagger or //summon dagger 50 summons item and # of the item after

//whisper- //whisper on/off able to accept whispers from players or not

//gmspeed- sets how fast GM moves

//hide- goes into hide

//undying- god mode

//diet-overwieght dont matter



//setbuilder- //setbuilder 1 joebob, sets GM lvl 1 to a person

//delannounce-see rikku

//setannouncesee rikku

//announce- send a message to the entire server

//kick-kicks a player off the server

//teleportto- brings u to a player, use Alt+G

//sendhome-sends a player home, no idea if its just random or not

//recall- brings a player to u

//servername- changes the server name derrrr

//updatecastleincome- checks how much money a castle makes

//settax- change the amount of tax on the castles town

//setcastleincome- sets how much a castle makes






//leavepetimsg- for petition system, never used it

//cancelgmpeti-for petetion system, never used it







//ping- pings the server

//gmliston- puts GM on active Gm list for server

//stoplogin- turns off login server


//setclass- get class id and set a player class to anything, ie: orc spellsinger lol

//setkarma- see rikku







//killme- die die die


//gmon- turns all features of a GM

//healthy- on other player or oneself, make hp/mp full

//reset_skill- delets all skills in ones player, or selected charcter



//reset_npc_db- reloads the npc database

//set_skill_all- sets all skills for ones class that one is



//create_pet- 1,2,3 wolf or hatchling summons that work


//partytel- teleports current party to u

//telbookmark- teleports u to selected bookmark

//delbookmark-deletes a bookmark that u set

//addbookmark- adds a bookmark teleport to whereever u set it

//who- view how many people on server, stores, playing, max on all day

//delskill- deletes a certain skill that u choose (//delskill 99)




//setskill- sets a skill with certain id that u choose //setskill 99 3 (//setskill skillid skillLvl)


//disband <clan> - delete clan.(Clan should not consist in an alliance or is in a condition of war)

//snoop <nik> <on/off> - Espionage of the player.

//quiet [on | off]

Set world chat on/off. When ON noone can type except announce.

//create_pet 8 (8 - Dragonflute of Doom in eqiupment appears) Rideable - tested in c2

//spawn_npcs count ai

Spawn group of NPC's with desired ai

//debugnpc [target | name]

//worlddebug gives you the server side chords where you are currently standing example

(at npc trader lorenzo in aden)

worlddata at (148154, 28985): index (3,3)



//debug player_name

//set_interval_announce [start | end | add | del] [interval] [id] [message]

manages announces that repeating with time.

[id] - number 1..6

[interval] might be 10, 20, 30, 40, etc

below //s = /set_interval_announce

//s - list all announces

//s /? - help message. Also current status (is announces showing or stopped);

//s end - START announces if there any.

//s start - STOPS announces. They must be stopped before deleting them. Yes, "start" stops them and "end" starts. dunno why.

//s add <interval> <id> [message]

ex: //s add 30 1 Have a nice playing. - this adds announce with id=1 and interval 30 mins

//s del <interval> <id>

ex: //s del 30 1 - this will remove announce with id=1 and interval=30

(just type //setparam dex 99 for example)

//setparam variables:

WIT 0 - 99 works

MEN 0 - 99 works

INT 0 - 99 works

CON 0 - 99 works nice, try //setparam con 999 -2 for more kick

DEX 0 - 99 works

STR 0 - 99 works

PK_Counter-no idea

Magic_defend-no idea

Magic_attack-no idea

Base_critical-no idea

Base_attack_speed-no idea

Base_physical_attack-no idea

Noise-no idea

Org_speed-no idea

Org_hp_regen-no idea

Org_mp-no idea

Org_hp-no idea

SP- set the amount of sp a person has

EXP- sets the amount of exp a person has

Level- sets the persons level

[Share] GM commands, setparam,



unicode '//setskill [skill id] [level]',0000h

unicode '//create_pet 1~3',0000h

unicode '//delskill [skill id]',0000h

unicode '//addbookmark [bookmark name]',0000h

unicode '//delbookmark [bookmark name]',0000h

unicode '//telbookmark [bookmark name]',0000h

unicode '//setquest [quest id] [state]',0000h

unicode '//delquest [quest id]',0000h

unicode '//leavepetimsg [username] [msg]',0000h

unicode '//setcastleincome [id] [0..1] [1..2] [0..100000000]',0000h

unicode '//settax [0..100]',0000h

unicode '// [interval] [ANNOUNCE_ID] [ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE]',0000h

