
能够做的事情有非常多,如:当前哪个用户在做什么操作,在运行什么sql, 又如一个比較大的逻辑中要分别运行非常多存储过程,



SQL Server 得到SPID,唯一的sessionID:


曾经我一直不知道,近期又装了SQLServer2014,发现每开一个Query 界面就有一个ID出来。我就特别想知道怎么取sessionID.


create PROC [dbo].[dba_WhatSQLIsExecuting]



-- Do not lock anything, and do not get held up by any locks.


-- What SQL Statements Are Currently Running?

SELECT [Spid] = session_Id

, ecid

, [Database] = DB_NAME(sp.dbid)

, [User] = nt_username

, [Status] = er.status

, [Wait] = wait_type

, [Individual Query] = SUBSTRING (qt.text,


(CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1


ELSE er.statement_end_offset END -


,[Parent Query] = qt.text

, Program = program_name

, Hostname

, nt_domain

, start_time

FROM sys.dm_exec_requests er

INNER JOIN sys.sysprocesses sp ON er.session_id = sp.spid

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle)as qt

WHERE session_Id > 50 -- Ignore system spids.

AND session_Id NOT IN (@@SPID) -- Ignore this current statement.

--and DB_NAME(sp.dbid)='RangeCheckTool'





Identify last statement run for a specific SQL Server session


I was reading a recent blog post from Pinal Dave, SQL Server MVP, regarding returning
information on the latest query executed for a given session
.  He offered up a couple options to return the last query statement executed, settling upon querying the sys.sysprocesses system compatibility view, but another way that this can be done is through
the Dynamic Management Views and Functions.  The process for doing so is quite straight-forward and works in all versions of Microsoft SQL Server since DMOs (dynamic management objects) were integrated into SQL Server.


Before proceeding we should take a second to explain what a session is.  In Microsoft SQL Server, a session is synonymous with a user process.  Previous to SQL 2005 sessions were referred to - and identified solely - as SPIDs (short for session
id).  A SPID uniquely identifies a session and a SPID is unique across the SQL Server instance.  In an attempt to conform SQL Server object identifiers to be more user-friendly and to standardize a naming convention across all system objects, sessions are
now identified across the DMO and system catalog views as session_id.  You'll see similar changes between previous versions of SQL Server and current versions where all object identifiers are concerned.

You can use the @@spid() system function to return the session_id of the current session as follows:


For my test I get session_id = 52.

So, now that we've identified what session_id uniquely identifies the session I'm using during this demonstration, I'll do a simple query against the Northwind database.

SELECT C.[CompanyName]  

FROM [Northwind].dbo.[Customers] C  

WHERE C.[City] = 'Berlin'  

ORDER BY [C].[CompanyName]

At this point I'll now open up a separate query window in SQL Server Management Studio.  If I now execute the first query above you'll see that this registers as a new session on the
SQL Server instance:


For my test I get session_id = 53

Now I can utilize the sys.dm_exec_connections Dynamic Management View, in conjunction
with thesys.dm_exec_sql_text Dynamic Management Function to return the last query statement executed against the SQL Server instance on a selected session. 
In all truth, you can return the last query executed on all sessions, but for the sake of this discussion we're limiting the results based upon the session_id (52) we've identified above.  I'll present the query, then we can examine in detail what it provides
for us.


FROM sys.[dm_exec_connections] SDEC 

 CROSS APPLY sys.[dm_exec_sql_text](SDEC.[most_recent_sql_handle]) AS DEST 

WHERE SDEC.[most_recent_session_id] = 52 

The output for this query shows the statement that was run for session_id 52.

So what just happened?  Simply-put, we returned the results from the sys.dm_exec_connections DMV, limiting the results by the session_id (52) we identified above.  We, submitted the value
contained in the most_recent_sql_handle column of this DMV to the sys.dm_exec_sql_text Dynamic Management Function.  That function then returned as text, the value of the sql_handle we passed to it.

So what is a sql_handle?  Think of a sql_handle as a unique identifier for a query that is unique across the entire SQL Server instance.  Just as a session_id uniquely identifies a session,
so does a sql_handle identify a query.  The actual value of the sql_handle column is very cryptic.  The value for the most_recent_sql_handle in this example is shown below:

SELECT SDEC.[most_recent_sql_handle], DEST.[text]  

FROM sys.[dm_exec_connections] SDEC 

 CROSS APPLY sys.[dm_exec_sql_text](SDEC.[most_recent_sql_handle]) AS DEST 

WHERE SDEC.[most_recent_session_id] = 52 

Here we can see the value of the sql_handle and the text translation.

The handle itself does not really do much for us without the function call that rationalizes it into the original query text.  As you can see though, this very simple query does provide
us with yet another option for returning information on what users are (or have been) doing on the SQL Server instances we support.

Next Steps

  • The Dynamic Management Objects have so much to offer the DBA.  Check out other tips on DMOs from MSSQLTips.com.
  • Read more tips by the author here.
  • Still interested in information on sysprocesses, whether as a system table (pre-SQL 2005) or system view?  Here are some tips that
    meet your needs.

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