Rotate Array



  Rotate an array of n elements to the right by k steps.

  For example, with n = 7 and k = 3, the array [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] is rotated to [5,6,7,1,2,3,4].



  leetcode/discuss思路: 思路一:新建数组,复制原数组,将新数组的内容存放在原数组中, nums[(i + k)%n] = numscopy[i]

               思路二:反转先将数组反转位reverse(nums,nums+n) [7,6,5,4,3,2,1]

                   在反转reverse(nums,nums+k) [5,6,7,4,3,2,1]

在反转reverse(nums+k,nums+n) [5,6,7,4,3,2,1]


  代码1:思路1 时间、空间复杂度均为(n)

 class Solution
void rotate(int nums[], int n, int k) //返回值为空
if ((n == ) || (k <= ))
return; //所以returnd的为空
} // Make a copy of nums
vector<int> numsCopy(n);
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
numsCopy[i] = nums[i];
} // Rotate the elements.
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
nums[(i + k)%n] = numsCopy[i];

  代码2:思路二 时间复杂度为(n),空间复杂度为(1)


 void rotate(int nums[], int n, int k) {
reverse(nums,nums+n); //解释见思路
 //在leetcode上可以运行的,int n = nums.size()无法通过
class Solution {
void rotate(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
k %= nums.size();


 // Rotate Array.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
//#include "string"
#include "vector"
using namespace std;
class MyClass1
void RotateArray(int nums[], int n, int k)
if (n == 0 || k == 0) //return nums[n]; vector<int> numscopy[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
numscopy[i] = nums[i];
} for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
nums[(i + k)%n] = numscopy[i];
//return nums[n];
};*/ class MyClass2
void RotateArray(int nums[], int n, int k)
{ k = k%n; reverse(nums, nums + n);
reverse(nums, nums + (n-k)); //参考代码为 reverse(nums,nums+(n-k)),但是输出不对
reverse(nums + (n-k), nums + n);
//return nums;
}; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
size_t const N = ;
int k ;
int x = , y = ;
int arrary[] = { , , , , , , , };
//MyClass1 solution;
MyClass2 solution;
/* 如何一次输入
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
cin << arrary[j] << ", ";
cin >> k;
solution.RotateArray(arrary, N, k);
cout << "[";
for (int i = ; i < N; i++)
cout <<arrary[i] << ", ";
cout << "]"<<endl;
//cout << arrary[i] << endl;
//cout << y << endl;
return ;

Factorial Trailing Zeroe


  Given an integer n, return the number of trailing zeroes in n!.





            思路二:假设n=100,100/5=20,但是100中并不是有20个5 ,而应该20/5=4,20+4=24个5.


 class Solution {
int trailingZeroes(int n) {
int res=;
while(n){ //为什么要迭代
return res;


class Solution {
int trailingZeroes(int n) {
int count = ;
for (long long i = ; n / i; i *= )
count += n / i;
return count;


  Well, to compute the number of trailing zeros, we need to first think clear about what will generate a trailing 0? Obviously, a number multiplied by 10 will have a trailing 0 added to it. So we only need   to find out how many 10's will appear in the expression of the factorial. Since 10 = 2 * 5 and there are a bunch more 2's (each even number will contribute at least one 2), we only need to count the   number of 5's.

  Now let's see what numbers will contribute a 5. Well, simply the multiples of 5, like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, .... So is the result simply n / 5? Well, not that easy. Notice that some numbers may      contribute more than one 5, like 25 = 5 * 5. Well, what numbers will contribute more than one 5? Ok, you may notice that only multiples of the power of 5 will contribute more than one 5. For      example,   multiples of 25 will contribute at least two 5's.

  Well, how to count them all? If you try some examples, you may finally get the result, which is n / 5 + n / 25 + n / 125 + .... The idea behind this expression is: all the multiples of 5 will contribute   one 5, the multiples of 25 will contribute one more 5 and the multiples of 125 will contribute another one more 5... and so on. Now, we can write down the following code, which is pretty short.


 #include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std; class MyClass
int FactorialTrailingZeroes(int n)
int res = ;
//cout << res << endl;
for(int i = ; i < n ; i *= )
//cout << i << endl; //测试
res += n / i;
//cout << res << endl;
return res;
}; class While
int FactorialTrailingZeroes(int n)
int res = ;
while (n)
n = n/;
res += n;
return res;
}; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//MyClass solution;
While solution;
int nums ;
int m = ;
cin >> nums;
m = solution.FactorialTrailingZeroes(nums); //32,33行写反了,所以进不了for循环
cout << m << endl;
return ;


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