unicode '// [type][interval] [ANNOUNCE_ID] [ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE]',0000h

unicode '//setannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID] [interval] [ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE]',0000h

unicode '//delannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID]',0000h

unicode '//diet [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//undying [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//hide [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//gmspeed [0..5]',0000h

unicode '/BuilderCmd_summonnpc [Object id|Object name] [number]',0000h

unicode '//social [num]',0000h

unicode '//play_music music_name',0000h

unicode '//set_freeze_field castle_name [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//set_pausable castle_name [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//set_controltower_status control_tower_name [idle|dest|work|breakable|unbreakable]',0000h

unicode '//auction_close agit_name',0000h

unicode '//auction_open agit_name',0000h

unicode '//set_siege_end castle year mon day hour min',0000h

unicode '//left_peti_chat char',0000h

unicode '//setparam param value',0000h

unicode '//addcomment COMMENT',0000h

unicode '//time_limit char_name (Add | Del) min',0000h

unicode '//reset_respawn npc_db_name',0000h

unicode '//teleport x y [z]',0000h

unicode '/summon [Object id|Object name] [number]',0000h

unicode '/summon2 [enchanted] [Object id|Object name]',0000h

unicode '//setonetimequest [quest id] [state]',0000h

unicode '//show_castle_door_hp castle',0000h

unicode '//ride (//ride off)',0000h

unicode '//show_agit_info agit_name',0000h

unicode '//stopsay [CHAR_NAME] [STOP_MINUTE]',0000h

unicode '//stoplogin [CHAR_NAME] [STOP_MINUTE]',0000h

unicode '//cancelgmpeti [username]',0000h

unicode '//recall [CHAR_NAME]',0000h

unicode '//sendhome [CHAR_NAME]',0000h

unicode '//teleportto [CHAR_NAME]',0000h

unicode '//kick [CHAR_NAME]',0000h

unicode '//setbuilder [CHAR_NAME] [BUILDER_LEVEL]',0000h

unicode '//set_pledge_level pledge level',0000h

unicode '//setarea area_name [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//cease_fire pledge1 pledge2',0000h

unicode '//cease_fire2 alliance1 alliance2',0000h

unicode '//enable_plane_collision collisio_name 1/0',0000h

unicode '//mid_victory castle pledge',0000h

unicode '//load_pledge pledge',0000h

unicode '//add_peti_chat char',0000h

unicode '//force_peti charname message',0000h

unicode '//gmchat charname message',0000h

unicode '//time_info [char_name | .(target)]',0000h

unicode '//set_castle_owner castle pledge',0000h

unicode '//reset_castle_owner castle',0000h

unicode '//polymorph [npc id|npc name]',0000h

unicode '//debug [name | .]',0000h

unicode '//snoop [char name | .] [no | off]',0000h

unicode '//snoop [char name | .] [ON | OFF]',0000h

unicode '//quiet [on|off]',0000h

unicode '//spawn_npcs count ai',0000h

unicode '//set_bp param value(sec)',0000h

unicode '//set_castle_status castle no',0000h

unicode '//view_enemy_list pledge_name',0000h

unicode '//view_enemy_list2 alliance_name',0000h

unicode '//door_levelup [doorname|all] level(total%)',0000h

unicode '//controltower_levelup [controltower|all] level',0000hCode:

unicode 'WIT : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'MEN : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'INT : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'CON : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'DEX : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'STR : 0..99',0000h

unicode 'pk_counter',0000h

unicode 'magic_defend',0000h

unicode 'magic_attack',0000h

unicode 'base_critical',0000h

unicode 'base_attack_speed',0000h

unicode 'base_physical_attack',0000h

unicode 'level',0000hCode:

/announce message - this basicly tells a announcement on the whole server.. you can't type a big message but you find out once you use it..

