bzoj3173 Splay 维护前缀中的最大值
设dp[i]表示 前缀1~i的最长上升子序列的长度。
因为是按照递增顺序插入的,所以当刚插入完某个数到i位置(此时能保证该数是当前序列的最大值)dp[i] = max{ dp[j] | j<i },答案 ans=max{ dp[i] | i in [1,len] }
因为要支持动态插入,所以要用BST来做,每个节点代表一个位置(即树的中序遍历就是该序列),每个节点维护dp[i]和 dpmax[i] = max{ dp[i] | i in the subtree }
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#define maxn 100010
using namespace std; struct Splay {
int pre[maxn], son[maxn][], siz[maxn], ntot, root;
int dp[maxn], dmax[maxn]; Splay() {
root = ntot = ;
void update( int nd ) {
siz[nd] = siz[son[nd][]] + siz[son[nd][]] + ;
dmax[nd] = max( dp[nd], max( dmax[son[nd][]], dmax[son[nd][]] ) );
void rotate( int nd, int d ) {
int p = pre[nd];
int s = son[nd][!d];
int ss = son[s][d]; son[nd][!d] = ss;
son[s][d] = nd;
if( !p ) root = s;
else son[p][ nd==son[p][] ] = s; pre[s] = p;
pre[nd] = s;
if( ss ) pre[ss] = nd; update(nd);
void splay( int nd, int top ) {
while( pre[nd]!=top ) {
int p = pre[nd];
if( pre[p]==top ) {
rotate( p, son[p][]==nd );
} else {
int pp = pre[p];
int pl = p == son[pp][];
int nl = nd == son[p][];
if( pl==nl ) {
rotate( pp, pl );
rotate( p, nl );
} else {
rotate( p, nl );
rotate( pp, pl );
int find( int pos ) { // pos in [1,sz]
int nd = root;
while() {
int ls = siz[son[nd][]];
if( pos<=ls ) {
nd = son[nd][];
} else if( pos>=ls+ ) {
nd = son[nd][];
pos -= ls+;
} else {
return nd;
int premax( int pos ) {
int nd = root;
int rt = ;
while() {
int ls = siz[son[nd][]];
if( pos<=ls ) {
nd = son[nd][];
} else if( pos>=ls+ ) {
rt = max( rt, max( dp[nd], dmax[son[nd][]] ) );
nd = son[nd][];
pos -= ls+;
} else {
rt = max( rt, max( dp[nd], dmax[son[nd][]] ) );
return rt;
int newnode( int p, int v ) {
int nd = ++ntot;
pre[nd] = p;
son[nd][] = son[nd][] = ;
siz[nd] = ;
dp[nd] = dmax[nd] = v;
return nd;
void insert( int pos ) {
if( !root ) {
root = newnode( , );
if( pos== ) {
int nd = root;
while( son[nd][] ) nd=son[nd][];
son[nd][] = newnode( nd, );
update( nd );
splay( nd, );
int nd = find( pos );
int nw = newnode( nd,premax(pos)+ );
int s = son[nd][];
son[nd][] = nw;
son[nw][] = s;
pre[nw] = nd;
if( s ) pre[s] = nw;
update( son[nd][] );
update( nd );
splay( nd, );
void print( int nd ) {
if( !nd ) return;
print( son[nd][] );
printf( "%d(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) ", dp[nd], nd, pre[nd], son[nd][], son[nd][], nd==son[pre[nd]][] );
print( son[nd][] );
}; Splay T;
int n;
int main() {
//freopen( "input", "r", stdin );
scanf( "%d", &n );
for( int i=,pos; i<=n; i++ ) {
scanf( "%d", &pos );
T.insert( pos );
// T.print(T.root);
// printf( "\n" );
printf( "%d\n", T.dmax[T.root] );
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