解决:File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/more_itertools/more.py", line 340 def _collate(*iterables, key=lambda a: a, reverse=False): 的报错
cyberb commented on 15 Apr
Maybe related to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54648246/invalid-syntax-in-more-itertools-when-running-pytest |
I can confirm that requiring a |
I also obtained the same error while starting ldapcherry [root@ldapcherry scripts]# ldapcherryd -c /etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini -D |
The foll. workaround seems to resolve this issue: (CentOS 7.2/Python 2.7.5 and ldapcherry 1.1.1)
This is the correct fix. This issue should be marked as closed. |
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