


1. 已经知道原表
year salary
2000 1000
2001 2000
2002 3000
2003 4000
year salary
2000 1000
2001 3000
2002 6000
2003 10000


create table #salary(years int ,salary int )
insert into #salary values
(2000, 1000),
(2001, 2000),
(2002, 3000),
(2003, 4000)

select b.years,SUM(a.salary)
from #salary a,#salary b
where a.years<=b.years
group by b.years
order by b.years



s1.years as years,
(select sum(s2.salary) from #salary s2 where s2.years<=s1.years) as salary
from #salary s1


2. 现在我们假设只有一个table,名为pages,有四个字段,id, url,title,body。里面储存了很多网页,网页的url地址,title和网页的内容,然后你用一个sql查询将url匹配的排在最前, title匹配的其次,body匹配最后,没有任何字段匹配的,不返回。

思路:做过模糊搜索对这个应该很熟悉的,可以使用union all依次向一个临时表中添加记录。这里使用order by和charindex来是实现,代码如下:

create table #page(id int, url varchar(100),title varchar(100), body varchar(100))
insert into #page values

select *
from #page
where url like '%e%' or title like '%e%' or body like '%e%'
order by
case when (charindex('e', url)>0) then 1 else 0 end desc,
case when (charindex('e', title)>0) then 1 else 0 end desc,
case when (charindex('e', body)>0) then 1 else 0 end desc




select a.[id],sum(a.mark) as summark  from
select #page.*,10 as mark from #page where #page.[url] like '%b%'
select #page.*,5 as mark from #page where #page.[title] like '%b%'
select #page.*,1 as mark from #page where #page.[body] like '%b%'
) as a group by id order by summark desc


3. 表内容:
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-10 胜
2005-05-10 负
2005-05-10 负

如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?

2005-05-09  2    2
2005-05-10  1    2

思路:首先要有group by 时间,然后是使用sum统计胜负的个数。代码如下:

create table #scores(dates varchar(10),score varchar(2))
insert into #scores values
('2005-05-09', '胜'),
('2005-05-09', '胜'),
('2005-05-09', '负'),
('2005-05-09', '负'),
('2005-05-10', '胜'),
('2005-05-10', '负'),
('2005-05-10', '负')

select a.dates as [比赛时间],
SUM(case a.score when '胜' then 1 else 0 end) as [胜],
SUM(case a.score when '负' then 1 else 0 end) as [负]
from #scores a
group by a.dates



t1.dates as [比赛时间],
t1.score as [胜],
t2.score as [负]
(select a.dates as dates, COUNT(1) as score from #scores a where a.score='胜' group by a.dates) t1 inner join
(select a.dates as dates, COUNT(1) as score from #scores a where a.score='负' group by a.dates) t2 on t1.dates=t2.dates



4. 表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列


create table #table3(A int, B int ,C int)
insert into #table3 values

case when A>B then A else B end as AB,
case when B>C then B else C end as BC
from #table3



5. 请用一个sql语句得出结果



月份          部门业绩

一月份      01      10

一月份      02      10

一月份      03      5

二月份      02      8

二月份      04      9

三月份      03      8


部门     部门名称

01      国内业务一部

02      国内业务二部

03      国内业务三部

04      国际业务部

table3 (result)

部门部门名称  一月份      二月份      三月份

01  国内业务一部    10        null      null

02   国内业务二部   10         8        null

03   国内业务三部   null       5        8

04   国际业务部   null      null      9


create table #table4([月份] varchar(10),[部门] varchar(10),[业绩] int)
insert into #table4 values

create table #table5([部门] varchar(10),[部门名称] varchar(50))
insert into #table5 values

select [部门],[部门名称],[一月份],[二月份],[三月份]
from(select a.[月份] ,a.[部门] as [部门],b.[部门名称],a.[业绩] from #table4 a join #table5 b on a.[部门]=b.[部门] ) sod
pivot(min(sod.[业绩]) for sod.[月份] in([一月份],[二月份],[三月份])) pvt
order by [部门]




select a.[部门] ,b.[部门名称],
SUM(case when a.月份='一月份' then a.[业绩] else 0 end) as [一月份],
SUM(case when a.月份='二月份' then a.[业绩] else 0 end) as [二月份],
SUM(case when a.月份='三月份' then a.[业绩] else 0 end) as [三月份]
from #table4 a inner join #table5 b on a.[部门] =b.[部门]group by a.[部门],b.[部门名称]

