Application Design Concepts and Principles

  • Identify the effects of an object-oriented approach to system design including the effect of encapsulation, inheritance, and use of interfaces.
  • Identify how the Separation of Concerns principle applies to the component model of a Java EE application; including client, the web and business component containers,  and the integration and resource layers.
  • Identify the correct interpretation of Separation of Concerns as it applies to the Java EE service layers, including component APIs, run-time containers, the operating system, and hardware resources.
  • Identify non-functional and quality-of-service requirements that influence application design, including trade-offs in performance, availability, and serviceability.

Common Architectures

  • Identify the appropriate strategy for deploying client applications to desktop and mobile platforms, the principles for designing a user interface and the benefits of applying client-tier patterns.
  • Identify best practices for exception handling, logging, and business tier patterns.
  • Identify design patterns that address specific challenges in the web tier, including authentication, authorization, and scaling and clustering to meet demand.
  • Identify Java EE technologies, including JMS, JCA and Web Services, and design patterns that address specific challenges in enterprise integration.
  • Identify the challenges in integrating enterprise resources, the Java EE technologies that address them (including JPA and JDBC), and the communication protocols that support tier-to-tier communication (including RMI, IIOP, and CORBA).

Integration and Messaging

  • Identify the APIs available for a Java EE technology-based system to communicating with external resources, including JPA, JDBC, RMI, Web Services, JMS, and JCA. Outline the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.
  • Describe the technologies used to integrate business components with Web Services, including XML over HTTP, JSON, SOAP and REST.
  • Identify and detail the technologies used to integrate business components with external resources, including JMS and JCA.
  • Identify how a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) facilitates system integration and best practices.

Business Tier Technologies

  • Identify the correct EJB technology to apply for a given scenario, including entity classes, session beans, message-driven beans, timers, interceptors, and POJOs.
  • Identify benefits and drawbacks of different persistence technologies such as BMP, CMP, and JPA, including ease of development, performance, scalability, extensibility, and security.
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of implementing Web Services in the EJB component container.
  • Select the appropriate use of JPA and JPQL in a given scenario.

Web Tier Technologies

  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of using URL rewriting and cookies to manage HTTP session state.
  • Identify appropriate uses for JSP and Servlet technology, and JavaServer Faces in a given Java EE application.
  • Identify the benefits of using an EJB container with a web container instead of a web container alone.
  • Identify the differences between client pull and server push architectures.
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of using a browser to access asynchronous, lightweight processes on the server.

Design Patterns

  • Demonstrate knowledge of Java EE design patterns including: Service Starter, Singleton, Bean Locator, Resource Binder, Dependency Injection, Payload Extractor, Context Holder, and Thread Tracker.
  • Select an appropriate pattern for a given application challenge from the following: Facade, Strategy, Observer, Composite, and Abstract Factory.
  • Identify a design pattern, using a description of its features, from the following:  Facade, Strategy, Observer, Composite, and Abstract Factory.
  • Identify the use of the law of leaky abstractions or a specific anti-pattern in a given scenario.


  • Identify elements of the security model in the Java SE environment for remote clients, including Web Start, applets and the role of the SecurityManager class.
  • Select appropriate locations to implement Java EE security technologies or features in a UML component and deployment diagram.
  • Classify security threats to an enterprise application select measures an architect can propose to mitigate them.
  • Identify techniques associated with declarative and programmatic security, including the use of annotations, deployment descriptors, and JAAS technology.
  • Identify the security technologies  that apply to an application’s code, messaging and transport layers

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