//setannounce id message - this sets an announcement and is also not long like announce command so watch the length. thats why you can make more then one.. This is when you login you see this heres a example..

//delannounce id - this just deletes the announce

//setparam exp number - this a odd command... if you set to like 9999999999 exp thats lvl 70 somthing.. caps lvl 80 if you do it again like 9999 it will actualy act like you were lvl 1 and give you 9999 exp and lvl you to whatever thats gives...

//summon id = items (Itemdata.txt) - example //summon 10 ( that summons id 10 = dagger now if it was //summon 10 5 it would have summon 5 daggers!

//summon name = npc (npc_pch.txt) - example //summon orc_archer (that would summon an orc archer. //summon orc_archer 5 would summon 5 orc archers of them...

//setskill ID LEVEL = skills (skilldata.txt) - example //setskill 3 24 (that would be skill 3 witch is s_power_strike1 level 24) Also make sure you click on your self or person you giving it too!

//gmon - Best command in the game if you ask me lol. It makes you invisable though you start invisable. Also makes it so players can't send a tell don't forget to send a tell it's just "Kane whats up yes using shift " then players name space message sort of diffrent then most games!

//hide on or //hide off - This turns hide on or off. I don't think need explain more lol...

//gmspeed number - well you can use speeds from 1-5 I think i usally use 3 cuz after that it warps you back thinking your speed hacking. It's odd but oh well...

//quiet on or //quiet off - makes the whole world so they can't talk great when your pissed off

//who - Shows how many players are on and the max was on since servers been on and also how many player stores are open.

//sendhome name - This command basicly sends the player to closest city.. Good for when there stuck or being a prick or w/e they want...

//recall name - This just warps the player to you. Good for when there stuck also or when you want them to come to you..

//teleportto name - This makes so you warp to the player. Good when they report a bug or when your hidden and your spying on them...

//home - sends you back to the town you started at just you no one else.

//setkarma number - If you don't know what karma is it's bad to have. this only a self use command and makes you red.. so //setkarma 500 gives you 500 karma.. Killing other reds or killing mobs will get rid of karma or you can //setkarma 0 to become normal..

//killme - don't ask wtf you would use this for but I guess if you want to kill your self thats up to you..

//killnpc - this just kills an npc nothing big click on it and type the command..

//undying on or //undying off - so when it's on makes so when you hit 0 hp you don't die. your a god and of course when it's off when you hit 0 hp you are dead.

//stopsay name time - Great when theres someone being idiot spamming or just an asshole.. What it does is well shuts the player up for amount of mins. example //stopsay bob 50 (= thats 50 min)

//create_pet id - This creates a pet. you unable to make a pet from the items it will not spawn. Cuz has be made by this way or the quest in game. You should be able make a pet from 1-4 or 1-3 I forget..

//whisper on or //whisper off - so when whisper is off means no one can message you when whispers on they can message you..

//kick name - kicks the player out of the game.. Does not banned them just kicks them out and they can just relog in.

//diet on or //diet off - this makes so when diets on and your to heavy with to many items you don't slow down.

//gmchat name message - this just a simple way to tell a player somthing. like //gmchat bob your in big trouble!

//serverstat - tells you how long servers been up and the build date.. You must know that build date does not matter anymore.. I mean we add to it everyday it's just when the exe was compiled.. but we have hex edit many times added many new stuff.







//escape - escape to nearest town

//gmchat - chat only to GMs online

//setparam - see bottom of list





//set_door_hp - set the castle doors HP

//ride - available to everyone in a server with styrders of wyverns, made to /mount

//killnpc - kills selected mob, or even imobile NPC, ie store, Gk ect...




//show_castle_door_hp - shows the doors hp derrr



//controltower_levelup - make the headquarters for seige stronger

//door_levelup - make door stronger






//set_interval_announce - sets the time between each of the announcements to repeat


//disband <clan> - delete clan.(Clan should not consist in an alliance or is in a condition of war)

//snoop <nik> <on/off> - Espionage of the player.

//quiet [on | off] Set world chat on/off. When ON noone can type except announce.

