J2Cache 是 OSChina 目前正在使用的两级缓存框架。第一级缓存使用 Ehcache,第二级缓存使用 Redis 。由于大量的缓存读取会导致 L2 的网络成为整个系统的瓶颈,因此 L1 的目标是降低对 L2 的读取次数。该缓存框架主要用于集群环境中。单机也可使用,用于避免应用重启导致的 Ehcache 缓存数据丢失。

j2Cache提供了springboot 的集成。



</dependency> <dependency>



<!-- for ehcache 3.x -->
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ehcache.org/v3 http://www.ehcache.org/schema/ehcache-core.xsd"> <!-- Don't remote default cache configuration -->
<cache-template name="default">
<ttl unit="seconds">1800</ttl>
<offheap unit="MB">100</offheap>
</resources> </cache-template>
<persistence directory="${ecache.path}"/>
<cache alias="default" uses-template="default"/> </config>


#J2Cache configuration

# Cache Broadcast Method
# values:
# jgroups -> use jgroups's multicast
# redis -> use redis publish/subscribe mechanism
######################################### j2cache.broadcast = net.oschina.j2cache.cache.support.redis.SpringRedisPubSubPolicy # 是否开启二级缓存
j2cache.open-spring-cache= true
j2cache.allow-null-values= true
j2cache.cache-clean-mode= active
j2cache.redis-client=jedis #组播的通道名称
jgroups.channel.name = j2cache #########################################
# Level 1&2 provider
# values:
# none -> disable this level cache
# ehcache -> use ehcache2 as level 1 cache
# ehcache3 -> use ehcache3 as level 1 cache
# caffeine -> use caffeine as level 1 cache(only in memory)
# redis -> use redis(hashs) as level 2 cache
# [classname] -> use custom provider
######################################### j2cache.L1.provider_class = ehcache3
j2cache.L2.provider_class = net.oschina.j2cache.cache.support.redis.SpringRedisProvider
#j2cache.L2.provider_class = redis
j2cache.L2.config_section = redis
#j2cache.L2.provider_class = redis #########################################
# Cache Serialization Provider
# values:
# fst -> fast-serialization
# kyro -> kyro
# java -> java standard
# [classname implements Serializer]
######################################### j2cache.serialization = fst #########################################
# Ehcache configuration
######################################### #ehcache.name=
ehcache3.configXml = /config/ehcache3.xml #########################################
# Caffeine configuration
# caffeine.region.[name] = size, xxxx[s|m|h|d]
######################################### caffeine.region.default = 1000, 1h #########################################
# Redis connection configuration
######################################### #########################################
# Redis Cluster Mode
# single -> single redis server
# sentinel -> master-slaves servers
# cluster -> cluster servers (数据库配置无效,使用 database = 0)
# sharded -> sharded servers (密码、数据库必须在 hosts 中指定,且连接池配置无效 ; redis://user:password@
######################################### #redis.mode = sentinel
redis.mode = single
#cluster name just for sharded
redis.cluster_name = mymaster ## redis cache namespace optional, default[j2cache]
redis.namespace = j2cache ## connection
#redis.hosts =,,
redis.hosts =
redis.timeout = 2000
redis.password =
#redis.database = 0 ## redis pub/sub channel name
redis.channel = j2cache ## redis pool properties
redis.maxTotal = -1
redis.maxIdle = 2000
redis.maxWaitMillis = 100
redis.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 864000000
redis.minIdle = 1000
redis.numTestsPerEvictionRun = 10
redis.lifo = false
redis.softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 10
redis.testOnBorrow = true
redis.testOnReturn = false
redis.testWhileIdle = false
redis.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 300000
redis.blockWhenExhausted = true

redis.mode = single 模式支持 single,sentinel,cluster




@Component(value = "iCache")
public class J2cacheImpl implements ICache { private String region="rx"; @Autowired
private CacheChannel cacheChannel;



config-location: classpath:/config/j2cache.properties

配置j2cache.properties 文件路径

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