UVALive-8201-BBP Formula
Time limit: 3.000 seconds
In 1995, Simon Plouffe discovered a special summation style for some constants. Two year later, together with the paper of Bailey and Borwien published, this summation style was named as the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula.Meanwhile a sensational formula appeared. That is
π = ∑k=0∞ 16-k (4/(8*k + 1) − 2/(8*k + 4) − 1/(8*k + 5) − 1/(8*k + 6))
For centuries it had been assumed that there was no way to compute the n-th digit of π without calculating allof the preceding n − 1 digits, but the discovery of this formula laid out the possibility. This problem asks you to calculate the hexadecimal digit n of π immediately after the hexadecimal point. For example, the hexadecimalformat of n is 3.243F6A8885A308D313198A2E... and the 1-st digit is 2, the 11-th one is A and the 15-th one is D.
The first line of input contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 32) which is the total number of test cases. Each of the following lines contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100000).
For each test case, output a single line beginning with the sign of the test case. Then output the integer n, and the answer which should be a character in {0, 1, ... , 9, A, B, C, D, E, F} as a hexadecimal number
Sample Input |
5 1 11 111 1111 11111 |
Sample Output |
Case #1: 1 2 Case #2: 11 A Case #3: 111 D Case #4: 1111 A Case #5: 11111 E |
对于公式π = ∑k=0∞ 16-k (4/(8*k + 1) − 2/(8*k + 4) − 1/(8*k + 5) − 1/(8*k + 6)),我们可以转化为π = 4∑1 - 2∑2 - ∑3 - ∑4,其中
∑1 = ∑k=0∞ 16-k/(8*k + 1)
∑2 = ∑k=0∞ 16-k/(8*k + 4)
∑3 = ∑k=0∞ 16-k/(8*k + 5)
∑4 = ∑k=0∞ 16-k/(8*k + 6)
∑1 = ∑k=0n-1 16n-1-k/(8*k + 1) + ∑k=n∞ 16n-1-k/(8*k + 1)
∑1 = ∑k=0n-1 [16n-1-k mod (8*k + 1)] / (8*k + 1) + ∑k=n∞ 16n-1-k/(8*k + 1)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#define re register
#define il inline
#define ll long long
#define ld long double
using namespace std;
const ll MAXN = 1e2+;
const ll TABLE = ;
const ld INF = 1e9;
const ld EPS = 1e-; //快速幂模
ll powmod(ll a, ll n, ll md)
ll ans = ;
ans = (ans*a)%md;
a = (a*a)%md;
n >>= ;
return ans;
} //BBP Formula
ll BBP(ll n)
ld ans = ;
ld ans1 = , ans2 = , ans3 = , ans4 = ;
for(re ll i = ; i < n; ++i)
ll k = n--i;
ll a = *i+;
ll b = a + ;
ll c = a + ;
ll d = a + ;
ans1 += powmod(16,k,a)/(ld)a;
ans2 += powmod(16,k,b)/(ld)b;
ans3 += powmod(16,k,c)/(ld)c;
ans4 += powmod(16,k,d)/(ld)d;
ans += *powmod(,k,a)/(ld)a-*powmod(,k,b)/(ld)b-powmod(,k,c)/(ld)c-powmod(,k,d)/(ld)d;
for(re ll i = n; i <= n+; ++i)
ll k = n--i;
ll a = *i+;
ll b = a + ;
ll c = a + ;
ll d = a + ;
ans1 += powl(16,k)/a;
ans2 += powl(16,k)/b;
ans3 += powl(16,k)/c;
ans4 += powl(16,k)/d;
ans += 4.0*powl(16.0,(ld)k)/a-2.0*powl(16.0,(ld)k)/b-1.0*powl(16.0,(ld)k)/c-1.0*powl(16.0,(ld)k)/d;
//ld ans = 4*ans1 - (2*ans2 + ans3 + ans4);
ans -= (ll)ans;
ans = ans < ? ans+ : ans;
return ((ll)(ans*))%;
} //这题推荐用scanf和printf
int main()
int T;
//scanf("%d", T);
cin >> T;
for(re int i = ; i <= T; ++i)
int n;
//scanf("%d", &n);
cin >> n;
ll ans = BBP(n);
cout << "Case #" << dec << i << ": " << dec << n << " ";
cout << setiosflags(ios::uppercase) << hex << ans << endl;
//printf("Case #%d: %d %c\n", i, n, out(ans));
return ;
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