//spawn_npcs count ai
















//summonnpc - summons an NPC

//summon2 - (ex: //summon2 50 dagger) will summon a +50 dagger

//summon - //summon dagger or //summon dagger 50 summons item and # of the item after

//whisper - //whisper on/off able to accept whispers from players or not

//gmspeed - sets how fast GM moves

//hide - goes into hide

//undying - god mode

//diet - overwieght dont matter



//setbuilder - //setbuilder 1 joebob, sets GM lvl 1 to a person

//delannounce - see rikku

//setannouncesee rikku

//announce - send a message to the entire server

//kick - kicks a player off the server

//teleportto - brings u to a player, use Alt+G

//sendhome - sends a player home, no idea if its just random or not

//recall - brings a player to u

//servername - changes the server name derrrr

//updatecastleincome - checks how much money a castle makes

//settax - change the amount of tax on the castles town

//setcastleincome - sets how much a castle makes






//leavepetimsg - for petition system, never used it

//cancelgmpeti - for petetion system, never used it







//ping - pings the server

//gmliston - puts GM on active Gm list for server

//stoplogin - turns off login server


//setclass - get class id and set a player class to anything, ie: orc spellsinger lol

//setkarma - see rikku







//killme - die die die


//gmon - turns all features of a GM

//healthy - on other player or oneself, make hp/mp full

//reset_skill - delets all skills in ones player, or selected charcter



//reset_npc_db - reloads the npc database

//set_skill_all - sets all skills for ones class that one is



//create_pet - 1,2,3 wolf or hatchling summons that work


//partytel - teleports current party to u

//telbookmark - teleports u to selected bookmark

//delbookmark - deletes a bookmark that u set

//addbookmark - adds a bookmark teleport to whereever u set it

//who - view how many people on server, stores, playing, max on all day

//delskill - deletes a certain skill that u choose (//delskill 99)




//setskill - sets a skill with certain id that u choose //setskill 99 3 (//setskill skillid skillLvl)


//setparam - variables:

WIT 0-99

MEN 0-99

INT 0-99

CON 0-99

DEX 0-99

STR 0-99

STR 499

INT 499

DEX 199

WIT 99

CON 999

MEN 910











//SP - set the amount of sp a person has

//EXP - sets the amount of exp a person has

//Level - sets the persons level

//set_interval_announce [start | end | add | del] [interval] [id] [message] - manages announces that repeating with time:

[id] - 1-6

[interval] - might be 10, 20, 30, 40, etc

below //s = /set_interval_announce

//s - list all announces

//s /? - help message. Also current status (is announces showing or stopped);

//s end - START announces if there any.

//s start - STOPS announces. They must be stopped before deleting them. Yes, "start" stops them and "end" starts. dunno why.

//s add <interval> <id> [message] - ex: //s add 30 1 Have a nice playing. - this adds announce with id=1 and interval 30 mins

//s del <interval> <id> - ex: //s del 30 1 - this will remove announce with id=1 and interval=30

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    \(Mayan\)游戏 好啊,一年(半年)来的梦魇,终于结束了. 其实我从来没料到整体竟然会如此暴力--做的时候机房里冷得很,感觉晕晕乎乎地做完了,晕晕乎乎地调了好久,晕晕乎乎地听(看了题解的)\(q ...

  7. $2018/8/15 = Day \ \ 1$杂题整理

    \(\mathcal{Morning}\) \(Task1\)高精度\(\times\)高精度 哦呵呵--真是喜闻乐见啊,我发现这一部分比较有意思于是就打算整理下来233.窝萌现在有一个整数\(A = ...

  8. Linux Shell常用技巧(七)

    十六. 文件查找命令find: 下面给出find命令的主要应用示例:    /> ls -l     #列出当前目录下所包含的测试文件    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 48 ...

  9. 执行Import-SPWeb报错的解决办法

    题描述] Import-SPWeb : Requested value 'PublishingPages' was not found. [解决办法] 1.找到CPM文件 2.把cpm文件后缀名改为c ...

  10. 配置bond

    注意:配置bond要有两个以上的网口 1.配置文件所有目录:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 网口配置文件名规则:以ifcfg-开头,然后接着是网口名 例如:eth0的配置 ...