
#ifndef __NORFLASH_H_

#define __NORFLASH_H_

#include "common.h"

#include "delay.h"

#include "debugserial.h"

#define NOR_FLASH_BASE      0x80000000

#define NOR_FLASH_SIZE      0x00100000

#define GET_ADDR(addr)  (volatile uint16_t *)(NOR_FLASH_BASE | (addr<<1))

#define SECTOR_SIZE     0x800   /* Must be 2048 words for 39VF160 */

#define BLOCK_SIZE      0x8000  /* Must be 32K words for 39VF160  */

#define SST_ID          0xBF    /* SST Manufacturer's ID code   */

#define SST_39VF160     0x235D  /* SST 39VF160 device code      */

#define PROGRAM_TIMEOUT 0x00008000

//norflash 初始化必须在sram初始化之前

void norflash_init(void);

void norflash_erase(void);

u32 norflash_check_id(void);

u32 norflash_write_word(u32 add, u16 data);

u32 norflash_toggle_bit_check(u32 addr,u16 data);


#include "norflash.h"

static void norflash_io_init(void)



/* init EMC_A1 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_1 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A2 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_2 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A3 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_3 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A4 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_4 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A5 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_5 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A6 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_6 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A7 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_7 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A8 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_8 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A9 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_9 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A10 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_10 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A11 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_11 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A12 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_12 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A13 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_13 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A14 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_14 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A15 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_15 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A16 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_16 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A17 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_17 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A18 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_18 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A19 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_19 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A20 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_20 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A21 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_21 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_A22 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_22 = 0x21;


/* init EMC_D0 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_0 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D1 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_1 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D2 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_2 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D3 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_3 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D4 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_4 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D5 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_5 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D6 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_6 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D7 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_7 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D8 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_8 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D9 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_9 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D10 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_10 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D11 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_11 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D12 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_12 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D13 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_13 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D14 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_14 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_D15 */

LPC_IOCON->P3_15 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_WE */

LPC_IOCON->P4_25 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_oe */

LPC_IOCON->P4_24 = 0x21;

/* init EMC_cs0 */

LPC_IOCON->P4_30 = 0x21;


void norflash_init(void)


LPC_SC->SCS |= (1<<0);//emc地址不移位


LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1<<15)|(1<<11);//打开时钟

LPC_SC->EMCDLYCTL = 0x00001010;//延时时间初始化

LPC_EMC->Control  = 0x00000001;//emc使能

LPC_EMC->Config  = 0x00000000;//emc配置清零,小端模式



LPC_EMC->StaticConfig0 &= ~(3<<0);  //

LPC_EMC->StaticConfig0 |= (1<<0);   //设置总线宽度16位

LPC_EMC->StaticConfig0 |= (1<<7);   //设置读写有效电平,读为低电平

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitWen0 &= ~(7<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitWen0 |= (2<<0);//设置片选到写使能的延时时间

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitOen0 &= ~(7<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitOen0 |= (2<<0);//设置片选到输出使能的延时

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitWr0 &= ~(0x1f<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitWr0 |= (0x1f<<0);//设置片选到写入的延时

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitPage0 &= ~(0x1f<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitPage0 |= (0x1f<<0);//设置读模式顺序存取延时

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitRd0 &= ~(0x1f<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitRd0 |= (0x1f<<0);//设置片选到读取的延时

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitTurn0 &= ~(0x1f<<0);

LPC_EMC->StaticWaitTurn0 |= (0x1f<<0);//设置总线周转周期



void norflash_erase(void)


volatile uint16_t *ip;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00AA;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x2AAA);

*ip = 0x0055;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x0080;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00AA;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x2AAA);

*ip = 0x0055;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x0010;

DelayMs(10);                /* Use timer 1 */



//检查nand id

u32 norflash_check_id(void)


volatile uint16_t *ip;

uint16_t SST_id1, SST_id2;

/*  Issue the Software Product ID code to 39VF160   */

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00AA;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x2AAA);

*ip = 0x0055;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x0090;


/* Read the product ID from 39VF160 */

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x0000);

SST_id1 = *ip & 0x00FF;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x0001);

SST_id2 = *ip;

/* Issue the Soffware Product ID Exit code thus returning the 39VF160 */

/* to the read operating mode */

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00AA;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x2AAA);

*ip = 0x0055;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00F0;


/* Check ID */

if ((SST_id1 == SST_ID) && (SST_id2 ==SST_39VF160))


return( 0 );




printf("SST_id1 = %x \r\n",SST_id1);

printf("SST_id2 = %x \r\n",SST_id2);

return( 1 );




u32 norflash_write_word(u32 add, u16 data)


volatile uint16_t *ip;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00AA;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x2aaa);

*ip = 0x0055;

ip  = GET_ADDR(0x5555);

*ip = 0x00A0;

ip = GET_ADDR(add);       /* Program 16-bit word */

*ip = data;

return ( norflash_toggle_bit_check( add, data ) );



u32 norflash_toggle_bit_check(u32 addr,u16 data)


volatile u16 *ip;

u16 temp1, temp2;


while( TimeOut > 0 )


ip = GET_ADDR(addr);

temp1 = *ip;

ip = GET_ADDR(addr);

temp2 = *ip;

if ( (temp1 == temp2) && (temp1 == data) )


return( 0 );




printf("temp1 = %x \r\n",temp1);

printf("temp2 = %x \r\n",temp2);

return ( 1 );



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