Unofficial Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP (sqlsrv)非官方的PHP SQL Server 驱动
原文 Unofficial Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP (sqlsrv)
Here are unofficial modified builds of Microsoft's sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv drivers for PHP, version 3.0, for:
- PHP 5.6 for Windows Vista/2008 and above (32 and 64 bit)
- PHP 5.5 for Windows Vista/2008 and above (32 and 64 bit)
- PHP 5.3 and 5.4 for Windows XP/2003 and above (32 bit)
version 3.0 driver does not run on XP/2003 because it has a hard-coded
dependency on the SQL Server 2012 Native Client (ODBC driver), which
will not install on XP. To fix the problem I just had to allow the PHP
driver to use an older version of the ODBC driver supported by XP.
- php_sqlsrv_3.0.2.2 for PHP 5.6, 5.5, 5.4 and 5.3 (19 June 2014, PHP 5.6 added 30 August 2014)
64 bit builds are in the zip folder 'x64'.
- Previous versions are in a folder on my OneDrive: Previous Versions
The latest drivers are exactly the same as Microsoft's, except:
- All known memory leak and memory exception bugs have been fixed *
- Column names can contain unicode characters
- The newest of any of these ODBC drivers is selected, depending on what's installed:
- SQL Server Native Client 12.0 (hasn't been invented as of June 2014!)
- SQL Server Native Client 11.0 (SQL Server 2012 ODBC driver)
- SQL Server Native Client 10.0 (SQL Server 2008/r2 ODBC driver)
- SQL Native Client (SQL Server 2005 ODBC driver)
- 64 bit versions included for PHP 5.5 and 5.6
Builds for PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 work on XP and above.
Builds for PHP 5.5+ only work on Windows Vista/2008 and above - PHP 5.5+
is built with the 2012 Visual C++ 11 compiler and it generates code
that works on Windows Vista and above. I am comfortable with that - XP
has been superseded a long time ago, Windows 8.1 is absolutely great,
and don't forget that upgrading Windows also upgrades to a far better
web server in IIS 7.5 or 8.5.
It's never a good idea to look at the source code of things you like -
since I had to look, my new list of things to do includes writing a new
version of this driver. It is a wrapper around the ODBC API, and has no
business making strict dependencies on any version of the SQL Server
Native Client. It should even work with SQL Server 6, because there is
an ODBC driver for that too. Furthermore, it's a pretty ugly bit of
code and every update is likely to introduce new bugs. It's still a
better choice than using the PHP ODBC driver, as it's much faster in
returning data, it is multilingual (nchar and nvarchar), it supports the
majority of data types, and includes parameters.
* Sqlsrv changes
The sqlsrv driver has a fix to a bug found by Charles Durrant (
which I too recently experienced when running PHP-32 on a 64 bit
server. I noted Charles's post when he first reported the bug, but
tried my best to avoid working on the source code until I had to...
Charles saved me a huge amount of time, so thank you to him. My fix is
different, I have repaired all of Microsoft's dodgy auto pointers and
completely rewritten the horrible function that caused the crash. If
anyone uses these new builds and spots memory leaks or bugs due to these
changes, please let me know and I'll fix them within a day or two.
Microsoft's official downloads are here:
SQL Server Native Clients are here:
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