数据恢复方法--linux ubuntu--ddrescue
ubuntu live cd版:就是可以直接光盘启动的ubuntu系统。Mr. Hou先让我下载这种ubuntu live cd, 下载地址:
step 1: Creating an image from a failing disk
- d tells ddrescue to use direct disk access and ignore the kernel’s cache
- -r3 tells ddrescue to retry bad sectors 3 times before giving up. Note: On a failing drive you may want to eliminate this option the first time so as to not waste time hammering on bad sectors and risking drive failure. You can always use the logfile to go back and retry the bad sectors after you get an image from the first sweep.
- /dev/sda is the drive we are rescuing…the whole disk. Naturally, if you just wanted a specific partition, you would use something like /dev/sda1 instead.
- test.img is the name of the image file
- test.logfile is the name of the logfile. Always use a logfile. This allows you to resume an interrupted image at the point you left off, or to retry bad sectors after an initial pass. Without a logfile, you will have to start over again!
This process will take a good while. It’s not uncommon for a large drive with lots of damage to take days to complete.
step 3: Working with the image files(将step1中生成的image file恢复数据)
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