6. 表结构以及数据如下:


(ID int, 日期 varchar(11), 单据 char(3))

INSERT INTO 表 (ID , 日期 , 单据 ) VALUES ( 1 , '2004-08-02' , '001' );

INSERT INTO 表 (ID , 日期 , 单据 ) VALUES ( 2 , '2004-09-02' , '001' );

INSERT INTO 表 (ID , 日期 , 单据 ) VALUES ( 3 , '2004-10-02' , '002' );

INSERT INTO 表 (ID , 日期 , 单据 ) VALUES ( 4 , '2004-09-02' , '002' );


ID 日期      单据

1 2004-08-02 001

4 2004-09-02 002


create table #table6 
(id int, 日期varchar(11), 单据char(3))
insert into #table6 (id , 日期, 单据) values ( 1 , '2004-08-02' , '' );
insert into #table6 (id , 日期, 单据) values ( 2 , '2004-09-02' , '' );
insert into #table6 (id , 日期, 单据) values ( 3 , '2004-10-02' , '' );
insert into #table6 (id , 日期, 单据) values ( 4 , '2004-09-02' , '' );

select * from #table6 a
where a.[日期] = (select MIN(b.[日期]) from #table6 b where b.[单据] =a.[单据] )


select a.*
from #table6 a join
(select b.[单据] , MIN(b.[日期]) as [日期] from #table6 b group by b.[单据]) c
on a.[日期] = c.[日期] and a.[单据] = c.[单据]

注意最后on条件必须是a.[日期] = c.[日期] and a.[单据] = c.[单据],因为c表只是找出来两组符合条件的数据,如果只是a.[日期] = c.[日期]的话会找出多条不符合要求的数据。


select a.*
from #table6 a ,
(select b.[单据] , MIN(b.[日期]) as [日期] from #table6 b group by b.[单据]) c
where a.[日期] = c.[日期] and a.[单据] = c.[单据]


select * from #table6 a
where not exists
(select 1 from #table6 where [单据]=a.[单据] and a.[日期]>[日期])

注意not exists查询筛选得到时间最小的那条记录,注意这里不能使用exists,exists会得到多条。可以理解为a中的日期不会大于子查询中所有日期,就是那个最小的日期。还有去掉[单据]=a.[单据],也会得到更多的数据,这个和普通的情况刚好相反。因为加上这个条件整个子查询会得到更多的数据,否则只保留a.[日期]>[日期]只会得到一条数据。


7. 已知下面的表

id  strvalue type

1    how      1

2    are      1

3    you      1

4    fine     2

5    thank    2

6    you      2


#how are you#fine thank you#

思路:这个和上一篇中的最后一题很相似,也是连接有相同字段的字符,上回使用游标实现的,这次用for xml来实现,代码如下:

create table #table7(id int,strvalue varchar(20),typ int)
insert into #table7 values
select * from #table7

(select '#'+replace(replace((select strvalue from #table7 t where typ = 1 for xml auto),'<t strvalue="',''),'"/>', '')+'#')
(select replace(replace((select strvalue from #table7 t where typ = 2 for xml auto),'<t strvalue="',''),'"/>', '')+'#')


select '#'+
ltrim((select ''+a.strvalue from #table7 a where a.typ=1 for xml path('')))+'#'+
ltrim((select ''+a.strvalue from #table7 a where a.typ=2 for xml path('')))+'#'


declare @value varchar(1000)='#'
select @value=''+@value+ a.strvalue+'' from #table7 a where a.typ=1
select @value=@value+'#'
select @value= @value+ a.strvalue+'' from #table7 a where a.typ=2
select @value=@value+'#'
print @value

for xml是好东西啊,是解决这类字符连接问题的利刃


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