Spring Cloud config之三:config-server因为server端和client端的健康检查导致服务超时阻塞问题
- @RequestMapping("/{name}/{profiles}/{label:.*}")
- public Environment labelled(@PathVariable String name, @PathVariable String profiles,
- @PathVariable String label) {
- if (name != null && name.contains("(_)")) {
- // "(_)" is uncommon in a git repo name, but "/" cannot be matched
- // by Spring MVC
- name = name.replace("(_)", "/");
- }
- if (label != null && label.contains("(_)")) {
- // "(_)" is uncommon in a git branch name, but "/" cannot be matched
- // by Spring MVC
- label = label.replace("(_)", "/");
- }
- StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("labelled");
- sw.start();
- logger.info("EnvironmentController.labelled()开始,name={},profiles={},label={}", name, profiles, label);
- Environment environment = this.repository.findOne(name, profiles, label);
- sw.stop();
- logger.info("EnvironmentController.labelled()结束,name={},profiles={},label={},耗时={}毫秒,耗时={}秒", name, profiles, label, sw.getTotalTimeMillis(), sw.getTotalTimeSeconds());
- return environment;
- }
- @Override
- protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder builder) throws Exception {
- StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("doHealthCheck");
- sw.start();
- logger.info("ConfigServerHealthIndicator.doHealthCheck()开始,builder={}", builder);
- builder.up();
- List<Map<String, Object>> details = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String name : this.repositories.keySet()) {
- Repository repository = this.repositories.get(name);
- String application = (repository.getName() == null)? name : repository.getName();
- String profiles = repository.getProfiles();
- try {
- Environment environment = this.environmentRepository.findOne(application, profiles, repository.getLabel());
- HashMap<String, Object> detail = new HashMap<>();
- detail.put("name", environment.getName());
- detail.put("label", environment.getLabel());
- if (environment.getProfiles() != null && environment.getProfiles().length > 0) {
- detail.put("profiles", Arrays.asList(environment.getProfiles()));
- }
- if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(environment.getPropertySources())) {
- List<String> sources = new ArrayList<>();
- for (PropertySource source : environment.getPropertySources()) {
- sources.add(source.getName());
- }
- detail.put("sources", sources);
- }
- details.add(detail);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
- map.put("application", application);
- map.put("profiles", profiles);
- builder.withDetail("repository", map);
- builder.down(e);
- return;
- }
- }
- builder.withDetail("repositories", details);
- sw.stop();
- logger.info("ConfigServerHealthIndicator.doHealthCheck()结束,耗时={}毫秒,耗时={}秒,builder={}", sw.getTotalTimeMillis(), sw.getTotalTimeSeconds(), builder);
- }
- consul:
- host:
- port: 8500
- enabled: true
- discovery:
- enabled: true
- hostname:
- healthCheckInterval: 30s
- queryPassing: true
各个客户端在连接注册中心,获取到配置中心实例后,会调用上面这段代码逻辑从配置中心获取到 Environment数据变量,上线环境后,遇到了一个问题,查看日志,发现这块逻辑被不停的调用,每20多秒就会调用一次,application的name为 app,通过查看SpringCloudConfig的官方文档知道Config Server 通过一个健康指示器来检测配置的EnvironmentRepository是否正常工作。 默认情况下会向EnvironmentRepository询问一个名字为app的应用配置,EnvironmentRepository实例回应default配置。 也就是说当健康监视器默认开启的时候,会不停的调用findOne来检测,配置是否可用,是否会出现异常,
- @ConfigurationProperties("spring.cloud.config.server.health")
- public class ConfigServerHealthIndicator extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
- private EnvironmentRepository environmentRepository;
- private Map<String, Repository> repositories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- public ConfigServerHealthIndicator(EnvironmentRepository environmentRepository) {
- this.environmentRepository = environmentRepository;
- }
- @PostConstruct
- public void init() {
- if (this.repositories.isEmpty()) {
- this.repositories.put("app", new Repository());
- }
- }
- //...
- }
- @Configuration
- public class ConfigClientAutoConfiguration {
- @Configuration
- @ConditionalOnClass(HealthIndicator.class)
- @ConditionalOnBean(ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator.class)
- @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "health.config.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
- protected static class ConfigServerHealthIndicatorConfiguration {
- @Bean
- public ConfigServerHealthIndicator configServerHealthIndicator(
- ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator locator,
- ConfigClientHealthProperties properties, Environment environment) {
- return new ConfigServerHealthIndicator(locator, environment, properties);
- }
- }
- //...
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